Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1841 Crown of Thorns

Outside the castle, the situation became more and more tense, and the air was filled with the choking smell of gunpowder, which exploded at any moment.

The Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain, the Portuguese Jesuits, and those from other churches and religious organizations, as well as the Russian gangsters and Turkish soldiers, were still stopped outside the first cordon.

At this time, these guys with ulterior motives were confronting the Cyprus police and the soldiers of the United Nations peacekeeping force, and each of them was impassioned, trying to forcefully break through the first cordon.

At the half-collapsed gate of the castle, the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church were stopped by Cole and Leonardo, and the two sides were confronting each other.

"Father Stefano, what exactly did you find in this ancient castle? We, the Larnaca city government, have the right to know and must know, this is our jurisdiction!"

The mayor of Larnaca said loudly, with anger and curiosity in his eyes.

Before the words fell, the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church standing next to him continued to say:

"Fellow Stefano, this ancient castle belongs to our Greek Orthodox Church. No matter what you find here, we have the right to know and participate in this exploration operation!"

While saying these words, the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church looked through the gate of the castle, kept looking into the castle, and scanned every corner within his sight, trying to find something.

Not only him, but the mayor of Larnaca and everyone who accompanied him were looking into the castle. Everyone wanted to find out what happened in the castle as soon as possible.

Even a fool can guess in the face of this situation that the joint exploration team working in the castle must have discovered something important, maybe it is the famous treasure of the Knights Templar.

Obviously, no matter whether it is the mayor of Larnaca, the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church, or the guys who were stopped outside the first cordon, none of them are fools, but they are all human beings!

Stefano glanced at these guys in front of him, and then said firmly and firmly:

"Mr. Mayor, Lord Bishop, don't forget the agreement we reached before. Since it is an agreement that you wish to reach, there is no reason to go back and forth. I hope that both of us can strictly abide by it.

This medieval castle is under the jurisdiction of the Larnaca city government and is the property of the Larnaca Greek Orthodox Church. This is undeniable, but this is not the reason for you to interfere with the joint exploration operation!

According to our previous agreement,

During the joint exploration operation, you are not allowed to intervene at will. When the joint exploration operation is over, we will choose an opportunity to make a public explanation and display the results.

We will abide by the agreement, and we will fulfill all the conditions we promised you, without any discount, but you want to break the agreement and interfere with the ongoing joint exploration operation, sorry, this can't be done! "

Hearing what Stefano said, the old faces of the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church couldn't help feeling a little feverish and somewhat embarrassed.

At this time, they regret it and really want to give themselves two big mouths!

My eye sockets are really too shallow, why did I easily agree to the conditions offered by the Vatican at the beginning? Isn't this throwing away the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds? It's so stupid!

Although I regretted and wanted to jump to the Mediterranean Sea, and knew that I was wrong, it was impossible for the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church to turn around and leave at this time!

You must know that in this medieval castle that has been reduced to ruins, there is likely to be hidden treasures of the famous Knights Templar. What a huge fortune that is, who would be willing to part with it?

More importantly, if the treasure of the Knights Templar is really hidden here, it is very likely that several Christian holy relics that fell into the hands of the Knights Templar and were hidden by them are also hidden in this castle. !

Thinking of those extremely important Christian relics, both the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church felt a surge of excitement and almost trembled with excitement.

Especially the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church, his eyeballs turned red instantly, and it was a bit scary to look at.

However, there were people from the Holy See of the Vatican on the opposite side, and they were the Pope's cronies, plus those armed security personnel who were watching and loaded with bullets, they had to be cautious and did not dare to force their way into the castle!

All of a sudden, the situation near the gate of the ancient castle was completely frozen, the two sides refused to give in to each other, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, in Rome, Italy, on the other side of the Mediterranean, the Vatican has already launched operations.

The two cardinals, together with several senior monks, several senior Vatican diplomats, and dozens of fully armed Swiss Guards, have left the Vatican in a car and are galloping towards Leonardo International Airport.

At Leonardo International Airport, a large passenger plane filled with jet fuel has parked on an emergency runway, waiting for the Vatican to arrive, and then takes off and flies to Cyprus!

At the same time as the support convoy left the Vatican, the Pope, who was in a conference room in the Vatican and was discussing urgently with many cardinals, also picked up the phone and began to communicate with the outside world.

The first thing he contacted was the Prime Minister of Italy who was also in Rome, then the Secretary-General of the United Nations, then the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and dignitaries from several other countries, and finally the Cyprus government authorities!

As for the relevant people of the Greek Orthodox Church, they are not considered for the time being. It is time to contact the Greek Orthodox Church when the newly discovered Christian holy relic arrives in the Vatican!

On the castle side, the exploration is still going on.

After taking photos of the fragment of the 'True Cross', the Bishop of Kent and the others carefully wrapped up the Christian holy relic and put it back in the gold-encrusted rosewood box.

The blood-stained Knights Templar pennant was still used to wrap the Christian holy relic, and the parchment that recorded the origin of the fragment of the 'True Cross' was also wrapped.

Afterwards, the Bishop of Kent carefully picked up the gold-encrusted red sandalwood box and handed it over to another senior monk standing next to him, so that the senior monk could guard it full-time!

Immediately afterwards, everyone at the scene looked at the other rosewood box inlaid with gold, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot and full of anticipation!

The gold-encrusted rosewood box that was opened earlier contained a fragment of the 'True Cross', an extremely important Christian relic.

There is no doubt that once the news of the reappearance of the fragments of the 'True Cross' is released, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world!

So what's in the remaining gold-encrusted rosewood box? Is it another Christian relic? The odds seem high!

Thinking of this, everyone was so excited that they wished they could step forward and immediately go forward to open the gold-encrusted red sandalwood box to find out!

Compared with David and many of the employees of the Fearless Exploration Company, Bishop Kent and the other two senior Vatican priests were more exaggerated.

Each of them had red eyes, staring closely at the remaining gold-encrusted rosewood box, not wanting to look away for a moment, even looking a little crazy.

Ye Tian saw the performance of everyone on the scene one by one.

As before, he once again made a gesture of invitation, and said loudly with a smile:

"Bishop of Kent, it's more appropriate for you to open the remaining gold-encrusted rosewood box. I hope that the things contained in this box can bring us another huge surprise!"

Upon hearing this, the Bishop of Kent hurriedly nodded and replied:

"Okay, Steven, let me open this gold-encrusted rosewood box, and God bless, give us another surprise, and let us find another holy object!"

After speaking, the Bishop of Kent prayed a few words in a low voice, and then stepped forward, carefully reaching for the golden buckle on the box with hands trembling with excitement!


With a crisp sound, the golden buckle with a long history of seven or eight hundred years was gently opened by the Bishop of Kent.

Immediately afterwards, the lid of the gold-encrusted red sandalwood box was lifted, and the contents contained in the box were immediately presented to everyone.

When the lid of the box was opened halfway, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene, one after another, and everyone was completely shocked by the thing packed in the box!

"My God! There is a crown in the box, and it is made of gold. It is so dazzling!"

"Wow! That's not an ordinary gold crown, but a crown of thorns, very similar to the Christian relic kept in Notre Dame de Paris! Could this be another crown of thorns!"

Just when everyone was discussing, Ye Tian's slightly excited voice suddenly came out.

"That's right! This is indeed a crown of thorns, but it is not the crown of thorns of Jesus' crucifixion, but the crown of Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem, another Christian sacred object.

Compared with the crown of thorns on the crucifixion of Jesus in the Notre Dame de Paris, this Crown of Thorns of Baldwin IV is simpler in shape, and of course, less important,..."

Before his words fell, the scene was completely blown up.

"What? The crown of thorns of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, yet another Christian relic, this is just unbelievable, crazy!"

"My God! It's a miracle to find two Christian relics at the same time!"

Amidst the exclamation, the lid of the gold-encrusted rosewood box was completely opened, and the crown of thorns contained inside was fully displayed in front of everyone.

Looking at the Bishop of Kent, he was already in tears, crying like a three-year-old child!

The other two senior monks from the Vatican were in no better condition. They were tearing up and sobbing non-stop, but their eyes were always fixed on the crown of thorns in the box!

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