Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1846 Flying away

"Steven, the Cypriot police and UN peacekeepers, who replaced our security personnel, have engaged the Turks, who are fighting back.

The gate of this medieval castle was completely blocked by our fire trucks. If the fire is not removed from the interior of the castle, no one can drive into this castle! .

Those guys who were stopped outside the castle are now looking for places to hide. The guys have all retreated into the castle. Anyone who wants to break in will be exposed to our guns.

The three medium-sized helicopters staying in the city of Larnaca have just taken off and will soon fly here to provide air support for everyone and take us out of here.

There was news from Larnaca Airport that the chartered plane from Rome had landed, and a large number of support personnel from the Vatican were driving here, and they would arrive in twenty minutes at most!

There is also news from the British Sovereignty Military Base that several military helicopters have just taken off from the military base, carrying more than a dozen special forces with live ammunition and are flying here! "

Cole's voice came from the walkie-talkie again, informing Ye Tian of the outside situation.

After listening to the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice:

"Got it, Cole, just guard the outside, don't let anyone break into the castle, even if the Vatican's support staff arrives, don't let them enter the castle, let them guard the outside.

It was agreed in the agreement to let people from the Vatican come forward to negotiate with the Cypriots, the UN peacekeeping force, the British, and the Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain.

Our exploration here is still going on, and it will be completed soon. Next, we will transport all the treasures stored deep underground to the surface, and then leave here! "

"Understood, Steven, we can leave the matters on the ground to us, and there will be no problems!"

Cole responded in a deep voice, and then ended the call.

As soon as his words fell, David suddenly walked to Ye Tian's side and said in a low voice:

"Steven, the Vatican's armed support personnel and the British are about to arrive here, shouldn't you leave? Just leave it to us!"

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but quickly glanced at the situation in the hall, then nodded with a smile and said:

"What the Knights Templar have stored in this underground vault,

It has basically been cleaned up. I believe there will be no major discoveries that will cause a sensation in the world. It is indeed time to leave! "

"Leave? What do you mean? Steven, are you going to leave alone? Did I hear you right?"

The Bishop of Kent who was standing next to him suddenly interrupted and asked, with a stunned expression on his face, he even wondered if his ears were hallucinations!

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this person, then nodded slightly and said:

"You heard me right, Bishop of Kent. I really want to leave here alone. You can do the rest. I believe everything will go smoothly. When we meet again, it should be in the Vatican!"

Upon hearing this, the Bishop of Kent immediately continued:

"Why? Steven, are you worried that our Vatican will be unfavorable to you, so you plan to leave alone in case of accidents. If this is the case, then there is no need, we will never break our promises!"

"Cheat ghosts! Doesn't the Vatican do less treachery? There are countless in history! The Knights Templar is a bloody lesson!"

Ye Tian complained a few words to himself, and a gleam of contempt quickly flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Of course, these are just words deep in his heart, and it is impossible to resort to them.

What came out of his mouth was another high-sounding rhetoric.

"Bishop of Kent, you think too much, the reason why I want to leave alone is not that I don't trust you Vatican Holy See, but to guard against the British and Cypriots who are about to arrive here.

Needless to say, the Cypriots, this is their territory. Faced with such an immeasurable treasure, everyone would be crazy. How could the Cypriots not be envious?

Although the Vatican and the Cyprus government have reached an agreement in advance, no one can guarantee that the Cyprus government will tear up the agreement and forcibly keep these priceless treasures!

As for the British guys, I have a deep feud with those guys. We have fought several times in New York and London before, and the losers are all the British guys. There is no guarantee that those guys will not retaliate.

Like the Cypriots, it is impossible for the Englishman to ignore this great wealth, it is only natural to be jealous, and it will be better for us both to leave quietly alone.

As long as I'm not here and not with this treasure, then no matter what kind of god the other party is, when they make an idea of ​​this treasure, they have to be scruples and think twice before acting!

In the same way, as long as I can leave here safely, whether it is this coveted treasure or all the personnel involved in this exploration operation, the safety factor will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

According to the joint exploration agreement, this treasure of the Knights Templar belongs only to both of us. You Vatican got those two Christian relics, and everything else belongs to our company.

Any thing in this treasure that falls into the hands of any other than ours will be subject to my vengeance, Cypriot or Brit, to the fullest extent! "

When he said the last few sentences, Ye Tian's eyes suddenly turned cold, flashing a sharp light.

Seeing this scene, the Bishop of Kent couldn't help shivering secretly, terrified.

"Isn't it? Steven, are you being too careful? Those guys from the British military base came to support at the request of the Vatican, so they shouldn't have the idea of ​​​​this treasure.

Moreover, the Vatican has sent another fifty fully armed members of the Swiss Guard, together with the existing security personnel, the strength is enough to protect these priceless treasures, and the British have no chance at all! "

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said firmly:

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years! In this matter, I believe in my own judgment and my own strength. I have made up my mind to leave here and Cyprus alone soon.

In order to avoid leaking the news, Bishop of Kent, you must hand over the walkie-talkies you carry with you and hand them over to Jason and David for safekeeping. Even if you want to use them, you must be under supervision!

When I leave here safely, I will send a message to Jason and the others, and they will return the walkie-talkie to you at that time. I believe you can understand this point, and please cooperate if you don’t understand! "

"Okay! Steven, you guys are extremely shrewd. If anyone dares to plot against you, it will definitely be brainwashed, and it will definitely be a stupid move to seek death!"

The Bishop of Kent smiled wryly and shook his head, his eyes full of fear.

After saying this, he took off the walkie-talkie he was carrying and handed it to David who was standing beside him.

At the same time, Jason also confiscated the walkie-talkies carried by two other Vatican monks.

Afterwards, Ye Tian also handed over his walkie-talkie to David, and continued to say:

"Bishop of Kent, after I leave, you continue to clean up the items stored here by the Knights Templar. Jason and David will fully represent me and participate in the next exploration operation!

After you have cleared all the things here and received my message, our employees of the Daring One Exploration Company will transport these things in the treasure to the ground.

As for coordinating with all parties and transporting everything here to the Vatican, that is what you have to do. When we meet again, I hope to see all the treasures belonging to our company! "

After the words fell, the Bishop of Kent immediately nodded slightly and said:

"Of course, Steven, we will definitely transport everything here to the Vatican safely, nothing will be missing, and when we meet again, you can take away everything that belongs to your company.

There are a few things I am very curious about, and I hope you can answer them. Didn’t you set up a few more traps just now when you returned to the passageway above? When we leave here, will those traps threaten everyone’s safety?

Another point, how do you avoid the eyes of the many security personnel above and the guys outside the castle, and leave here quietly? It's almost impossible to do unless you're cloaked or know other secret passages!

As for how you left Cyprus and where you plan to go next, I don’t need to ask, you don’t even need to think about it, before we come to this castle, or even Larnaca, you guys have already made the corresponding arrangements! "

"Don't worry about the traps in the corridor. I'll take Jason up and tell him how to disarm those traps. When you leave here, there will be no problem passing through those traps safely.

As for how to avoid everyone's eyes and ears, leave here and Cyprus island quietly, let me keep it a secret for now, and everyone will know the answer later, that is also a good surprise! "

"Well, Steven, I am very much looking forward to this surprise!"

"It's almost time, let's stop here. When we return to the Vatican, we have plenty of time to talk, Jason, let's go to the corridor above, and I will teach you how to disarm those traps!"

With that said, Ye Tian waved to Jason, and then led the kid back to the upper corridor.

In less than five minutes, the two of them returned to the underground hall.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian told all the company employees on site that he was going to leave alone.

Everyone was not surprised by his decision, nor did they have any objections, and no one thought that Ye Tian was running away from the battle and doing his own thing!

This kind of thing has happened before, and everyone knows very well that this is the most sensible decision. Only in this way can everyone's safety be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Next, Ye Tian pulled David and Jason aside, gave some instructions in a low voice, made some arrangements, and notified Cole through the wireless invisible headset.

After arranging everything, he came to the Bishop of Kent again, smiled and said:

"Bishop of Kent, today is a perfect day, I hope everything goes well, I'm leaving, see you in the Vatican!"

"Okay, Steven, goodbye Vatican!"

Bishop Kent nodded and shook hands with Ye Tian.

Immediately afterwards, under the curious eyes of everyone on the scene, Ye Tian strode towards the statue of Hugo de Paying standing against the wall.

This marble statue of the founder of the Knights Templar stands in front of the wall on the east side of the hall, and the moss and dust attached to it have been cleaned up!

Seeing Ye Tian's actions, everyone at the scene couldn't help but feel very surprised.

But soon everyone realized that there must be an unknown secret passage hidden behind the statue, leading directly to the seaside cliff not far from the east side of the castle!

The oxygen in this underground hall, as well as the almost imperceptible sea breeze, come from that secret passage.

Obviously, the first time Steven entered here to explore alone, he discovered the secret passage, and after entering the secret passage to explore, he knew that the secret passage led directly to the seaside cliff and was safe.

That's why he has the current actions, and he is sure to successfully avoid the sight of everyone outside, leave quietly through that secret road, and quickly get away from Cyprus!

Thinking of this, everyone at the scene secretly sighed.

This guy Steven is really omnipotent. In such a short period of time, he actually discovered this secret passage and entered it to explore. How did he do it? It's incredible!

as expected!

In two or three steps, Ye Tian walked to the side of the marble statue of Hugo de Paying, then stopped, and pushed the heavy marble statue away.

Following his movements, a dark hole appeared in front of everyone, right behind the marble statue, perfectly hidden.

"Guys, see you at the Vatican!"

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and waved to everyone present.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped into the secret passage, walked along the secret passage to the sea, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the secret passage.

At the same time, on the Mediterranean Sea not far away, a sleek silver-white luxury yacht also slowly started its engine, ready to respond!

And under the seaside cliff not far from the east side of the ancient castle, in a cave half submerged by sea water, a set of black deep diving equipment was lying quietly on a reef!

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