Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1842 King and Knight

Seven or eight minutes later, the Bishop of Kent carefully put Baldwin IV's crown of thorns back into the gold-encrusted rosewood box and covered the box.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the gold-encrusted red sandalwood box and handed it over to another empty-handed senior monk. He urged the senior monk to guard the Christian holy objects in the box.

The senior monk immediately swore an oath, and then excitedly took the gold-encrusted rosewood box, stepped aside, and stood with the 'senior monk' holding another gold-encrusted rosewood box!

Afterwards, the Bishop of Kent turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​smiled and said:

"Steven, there is a question I wanted to ask just now, what are you going to do with the dozens of swords, helmets, shields of the Templars at the entrance of the hall, and these weapons and equipment of Baldwin IV?

If it is still the same as before, and you plan to sell them all and turn them into real wealth, then we, the Vatican, are willing to pay for this batch of significant medieval knight equipment, and the price is up to you! "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Tian with full expectation, expecting to hear the most wanted answer.


The rest of the people at the scene gasped in unison. Everyone was shocked by the words of the Bishop of Kent. To set the price casually is too big and even more daring!

You know, the one standing opposite is Steven, who has always been known for being cruel and ruthless. He will never show mercy just because the buyer is the Vatican. Isn't this stretching his neck and waiting to be slaughtered!

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled leisurely and said:

"I'm sorry, Bishop of Kent, I don't plan to sell the knight equipment of these important figures of the Knights Templar and the weapons and equipment of Baldwin IV, but I plan to collect them myself.

I have plenty of money, but it is impossible to come across the knight equipment that completely reflects the history of the Knights Templar from its establishment to its demise, let alone the weapons and equipment of the Leper King!

Using the equipment of these Templars, as well as the weapons and equipment of King Baldwin IV of Lepers, I plan to set up an independent personal exhibition hall, and the name is well thought out, it is called 'King and Knight'.

This exhibition hall is absolutely unique in the world. Once it is established, it will definitely cause a huge sensation and attract countless attentions. The wealth will flow into my pocket continuously! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words,

Disappointment and regret flashed across Bishop Kent's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said:

"I have to say, Steven, you are extremely shrewd. Once this 'King and Knight' exhibition hall is established, it will definitely attract countless tourists to experience the legend of medieval knights!

At that time, this special exhibition hall will become a huge gold mine, which will continuously bring you huge wealth, and more importantly, this huge gold mine will be inexhaustible!

Here, I would like to ask, where do you plan to locate this "King and Knight" exhibition hall? New York or Beijing, China? As far as I know, you have an independent personal exhibition hall in the Forbidden City in Beijing!

If possible, I hope you can set up this special exhibition hall in the Vatican. Our Vatican museum will provide you with the best conditions and the best location in the museum! "

Ye Tian shook his head again, pretending to regret and said:

"I'm very sorry, Bishop of Kent, this "King and Knight" exhibition hall will not be located in the Vatican. In my opinion, this special exhibition hall is not suitable for the religious holy place of the Vatican.

You must know that these medieval knight equipment all come from the famous Knights Templar and King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, which can easily remind people of the Crusades.

The Knights Templar had been stationed in Jerusalem for a long time. Since its establishment, it has participated in almost all battles to defend the Holy Land of Jerusalem. To a certain extent, they are the symbol of the Crusaders.

Whether Arabs or Jews, the history of the Crusades is unforgettable. Opening an exhibition hall with a strong Crusader style in the Vatican will definitely touch the sensitive nerves of many people!

That's why I excluded the Vatican. I believe you can understand this. As for the Forbidden City in Beijing, it is not a suitable place. You also know the situation in China, which is not a country that believes in Christianity.

In my opinion, the most suitable location is New York. Compared with Europe and the Arab region, there is a new world, and the history of the Crusades has nothing to do with the United States.

Moreover, the religious beliefs in the United States happen to be dominated by Christian beliefs. As a new country with a short history, Americans are full of interest in the history of the Crusades.

Regarding this point, it can be seen from the continuous emergence of related film and television works, so I plan to set up this exhibition hall in New York. Of course, this is only a preliminary idea, and the plan has yet to be perfected! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was completely dumbfounded.

Is this guy Steven really human? How long did it take him to come up with such an amazing business plan? It's really scary!

Having said all this, what else can the Bishop of Kent say?

He could only nod slightly, and said with emotion:

"Steven, I admire you so much, I don't know how you came up with these things? No wonder you are so successful, it's not for nothing!

You are right, this "King and Knight" exhibition hall is indeed not suitable to be located in the Vatican, it will cause a lot of unnecessary associations, I am not careful and reckless.

It is indeed the best choice to locate this special exhibition hall in New York, which is one of the cultural and art centers in the world, and this exhibition hall will definitely become another tourist attraction in New York.”

"Okay, this is just an idea, it's still too early to say, our top priority is to continue to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar and check everything stored in this hall.

How are the two swords of Baldwin IV in front of you preserved? Is it like the swords of the Templar Knights, all of which have been treated with anti-rust treatment, and they are still bright and sharp as before! "

Saying that, Ye Tian had picked up a sword of Baldwin IV from the metal box on the stone platform, put it in his hand and began to appreciate it.

The exact length of this king's sword, or knight's sword, of the Kingdom of Jerusalem is unknown because it is inserted in a scabbard.

According to a simple visual inspection, this knight sword is about one meter long, the length of the blade part should be about 75 cm, and the hilt should be about 25 cm!

Like Baldwin IV's helmet and leprosy mask, the scabbard of this knight's sword is also made of silver alloy. Although it has gone through a long time of more than 800 years, it has not rusted, but is a little black.

That's the result of oxidation of the silver alloy, which can be easily cleaned off, leaving the scabbard of this Sovereign Sword shining again!

The scabbard of this knight sword is engraved with exquisite patterns, and at both ends of the scabbard, several gems are inlaid, including rubies, sapphires, and diamonds.

In addition, there are several huge gemstones inlaid on the cross guard of this knight sword and the weight ball on the head of the sword, each of which is very valuable!

Because of the age, the gems inlaid on the scabbard and hilt have lost their brilliance. To make them shine again, they must be polished again!

In addition to these gems inlaid on the hilt and scabbard, there are also engraved crosses in the middle of the scabbard and the cross-shaped gauntlet of the hilt.

In the middle of the black walnut handguard of the sword hilt, there is a logo of the Kingdom of Jerusalem engraved on each side, which looks very eye-catching.

After holding the monarch sword of Baldwin IV in his hand, carefully observing and admiring it over and over again, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Only from the scabbard part, the state of preservation of this monarch's saber is very good, there is no trace of rust, much better than the knight swords of the famous Templars before.

I just don't know, how is the blade of this monarch saber, is it so good? Shiny as new and sharp as ever, if so, then perfect! "

As he said, Ye Tian suddenly pressed the spring on the hilt of the sword with his right thumb, and pulled out this famous monarch's saber in Western history with a bang!

Following his movements, a cold light flashed in the hall located deep underground, causing everyone on the scene to involuntarily close their eyes!

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