Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1839 Fragment of True Ten-Character Frame

After finishing the call with Cole, Ye Tian immediately said to David and the Bishop of Kent beside him:

"Obviously, we have to act quickly. If there is really Baldwin IV's crown or other Christian relics here, whether to allow the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church to enter here will have to be discussed!

Especially the bishops of the Greek Orthodox Church, once they learn that we have discovered a Christian relic, they will be so envious that they will be crazy. At that time, the agreement reached by the Vatican with them will instantly become a dead letter.

As an important branch of Christianity, their desire for Christian holy objects will never be weaker than that of the Vatican. The representatives of other sects and religious organizations outside the castle are the same, and they will be completely crazy.

Of course, if the Vatican doesn't mind sharing Christian relics with them, I have no problem, but every secular property and antique art here belongs to us, and no one can covet it! "

"Sharing Christian relics with the Greek Orthodox Church, and other denominations and religious organizations? That's impossible, they don't even think about it!"

The Bishop of Kent said categorically, his tone was extremely firm and beyond doubt.

"Okay! Let's move on. I hope these two gold-encrusted red sandalwood boxes contain what we want, and they can bring us a huge surprise!"

Saying that, Ye Tian reached into the metal box, and opened the gold buckle of the gold-encrusted red sandalwood box on the right.


With a crisp sound, Ye Tian gently opened the lid of the gold-encrusted red sandalwood box, and slowly lifted it up.

There are no traps in the box, no crossbow arrows or poisonous needles shooting out, threatening everyone's safety.

However, after only lifting the lid of the box more than ten centimeters, and glancing at the situation inside the box, Ye Tian stopped suddenly, and then said solemnly:

"Bishop of Kent, the items stored here are likely to be closely related to Christianity and have extraordinary significance. It seems inappropriate for me to open this box and take out the contents. You should do it yourself!"

"Okay, Steven, then let me open this box and take out the contents!"

The Bishop of Kent nodded and said, and immediately stepped forward to take over Ye Tian's work.

This is exactly what he wished for,

Where would you refuse, and where would you be willing to refuse.

Next, Bishop Kenta carefully opened the gold-encrusted red sandalwood box, and the things contained in the box were immediately presented to everyone.

What caught everyone's eyes was a piece of linen cloth that had turned dark gray, used to wrap an object with an irregular shape.

In the center of the dark gray linen was embroidered the emblem of the Knights Templar, the Maltese cross, and there were some spots, more like smudges!

Seeing what was in the box, the Bishop of Kent couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes. This was obviously not the Christian holy relic he wanted to see the most, the crown of Baldwin IV.

The same is true for David standing next to him, looking somewhat disappointed.

However, Ye Tian's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

Just as the Bishop of Kent was about to uncover the dark gray linen, he suddenly said in a deep voice:

"Bishop of Kent, please be careful, I'm sure that the thing wrapped in this dark gray linen must be very important, even far more important than Baldwin IV's crown.

If I read correctly, this piece of dark gray linen should be the Pennant Pennant of the Knights Templar. The background color was pure white, and the Maltese cross on it was originally red.

Because the age is too long, this military flag has become what it is now due to oxidation. Those speckled marks on the military flag are 100% bloodstains left by the Templars!

The blood-stained standard of the Knights Templar must be wrapped up solemnly. The origin must be very important. When you uncover the standard, you must be careful, the linen is very fragile! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Bishop of Kent's expression immediately changed, and he became much more serious.

Next, he carefully pinched the edge of the blood-stained military flag, and slowly opened it, revealing what was wrapped inside.

It was a dark wooden board with an irregular shape, about 212 centimeters at its widest point, about 35 centimeters long, and about 15 centimeters thick.

It can be clearly seen that there are many traces of cutting with knives and axes on that board, as well as traces left by burning fire, which can be described as full of scars.

Underneath the dark wooden board lay a piece of parchment with some words written in Latin, the Maltese cross of the Knights Templar, and the emblem of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Seeing these things for the first time, the Bishop of Kent once again had a look of disappointment in his eyes.

However, when he saw clearly the few lines at the top of the parchment, he suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and David saw that Bishop of Kent's body began to tremble slightly, and he seemed to be unable to stand still due to excitement, and his eyes filled with enthusiasm.

Bishop of Kent's behavior was as expected by Ye Tian, ​​and he didn't feel too surprised.

David is different. Looking at the performance of the Bishop of Kent, this guy can still bear it.

"What is the origin of this dark board? Why are you so excited? Bishop of Kent, can you tell us?"

Regarding his inquiry, the Bishop of Kent seemed to have never heard of it, and was still staring at the board, his body, hands and feet seemed to tremble even more.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian was really worried.

The cardinal of the Vatican must not fall to the ground because of over-excitement, or even have a heart attack. If he just lays it here, he will be in big trouble!

"Wake up, Bishop of Kent. Whatever this dark plank may be, or how important it may be, it has now been seen, and it was we who found it. It is a good thing to celebrate!"

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, and reached out and patted Bishop of Kent on the shoulder lightly.

Following his actions, the Bishop of Kent, who was deeply obsessed and almost insane, finally came to his senses.

Immediately afterwards, the cardinal began to mutter to himself in a daze, as if his soul hadn't come to his senses yet.

"How is it possible? This is actually a fragment of the 'True Cross'. Wasn't the True Cross smashed by Saladin's army? Since 1187, it has never appeared again, and it has never been heard that there are fragments left behind! "

Before the words fell, David jumped three feet high, jumped up, and exclaimed loudly:

"Did I hear you right? This is a fragment of the True Cross. If it is true, then there is no doubt that this will be a great discovery that will definitely cause a sensation all over the world!"

At the same time that David exclaimed loudly, Ye Tian also exclaimed in response to the situation, although he already knew what this dark wooden board was.

With their exclamation, the eyes of everyone in the hall were attracted.

Without exception, when everyone heard the word 'True Cross', everyone froze in place for an instant. Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief, and they seemed to be a little unable to believe their ears.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the hall suspended their exploration work and put down the antique works of art in their hands. The tide rushed towards Ye Tian and the others. Everyone was extremely excited and even acted a little fanatical.

At this moment, the Bishop of Kent finally came to his senses.

However, he did not pick up the fragment of the True Cross in the box, or dare not pick up the priceless treasure, but turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​and said eagerly:

"Steven, is this really a fragment of the 'True Cross'? How did this Christian holy relic appear here? Wasn't it smashed by Saladin's army?

The top of the parchment inside the box, said to be a fragment of the 'True Cross', came from Jerusalem and was brought to Cyprus by Gerard, then Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

The rest of the parchment is covered by the dark wooden board and cannot be seen for the time being, but God bless, I hope this is indeed a fragment of the 'True Cross'! "

When he said these words, the Bishop of Kent still had tears in his eyes, and his voice kept trembling. It was caused by excitement and a manifestation of extreme happiness.

Before his words fell, the rest of the people in the underground hall had already rushed over, surrounding Ye Tian and the three of them and the stone platform.

Fortunately, everyone still maintained a certain degree of rationality, and they didn't get too close to Ye Tian and the stone platform, or they didn't dare to get too close, which seemed more appropriate.

Except for Ye Tian, ​​the rest of the people here are all from the West, and they are all Christian believers. Everyone knows very well what the True Cross means.

I heard that the box in front of Ye Tian and the others contained fragments of the 'True Cross', how dare they rush to it, if they damage that Christian holy object, they will be blamed for death!

When Bishop of Kent finished speaking, everyone at the scene immediately looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot, even a little crazy!

Ye Tian did not give an answer immediately, but carefully observed the dark wooden board in the box, and then glanced at the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Although everyone knows it, I still want to explain that the True Cross is one of the most important sacred objects in Christianity, and it is believed to be the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

In the Christian tradition, the True Cross, as a symbol of Jesus Christ’s salvation for mankind, has a very important symbolic meaning, and several Christian festivals come from this.

During the Crusades, the True Cross was kept in the holy land of Jerusalem and in the hands of the kings of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and was regarded by the Crusaders as a source of combat power.

Whenever there is a major battle, the King of Jerusalem will bring the True Cross to the battlefield in person, bringing strength to all the crusader knights, and encouraging them to risk their lives to charge and defeat their opponents.”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded lightly without any objection.

Each of them is very clear about the meaning of the True Cross, knowing that what Ye Tian said is correct.

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