Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1843 A Chest Full of Gold

Like the knight swords of the famous Templars before, the two swords of King Baldwin IV of the Lepers were also treated with chrome-plated anti-rust process. Although they have gone through a long history of more than 800 years, they are still as bright as new and unparalleled in sharpness.

Since these two king's sabers are inserted in the scabbard and packed in a metal box, the impact of the environment on the sword body is greatly reduced, and the state of preservation is better than those of the Knights of the Templars, almost as good as new.

In fact, Ye Tian already knew the condition of the two medieval king's sabers. When he entered this hall deep underground for the first time, he could see clearly through perspective.

All the actions he did afterwards were just performances, just to make it all look more reasonable, so as not to arouse suspicion from others.

He picked up the two king's sabers of Baldwin IV one by one, admired them carefully, and then pulled them out of the scabbard and displayed them in front of everyone present.

Immediately afterwards, he gave a professional and accurate appraisal conclusion.

Needless to say, these two well-preserved medieval knight swords are the sovereign swords of Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem.

As for the value of these two sovereign swords, Ye Tian did not give their valuation because he planned to collect them himself.

Even so, everyone at the scene knew very well that these two monarch swords of Baldwin IV were undoubtedly priceless treasures, and their value was simply inestimable.

Next, Ye Tian handed the two Sovereign Swords to Jason who was standing beside him, and let the boy hold them first.

Afterwards, he gently picked up the chain armor from the metal box on the stone platform, began to observe and appreciate it, and showed it to everyone present.

Like other relics of Baldwin IV, this knee-length piece of medieval-style chain mail is in excellent condition, with no trace of rust.

Moreover, there are several traces of knives and axes on this chain armor, and these traces are either on the chest or on the limbs.

Obviously, Baldwin IV once wore this chain armor on the battlefield and fought desperately with the enemy.

According to Ye Tian's speculation, this is likely to be the chain armor he wore when he led the Templars to charge in the famous Battle of Mengisa.

The existence of these battle marks not only did not affect the value of this chain armor, but instead endowed this chain armor with more legendary color and greatly increased the value of this chain armor.

After admiring the chain armor pretendingly, Ye Tian gave an accurate identification conclusion, it is of course a relic of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, there is no doubt about it.

Under this chain armor, there is another set of armor. Except for the helmet, other parts of the armor are readily available, and none of them are missing.

This king's armor from the Middle Ages was also made of silver alloy, without a trace of rust, and had excellent protective performance, but it was also extremely heavy. The logo of the Kingdom of Jerusalem was engraved on the chest.

After carefully appreciating all the parts of this set of armor over and over again, Ye Tian gave an affirmative appraisal conclusion, declaring with certainty that this is the armor of Baldwin IV.

Under this king's armor, there is also a set of cowhide armor. In the Middle Ages, it was worn under the metal armor to protect the knight's body.

The state of preservation of this cowhide armor is not so ideal. Many places have faded and even partially rotted. However, the symbol of the Kingdom of Jerusalem on the chest of the leather armor has been preserved.

So far, all the things contained in the metal box on the stone platform have been counted, and the harvest can be described as extremely huge!

Everything contained in this box is undoubtedly a priceless treasure. Once it is released, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

Especially those two Christian holy relics, their appearance will surely shock the entire western world and drive countless people crazy.

After admiring and appraising the last cowhide armor, Ye Tian put it back into the box, and laid it flat on the bottom of the box according to the previous appearance.

Next, he put the medieval armor on top of the cowhide armor, and every part of the plate armor was placed where they were before.

Then came the chain mail, the two Baldwin IV's Sovereign Swords, and finally the full metal helmet and leper mask that had been on top of the chest.

If in another environment, these medieval weapons and equipment belonged to another king, Ye Tian might wear them on the spot to experience the feeling of fighting on the battlefield!

The current environment does not allow it, coupled with Baldwin IV's dreaded leprosy, so after checking the equipment and giving a positive appraisal conclusion, Ye Tian immediately put them back into the box.

Jason standing next to him still wanted to try it, but Ye Tian only said the word 'leprosy', and the kid immediately put the two monarch sabers in his arms back into the box, and never mentioned this again. stubble!

After packing up these priceless treasures from the Middle Ages, Ye Tian re-covered the box on the stone platform, and locked the box with the previous silver lock.


There was a sound of sighing at the scene, and everyone around the stone platform still had something to say.

Ye Tian raised his eyes and scanned the crowd, then smiled and said loudly:

"Guys, this great show is over and I'm in the same mood as you all, so excited, so excited, I want to take off my gas mask and celebrate.

However, it is not the time yet. In this hall located deep underground, there are still many valuable things waiting for us to discover, and there are still many unknowns waiting for us to explore.

And outside the castle on the ground, people from the Larnaca city government, the Greek Orthodox Church, and other people with ulterior motives are confronting our security personnel.

Those guys all want to break into this old castle, all want to enter this underground hall, find out what we found here, and then try their best to get a share of it.

Therefore, we have no time to celebrate at all. What everyone has to do now is to investigate and clear everything in this hall as soon as possible, and clear out all valuable things.

Let's continue to act and explore the secrets hidden here. I am very sure that surprises will continue to appear one after another. The next miracle may be discovered by you! "

"Okay, Steven"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, everyone was full of confidence and expectation, and everyone's voice was extremely loud.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed and went to work, cleaning up the things stored in the hall, trying to discover the next miracle by themselves, and bring a huge surprise to the world.

After everyone dispersed, Ye Tian said to the people around him:

"Bishop of Kent, David, let's continue and see what else we can find. I have a hunch that there must be many surprises waiting for us."

Upon hearing this, the eyes of Bishop Kent and David immediately flashed with excitement.

"Steven, what should we look at next? It would be great if we can find a few Christian holy relics!"

The Bishop of Kent said impatiently, eyes full of anticipation.

"Let's go and take a look at those sculptures. I took a brief look at those sculptures before, including the sculpture of Jesus Christ and the statue of Hugo de Paying, the founder of the Knights Templar.

I don't know who the figures in the other sculptures are for the time being. I need to carefully identify them. Leaving aside the religious significance, each sculpture here is a valuable antique relic! "

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to a sculpture a few meters away from the side.

Regarding his proposal, the Bishop of Kent and David naturally had no objection and nodded in agreement.

Then, the three of them walked towards the sculpture from the medieval period.

Just after taking two steps, an excited voice suddenly came from the side.

"Steven, here is a box full of gold utensils, including plates, wine glasses, candlesticks, etc. Each gold utensil is engraved with the logo of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Obviously, these gold utensils come from the court of the Kingdom of Jerusalem!"

The guy who cheered was Derek, and the other two guys in his group were also excited and dancing there.

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian stopped immediately, turned his head to look over there, and then walked towards the three guys. The Bishop of Kent and David followed closely.

In three or two steps, the three of them walked up to Derek and those guys, and also saw a large number of gold objects in a huge wooden box, each of which was very delicate and dazzling!

As that fellow Derek said, although these dazzling gold vessels have different shapes and purposes, each one is engraved with the logo of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which is very eye-catching.

After a quick glance at the gold objects, Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, these gold utensils all come from the court of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and they are likely to be utensils used by the king. Each piece is of great value. There is no doubt that this is definitely a huge surprise!"

"Wow! That's great, it really is a court weapon of the Kingdom of Jerusalem!"

There was another round of cheers in the hall, resounding in everyone's ears.

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