Hearing the situation reported by Cole, the faces of everyone at the scene couldn't help but change, and a look of worry flashed in everyone's eyes.

Everyone can't help worrying. The treasure hidden in this hall by the Knights Templar is really amazing. Once the news is released, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, and it will be enough to make everyone crazy!

Different from everyone's reaction, Ye Tian laughed softly, looking very relaxed.

He glanced at the crowd, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Got it, Cole, those Turks finally couldn't help but make a move. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. I've been secretly guessing before, whether it's the Turks or the Russians who made the first move!

The best is the Turks. For us, exchanging fire with the Turks is not a bad thing, but a good thing. In this way, we have enough reasons to prevent those guys from entering the castle.

Those Turks came from northern Cyprus, but here is southern Cyprus, which is the territory of the Greeks. The hostile relationship between these two peoples has lasted for hundreds of years, and it can be called incompatible.

Since the serious ethnic bloodshed in 1974, Cyprus has been divided into two, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has been established in the north, which makes all the Greeks on the island gnash their teeth with hatred!

Wouldn't it be stupid if they didn't make good use of this life-and-death conflict? Cole, you immediately report the movements of those Turks to the Cypriot police and the UN peacekeeping force.

Next, let the Cyprus police and the United Nations peacekeeping force come forward to solve the trouble for us. You just need to guard this castle. Without my permission, no one is allowed to break into the castle.

You can use the reason of exchanging fire with the Turks to deny the mayor of Larnaca and the bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church from entering the castle, as well as those guys from the Priory of the Martyrdom and the Portuguese Jesuits.

In addition, let the three medium-sized helicopters in Larnaca take off immediately, come to this ancient castle to support and pick us up, our exploration work here is coming to an end, it is time to prepare to evacuate! "

"Okay, Steven, don't worry, we must guard this castle, and don't let a fly fly into the castle!"

Cole responded in a deep voice, with a firm tone.

After the conversation with Cole ended, Ye Tian immediately said loudly to everyone present:

"Guys, speed up a little bit,

The situation on the ground is becoming more and more tense, and there is not much time left for us, so we can no longer work slowly.

Cole and the others have already fought with the Turks. The Russian gangsters, the Larnaca police, the Greeks, and other people from all walks of life may join them at any time.

We must clear up all the things hidden here by the Knights Templar and register them all before these ulterior motives break into this castle.

When cleaning up the remaining things, you don't have to be too careful. As long as they are not Christian holy objects, just clean up the dust and moss and count the number. The identification work will be done later!

As for the safety issue, please rest assured that Cole and Leonardo will stop those guys outside the castle, and no one can break into the castle, let alone this hall! "

"Got it, Steven"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, and then continued to work, cleaning up the remaining things in the hall.

Immediately afterwards, the Bishop of Kent who was standing by said in a low voice:

"Steven, in ten minutes at most, the chartered plane from the Vatican will land at Larnaca International Airport, and then take the supporting vehicle to rush to this ancient castle to support us.

We only need to hold on for another half an hour, and fifty members of the fully armed Swiss Guard will arrive. By then, this deserted medieval castle will become impenetrable.

In addition, His Holiness the Pope and the Vatican's foreign affairs department have already launched activities to contact various forces and put pressure on the Cypriot authorities and the United Nations to ensure our safety."

"It would be great if the support staff from the Vatican could arrive as soon as possible, but we can't completely count on them. We still need to do some preparations to make sure nothing goes wrong.

You continue to clean up the remaining things in the hall. I will go to the corridor above to restore all the mechanism traps and arrange some new traps. Maybe it will be useful later! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, his expression was still relaxed, and there was no trace of tension.

Afterwards, he turned around and left the hall located deep underground, and set traps for the corridor above.

The Bishop of Kent and David continued to be busy, cleaning up the remaining things in the hall, and everything was going on in an intense and orderly manner.

At the same time, the outside of the castle is another world.

"bang bang bang"

The deafening gunshots kept ringing out like rain, resounding throughout the entire castle.

Behind the castle, several armed security personnel relied on the dilapidated walls of the medieval castle and were shooting at the Turks hiding in the woods outside the castle.

In accordance with the firefighting principles formulated by Ye Tian, ​​although the armed security personnel guarding here spotted the Turks who had sneaked up and tried to sneak into the castle early on, they did not open fire immediately.

Just like previous conflicts, they first issued a loud warning, immediately identified the identities of the Turks hiding in the woods, and pointed out their hiding places.

After discovering that their deeds had been uncovered, the Turks immediately chose to shoot and try to force their way into the medieval castle, and a fierce gun battle broke out immediately.

As soon as the fire started, the two Turks, who had already been secretly targeted by snipers, were immediately bombarded by sniper rifle bullets and fell straight into hell.

The rest of the Turks were crushed back into the woods by a wave of crazy bullets in a blink of an eye. They didn't even have a chance to show their heads, so they could only raise the assault rifles in their hands and shoot blindly towards the castle!

On the front of the castle, as soon as the gunshots rang out, Cole and Leonardo quickly retreated into the castle with many armed security personnel, and blocked the gate of the castle with a fire truck.

The mayor of Larnaca and the group of the Greek Orthodox Church who were stopped outside the gate of the castle, under the protection of a large number of Cyprus police, fled to the place where the convoy was located to avoid possible bullets.

As for the guys who were stopped outside the first cordon, when they heard the sudden gunshots, they immediately ran away and found places to hide in case of accidents!

Most of them are religious people, and they are not desperadoes who have been licking blood on the knife edge for many years, and many of them are not young. Faced with this dangerous situation, do they have other options?

Even though they are all devout believers and priests, and even fanatical about religion, they all want to find the Christian holy relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar, but compared with life, these things are not worth mentioning!

After safely retreating into the castle, according to Ye Tian's instructions, Leonardo immediately stepped forward and informed the Cyprus police and the UN peacekeeping force of the situation of the Turks.

Hearing that there were Turkish soldiers from Northern Cyprus, the Cyprus police and the UN peacekeeping force were taken aback, and quickly took action to outflank those Turkish soldiers.

A few minutes later, the gunfire outside the castle suddenly became more intense.

But the two sides in this exchange of fire were no longer Ye Tian's security personnel and Turkish soldiers. The Cyprus police and the UN peacekeeping force replaced Ye Tian's security personnel and directly confronted the Turks!

Just as the two groups of people were shooting at each other crazily, three medium-sized helicopters took off in the urban area of ​​Larnaca, not far from the castle, and flew straight towards the medieval castle.

At Larnaca International Airport, a large charter plane from Rome, Italy, landed on the runway, and after taxiing for a certain distance, it stopped firmly in the middle of the runway.

As soon as the large passenger plane came to a complete stop, and before the vehicle gangway arrived, the cabin door was opened from the inside, which seemed a bit impatient.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen senior priests and diplomatic officials from the Vatican, as well as fifty members of the Swiss Guard with live ammunition, led by two cardinals, filed out of the cabin and got off the plane!

At this time, if someone came closer to observe, they would definitely find that these guys from the Vatican were all extremely excited, and the flames of fanaticism were burning in everyone's eyes!

As soon as these guys landed, more than 20 military vehicles lined up in two rows and galloped from the entrance of the airport apron to meet these guys!

Without exception, all of these military vehicles had Union Jacks on them, and there were several armored personnel carriers!

And at a British sovereign military base not far from Larnaca, several military medium-sized helicopters also took off one after another, carrying a large number of special warfare elites with live ammunition, and headed straight for Larnaca!

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