Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1840 Crazy Vatican monk

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In the Battle of Hattin in 1187, the Crusaders of the Kingdom of Jerusalem were defeated by Saladin. Although the True Cross was guarded by the Templars to the last moment, it finally fell into the enemy's hands.

If Saladin hadn't personally ordered to stop the massacre, all the Templars guarding the True Cross would have died without a doubt. After getting the "True Cross", Saladin ordered to smash this Christian holy relic.

Since then, the True Cross has completely disappeared from history. It is unexpected that we are lucky enough to see fragments of the "True Cross" here. This is undoubtedly a great discovery.

According to my judgment, this irregular dark wooden board is most likely a fragment of the "True Cross", and the traces of cutting and burning on the wooden board are indeed from the late twelfth century."

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone at the scene became extremely bright, like searchlights, and everyone's eyes became more and more fanatical!

However, no one at the scene made a sound, but continued to listen to Ye Tian's analysis.

"This piece of the True Cross appears here, and there is some reason for it. After the victory of the Battle of Harding, Saladin did not slaughter the last remaining Templars, but let them go.

This includes Gerard, the head of the Knights Templar. It has to be admitted that Saladin is a very chivalrous and talented commander, which is well known and widely praised.

As the victor of the Battle of Harding, I think Saladin did not hesitate to show his famous chivalry, and gave Gerard a fragment of the True Cross when he withdrew from Jerusalem.

Gerard then led the remnants of the Templars to retreat to Cyprus, where they licked their wounds and recuperated, ready to counterattack the holy land of Jerusalem across the sea at any time.

Naturally, this fragment of the True Cross was also brought to Cyprus, along with the relics of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, and other items.

Why were fragments of the True Cross placed with Baldwin IV's relics? One is because of Baldwin IV's status as the king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the other is because of his high prestige among the Crusaders!

More importantly, the last manifestation of the "True Cross" clearly recorded in history happened to be at the Battle of Mongiza, when Baldwin IV took the lead and led the Templars and infantry to charge into battle.

Based on the above reasons, after Gerard brought the True Cross to Cyprus, he put this Christian holy relic together with the relics of Baldwin IV.

And it has remained until now.

Of course, this is just my personal conjecture, and it’s the opinion of the family. I believe it’s recorded on the parchment under this dark wooden board, and everyone will find out later! "

After the voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent, leaving only the sound of heavy and rapid breathing.

No one at the scene doubted Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion and his speculation.

Most of the employees at the scene were fearless exploration company employees, each of them knew Ye Tian very well, and knew how sharp and accurate his vision for appraising antique works of art was!

When did Steven look past it! Never before, and this time is no exception.

There is no doubt that this irregularly shaped dark wooden board is 100% a fragment of one of the most important holy relics of Christianity, the True Cross.

After a long time, someone at the scene broke the silence.

"Stefano, you go up to the ground immediately and inform our people that you must stop the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church no matter what, and you must not let them come down, even if you completely tear yourself apart!

I will immediately contact the Vatican and the Pope, and tell them everything that happened here, the importance of the fragments of the True Cross, each of us knows that there must be no mistakes in our hands! "

The bishop of Kent said excitedly, assigning a task to another senior monk from the Vatican.

"Okay, Bishop of Kent, I will go up to the ground, even if I pay the price of my life, I will prevent the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church from coming down unless they step over my corpse!"

Stefano nodded resolutely and replied, with a sense of determination in his tone.

Afterwards, the senior priest from the Vatican turned around and left the underground hall, and returned to the ground, his steps were extremely firm when he walked!

Immediately afterwards, the Bishop of Kent also turned around and walked towards the entrance of the hall, preparing to return to the ground floor to inform the Vatican of everything here and the news of the discovery of the fragment of the True Cross.

Don't even think about it, once his phone call is made, the entire Vatican will experience a magnitude 10 earthquake, and it will run at high speed, just to recover this piece of the True Cross as soon as possible!

When this fragment of the True Cross is safely transported back to the Vatican, and then the news is announced, the entire Western world will be completely shocked by it!

Seeing the Bishop of Kent leave, Ye Tian immediately instructed Jason to lead two men to follow, lest the Bishop of Kent get too excited and accidentally fall into a flipper trap.

Of course, this does not mean supervision, even if it is a partner, it should be kept in mind!

When the Bishop of Kent and Stefano had all left, Ye Tian immediately had a bright smile on his face, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Done! With the Vatican standing in front of them, the Cypriots and those from the Greek Orthodox Church should never enter this underground hall unless they want to cause a war!

Next, Ye Tian continued to tell everyone the stories about the "True Cross" and the story of the crusaders holding the True Cross and fighting the Arabs during the Crusades.

After his artistic reprocessing and deliberate rendering, these medieval knight legends made everyone at the scene excited and fascinated, and even wished he could be in that era!

During this process, Ye Tian used the pinhole camera he carried with him to take pictures of the fragments of the True Cross lying quietly in the gold-encrusted rosewood box, and took out his mobile phone to take some close-up shots.

How could David and other company employees let go of this god-given opportunity.

They took out their mobile phones one after another, took a lot of photos of the fragment of the True Cross, and recorded this great moment that was destined to be remembered by them all their lives!

The photos belonged to the photos, but no one at the scene touched the Christian holy relic, and they didn't even think about it!

Ye Tian was even more so, he didn't want to make trouble for himself.

A few minutes later, the Bishop of Kent returned here with two Vatican priests.

The two people who followed him into the hall looked a little fluttering, their eyes were red and flickering with crazy colors, obviously caused by excitement.

Next, the two senior monks of the Vatican naturally yelled and burst into tears.

After finally waiting for their emotions to stabilize, the Bishop of Kent led them to carefully pick up the fragment of the True Cross, and took out the piece of parchment that was pressed underneath.

Afterwards, the contents on the parchment were deciphered.

The content recorded on that piece of parchment is almost exactly the same as the analysis Ye Tian just made, only more detailed!

At this point, the Bishop of Kent dared to be really sure.

Packed in a gilded rosewood box, this scarred dark wooden board is one of the most important holy relics of Christianity, a fragment of the True Cross!

When this point was confirmed, the three senior Vatican monks at the scene burst into tears again, and yelled one by one, just like three lunatics!

When the mood calmed down a bit, the Bishop of Kent immediately took out his mobile phone and took a lot of close-up shots of the fragment of the True Cross and the extremely important parchment, and then sent them to the Vatican and the Pope!

Taking this opportunity, Ye Tian also took a lot of close-up shots of these two priceless treasures. This is the highlight moment of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, so of course it must be recorded!

At the same time, the situation outside the castle has become more and more tense, even to the point of being on edge!

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