Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1838 King's Equipment

Ye Tian took out the soft cloth used before again, and gently wiped off the thick layer of moss and dust on the top of the box, revealing the box covered underneath.

This is a copper box. Under the erosion of long years, and in such a humid and cold environment, it has long been rusted and lost its former appearance.

Next, Ye Tian wiped off the moss and dust from the rest of the box.

What is presented in front of everyone is a rusty copper box, which has a sense of history!

The various decorations, inscriptions, and engraved patterns that may exist on the box are completely covered by layers of copper rust, and nothing can be seen!

If you want to see these contents and understand the value of this box, you can only find out by thoroughly cleaning off the copper rust attached to it!

Where the metal helmet of the leper king Baldwin IV, and the leper mask, had previously been placed, the rust was less severe, but it was also covered with a layer of patina.

In front of this copper box, hung a medieval-style silver lock, with a black exterior, a cross engraved on it, and some exquisite patterns. It was the only thing on the box that was not rusted.

Seeing this silver lock, Ye Tian didn't open it immediately, but bowed his head to appreciate it.

The same is true for David and the Bishop of Kent who were standing next to them. They both lowered their heads and admired this antique cultural relic from the Middle Ages with great interest.

"Steven, this lock looks pretty good, and it should be considered an antique relic. If possible, it's best not to damage this lock when opening this box."

The Bishop of Kent whispered, his eyes shining brightly.

Although he didn't know how much this medieval lock was worth, he did know that the crown of Baldwin IV, that Christian holy relic, might be stored in this box!

This reason is enough!

If the Christian holy relic is really in this box, then everything inside and outside the box will be worth double, and will be endowed with a special meaning!

Because of this, he paid special attention to this silver lock.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the Bishop of Kent, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Of course,

Bishop of Kent, even if there is no crown of Baldwin IV in this box, and this silver lock has nothing to do with that Christian relic, I will not easily destroy this silver lock.

Just based on its relationship with the leprosy king Baldwin IV, as well as its long history and exquisite craftsmanship, this is also a valuable antique relic, worth at least half a million dollars.

But there is a premise here. Its interior is made of sterling silver like the surface, and it has not rusted. I can open it smoothly, so that it does not need to be damaged, which is naturally the best.

It would be a great pity if it were thoroughly rusted on the inside, and I shall have to cut off the lock, which is nothing compared with what is stored in this chest! "

Hearing this, the Bishop of Kent and David both nodded slightly, and there was no disagreement.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already taken his backpack, and took out a delicate leather pouch from it. It was a set of special lock-picking tools, extremely exquisite.

When he took out two shiny alloy picks from the tool bag, stuffed the two picks one by one into the keyhole of the silver lock, and began to flip gently.

The bishop of Kent's eyes suddenly widened like cowbells, and he was completely dumbfounded!

"It seems that good luck has always been with me. I am very lucky. This silver lock is made of sterling silver. There is no rust inside, only very jerky. It is not difficult to open it!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, with a bit of complacency in his tone, not without the intention of showing off.

Before he finished speaking, his performance was over.


With a crisp sound, the exquisite silver lock made in the Middle Ages was finally opened again today after more than seven hundred years.

"My God! How is this possible? It didn't even take ten seconds, it's too fast, Steven, how did you do it? It's amazing, it's incredible!"

The Bishop of Kent exclaimed in a low voice, his eyes almost flew out of their sockets.

In contrast, David's performance was much calmer, as if he had already expected this result, and it was not worth making a fuss about.

"Hahaha, Bishop of Kent, don't be surprised, Steven is a magical guy, he can always create incredible miracles, which are jaw-dropping.

It was not difficult for him to open the silver lock in front of him. I have seen with my own eyes that he easily opened an old safe with two metal picks and a stethoscope! "

David said with a light smile, introducing Ye Tian's previous brilliant achievements.

The Bishop of Kent looked at Ye Tian again, at the silver lock that had been opened, his eyes were still full of disbelief, and his eyes were also full of fear.

"I'm going! This guy Steven is a snitch! And he's the top one, is there anything he can't do? Is there anything else that can stop him? It's really scary !"

While being filled with emotion, the Bishop of Kent also secretly reminded himself that he must not stand on the opposite side of this guy in front of him or become his enemy.

With this guy's ruthless means and omnipotent ability, becoming his enemy is definitely a nightmare from which he will never wake up, and he doesn't even know how he died!

After opening the silver lock on the box, Ye Tian held the lock body and twisted it a few times, then took off the medieval lock and handed it to David next to him.

However, he did not immediately open the rusty copper box, but asked David and the Bishop of Kent to step back a little for safety.

In fact, whether there are traps in that box or whether there is any danger, he is as clear as a mirror in his heart. This action is just a performance, just to make everything look more reasonable and realistic.

After David and the others backed away, Ye Tian started to act!

He picked up a crowbar from the tool box next to him, then stood on the side of the stone platform, pressed the top of the rusty box with one hand, and held the crowbar in the other, starting from the padlock on the box, and began to pry the box .

In the blink of an eye, the lid of the copper box was pried up, revealing a gap less than two centimeters wide.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly stopped what he was doing, and did not directly pry open the box.

After a short pause, after confirming that there was no mechanism trap in the box, he exerted his strength again and lifted the copper box directly.

The next moment, the things contained in this box finally appeared in front of everyone.

After sleeping in the deep underground for more than seven hundred years, these things in the box have once again seen the light of day, which will surely cause a sensation in the whole world.

Ye Tian returned to the front of the stone platform, glanced at the contents of the box, then called David and Bishop of Kent to come over, and looked into the opened box together.

The first thing the three of them saw were two wooden boxes made of African red sandalwood. There were no locks on the boxes, but they were fastened with a gold buckle.

The four corners and edges of the two red sandalwood boxes are covered with gold. The boxes are carved with exquisite patterns. In the middle of the top, there is a golden cross and a symbol of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which are also made of gold.

Under the two boxes, there are two knight swords inserted into the scabbards and a triangular shield. They also look like they are made of silver alloy, slightly blackened, and can be easily cleaned off.

Through the gap between the two knight swords and the triangular shield, the things below can be clearly seen.

It was a set of chain armor, about 1.34 meters long from head to knee. The wrapping performance looked very good, and it could perfectly protect the wearer's head, limbs, and torso.

Like the triangular shield above, this set of chain armor has not rusted. Although it has gone through a long history of more than 700 years, it is still shining and elegant.

However, the metal used to make this set of chain armor is not silver alloy, and the specific metal is still unknown for the time being.

This set of chain armor is laid flat inside the box, and there seems to be another set of armor underneath, but only a part of it can be seen. If you want to see the whole picture, you can only see it by taking out the chain armor.

Seeing the situation in the box, Ye Tian and the three of them had bright smiles on their faces.

"Great! As I expected, the contents of this box are the relics of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, and it is a complete set of combat equipment, each of which is a priceless treasure!"

Ye Tian immediately cheered and waved his fist excitedly.

This is an expression of his true feelings, it is no longer a performance, at most it has only a little bit of performance.

David and the Bishop of Kent beside him were equally excited and bumped their fists lightly in celebration.

After a brief celebration, the Bishop of Kent immediately said impatiently:

"Steven, what's in those two gold-encrusted rosewood boxes? Could it be the crown of Baldwin IV? Hurry up and open it, I can't wait any longer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Ye Tian could respond, Cole's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church are here, and there are quite a few people here. They have just passed the cordon set up by the Larnaca police and the UN peacekeeping force, and will soon arrive at the gate of the castle!"

Hearing the notification, the smile on Ye Tian's face froze immediately, and his expression quickly turned cold.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said coldly:

"Got it, Cole, those guys came really fast enough. It's obvious that they didn't come well. You use various excuses and methods such as security checks to delay the time, as long as you can.

The exploration operation on our side is going on, and it has come to the most critical time, how to deal with those guys depends on the results of our exploration, so you delay the time! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do, just rest assured!"

Cole responded, his tone decisive.

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