Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1008 Chapter 37 The Mask of the Leprosy King

"Steven, who's helmet and mask are these? Compared with those Templar helmets before, this helmet and mask look more refined, but also very weird!"

David asked, pointing to the helmet and mask on the stone platform in front of him, his eyes full of curiosity.

The Bishop of Kent standing next to him was the same, looking at the helmet and mask in front of him, he was also confused.

At this time, the three of them were standing in front of a stone platform about 1.23 meters high in the center of the hall, looking at the things placed on the stone platform.

There are three things on the stone platform, a medieval-style knight helmet, a metal mask, and a metal box about 1.5 meters long and 1 meter wide, lying on the stone platform.

The helmet and the mask are placed on the box on the left and the right. The moss and dust that were originally attached to the two antiques have been gently wiped off by Ye Tian with a soft cloth, revealing the true colors of the two antique cultural relics.

As for the metal box below, it still maintains its previous appearance for the time being. It is covered with a thick layer of moss and dust, so it is not clear what it looks like.

Different from the helmets of the previous Templars, although the helmet and mask in front of him had been sleeping here for more than seven hundred years, there was no trace of rust on them, only a little black, and looked smudged.

It is a unique phenomenon of metal oxidation, which can be easily washed off, allowing it to completely restore its original appearance and regain its dazzling light.

On the top of the helmet, there is a base that protrudes upwards. There is a round hole in the center of the base that is as thick as a thumb. It should be a device for inserting ornaments, such as crosses, red tassels, caragana feathers, and so on.

In the middle of the forehead of this helmet, there is a small cross engraved, which is different from the Malta cross of the Knights Templar, and is the most orthodox cross.

This metal helmet does not have a protective face shield, but the wrapping performance is very good, it can perfectly protect the user's head, and the protection of the neck and ears is also excellent.

Although this all-metal helmet has no visor, it happens to be a complete set of medieval knight's helmet when combined with the metal visor placed next to it.

Like the helmet, the surface of the metal mask next to it is also a little black, which is also the result of metal oxidation, and it is not difficult to clean.

However, the shape of this mask looks quite strange, or weird, which is what makes David and Bishop of Kent feel curious and puzzled.

There is not much decoration on the surface of the mask.

There are two oval-shaped holes in the eyes, and the nose protrudes upwards, which is exactly the same as a human nose, but there are only a few small holes in the mouth for the user to breathe!

I don't know whether it was deliberate or limited by the craftsmanship, but the mask left dense forging marks. At first glance, it looks like it is covered with pockmarks, which gives people a very strange feeling.

The same is true for the neck guard of the all-metal helmet, which is also densely covered with forging marks, or pockmarks, which seems more appropriate.

Ye Tian didn't immediately respond to David's inquiry.

He picked up the metal helmet and mask on the stone platform one by one, carefully observed them over and over again, pondered for a moment, and then said excitedly:

"I know whose helmet and mask these are, and judging from the age and characteristics of the two antiques, they probably belonged to the king of Jerusalem, the famous leper king Baldwin IV.

Because of his leprosy, Baldwin IV reigned for a very short time. He became the king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem at the age of thirteen. He was killed by leprosy at the age of twenty-four and died young!

But in Western history, Baldwin IV is well-known, he can be regarded as a famous hero, and he is also one of the few legendary kings in the history of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, with outstanding military talents! "

Before the words were finished, David and the Bishop of Kent had already exclaimed in a low voice.

"Wow! These are actually the helmet and mask of the leper king Baldwin IV. They must be priceless top-level antique relics, and their value will definitely not be lower than that of Hugo de Paying's knight equipment.

We have heard countless legends about this leprosy king since childhood, and there are countless various film and television dramas. In the entire Western world, his name and image are almost household names! "

"Didn't Baldwin IV die in Jerusalem in 1185 because of the worsening of leprosy? With his status as king and leprosy that everyone fears, how could his weapons and equipment appear here?"

Ye Tian looked at the two guys beside him, then smiled and explained:

"Of course I have my own reasons for making such a judgment. First of all, the age of these two antique cultural relics is determined. They are from the middle and late twelfth century. I am very sure of this, and it is absolutely impossible to misread it.

Let’s talk about the famous leprosy king Baldwin IV. He was diagnosed with leprosy when he became the king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem at the age of thirteen, and Baldwin IV never shy away from it.

Perhaps because of the rebellious psychology of young people, he not only did not shy away from leprosy, which was feared by everyone at the time, but even made all the masks he wore every day to look like leprosy patients.

Now it seems that this legend is not groundless. The all-metal helmet and leprosy-style metal mask in front of him are a perfect proof of this legend. Baldwin IV did exactly that.

Except for Baldwin IV, I have never heard of any king or knight in the Middle Ages who made his own mask into a leprosy style. Even if someone followed suit, their relics are not eligible to be placed here.”

Hearing this, David and the Bishop of Kent couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"That's right! There are indeed such legends, and there are written records in the relevant books of the Vatican. Baldwin IV indeed made his mask in the style of leprosy, and this is the only one, there is no semicolon!"

The Bishop of Kent continued, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian's analysis very much.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"During the Middle Ages, due to the backwardness of medical methods, coupled with long-term expeditions and lack of personal hygiene, among the Crusader knights, there were many knights suffering from leprosy, and the Knights Templar was no exception.

In addition, we can also infer from the relationship between Baldwin IV and the Knights Templar. Although Baldwin IV suffered from leprosy and had a short reign, he enjoyed high prestige among the Crusaders.

As we all know, in the Battle of Mongiza in 1177, Baldwin IV, who was only 16 years old, took the lead, leading less than 500 knights and less than 3,000 infantry, and defeated Saladin's army in one fell swoop.

In that famous battle, Saladin's most elite Mamluk cavalry was almost wiped out, and the number of casualties reached 20,000. When Saladin fled back to Egypt in embarrassment, the remaining soldiers were less than one-tenth of the number at the time of departure. one.

At that time, most of the knights who charged with Baldwin IV were members of the Knights Templar stationed in the Holy Land. It was this battle that Baldwin IV established a high prestige among all the Crusader knights.

According to legend, when the group charge was ordered, the 16-year-old Leper King Baldwin IV took the lead and rushed to the front of the team. The "True Cross" next to him radiated as bright as the sun.

But this is just a legend, and the credibility is somewhat discounted, but it can be seen from this that through this battle, the Knights Templar and the Leper King Baldwin IV forged a deep fighting friendship. There is no doubt about it!

In 1185, Baldwin IV died in Jerusalem because of the worsening of his leprosy. He died young. Only two years after his death, that is, in 1187, Saladin's army made a comeback and conquered Jerusalem in one fell swoop.

Next, the Knights Templar, who suffered heavy losses, retreated to Cyprus for the first time. During the retreat, out of respect and to avoid Saladin's revenge, it is entirely possible that they would bring the relics of Baldwin IV.

From this point of view, it is very reasonable for the helmet and leprosy mask to appear here, and only the relics of Baldwin IV can be placed in the center of this hall by the Knights Templar.

After analyzing the relationship between Baldwin IV and the Knights Templar, let's take a look at these two antique relics themselves. Judging from the current preservation situation, they are likely to be made of silver alloy.

In the mid-to-late twelfth century, those who were qualified to use this alloy must have had extraordinary power and status, and even the previous chiefs and inspectors of the Knights Templar did not seem to have such qualifications.”

David and the Bishop of Kent nodded again in unison without any disagreement.

At this time, the two of them had no doubts about the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian.

There is no doubt that this all-metal helmet and this rare leprosy-style mask are the relics of the leper king Baldwin IV. They are undoubted top-level antiques with inestimable value!

After appraising the full metal helmet and leprosy mask, Ye Tian pointed to the metal box below.

"Since this all-metal helmet and mask are the relics of Baldwin IV, it is basically certain that the things contained in the metal box below must also be the relics of Baldwin IV.

Baldwin IV is the king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, so I boldly speculate that there may be Baldwin IV's sword and even the crown, which are truly priceless treasures! "

Before the words fell, the Bishop of Kent had already exploded.

"What? The crown of Baldwin IV, that is one of the most famous treasures in the treasures of the Knights Templar, and one of the holy objects of Christianity. If there is such a crown in this box, it will be perfect!"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the Vatican bishop who was so excited that he lost his composure, then smiled and said:

"Whether Baldwin IV's crown is in this box, you can know the result by opening this box. I believe that miracles will happen!"

Saying that, Ye Tian had already picked up the all-metal helmet and handed it to David, and then handed the leprosy mask to the Bishop of Kent, and he was about to open the metal box!

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