Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1847 Sudden Arrival

In the blink of an eye, four days have passed.

Discovered from the outskirts of Larnaca, Cyprus, the treasure of the Knights Templar, which caused a huge sensation all over the world and attracted countless attentions, has been safely transported to Rome and the Vatican!

According to news media reports, although people know that this is the legendary treasure of the famous Knights Templar, no one knows what is in this treasure.

People don't even know how much this treasure is worth, whether it is the same as the legend, and its value is immeasurable!

And the question that the entire Western world is most concerned about is whether there are those famous Christian relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar, but no one knows, and people can only guess by imagination!

The reason why this happens is simple.

As soon as this treasure of the Knights Templar was released, it was closely guarded by a large number of heavily armed Swiss Guard members from the Vatican, and no one was allowed to approach it.

Regarding the specific situation of the treasure, what is in the treasure and how much is it worth? All those involved in the joint exploration operation were tight-lipped and did not disclose any news!

Even the Cypriots only know the news of the release of the treasure of the Knights Templar, but they don't know the details, let alone other people with ulterior motives!

The Cyprus government authorities have tried to preserve this treasure, at least to find out the situation of the treasure, and strive to preserve some of it.

But this is obviously wishful thinking. Under the tremendous pressure exerted by the Vatican, the Cypriots had to abide by the agreement signed with the Vatican before, and watched all the things found in the treasure be transported away!

Of course, they didn't get nothing.

For a country like Cyprus, which has been divided between the north and the south, the huge political support of the Vatican is probably what they want most!

While paying attention to the treasures of the Knights Templar, people also discovered another situation.

Steven, the key person who discovered this treasure of the Knights Templar, seemed to have evaporated from the world, and suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight without a trace!

Since he led the team into the long-abandoned old castle on the outskirts of Larnaca, Cyprus four days ago, he has never appeared again, and completely disappeared in that old castle!

Regarding his whereabouts, everyone in the joint exploration team remained silent.

Did not disclose any information to the outside world, leaving everyone confused and confused!

The day after the treasure of the Knights Templar was revealed and shocked the whole world, Ye Tian's private plane flew to Beijing Capital Airport again, and sent the fragment of the statue of Athena that he found in Larnaca to Beijing!

Other antique works of art acquired in Larnaca were escorted by David's assistant lawyer and several security personnel, transported back to New York on another chartered plane, and handed over to Betty!

Although it has been four days since the treasure of the Knights Templar was released, people's enthusiasm has not diminished in the slightest. Everyone is paying close attention to this famous treasure, and everyone wants to find out the specific situation of the treasure.

When the time came to the morning of the fourth day, when it was discovered that all the items from this Templar treasure had arrived in Rome from Larnaca, the enthusiasm reached its peak.

As soon as the large transport plane carrying the treasure arrived at Rome Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, the news spread quickly and reached almost everyone's ears.

Next, when the convoy escorting the treasure drove into the urban area of ​​Rome, the whole of Rome was suddenly empty, and almost everyone rushed to the streets and the Vatican, trying to catch a glimpse of the grand occasion!

Fortunately, the Vatican and the Italian government had anticipated this situation long ago, and sent a whole army armed to the teeth and an empty space to cooperate with the escort. This did not cause any accidents, and also dispelled many people's unrealistic thoughts!

When the escort convoy arrived at the Vatican, the Pope personally led a large group of cardinals to the border between the Vatican and Italy to welcome the escort convoy. His expression was extremely solemn, serious, and very excited!

Seeing this scene, even a fool could guess that there must be extremely important Christian relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar brought from Larnaca, Cyprus.

But no one can guess the specific Christian holy relic in the legend, and neither the people from the Vatican nor the people from the Fearless Exploration Company disclosed any information.

In addition, people also found that Steven, that magical guy, still hasn't appeared, and he can't even see his shadow!

So many people are secretly guessing whether that guy Steven was tricked by the Vatican. After finding the treasure of the Knights Templar, he was killed deep underground!

In fact, there are not a few people who have this idea. The Vatican has done a lot of things like this in history, and it must be very easy to do!

Soon, the time has come to the afternoon of the fourth day.

The number of people in St. Peter's Square has not decreased, but more and more. It has reached the point of rubbing shoulders, and the square has become more and more crowded.

Tourists from all over the world, locals in Rome, reporters from the world's major news media, and other people of all kinds seem to have all flocked to St. Peter's Square, and it was packed to the brim!

At this time, people have no intention of admiring the magnificent and classic historical buildings and sculptures around the square, nor entering St. Peter's Basilica to pay their respects, let alone visiting the Vatican Museum!

People in the Vatican are all waiting at this moment, waiting for the Vatican to announce the news about the discovery of the Knights Templar's treasure, and to announce to the public what Christian relics have been discovered!

During the waiting process, everyone was discussing and guessing excitedly, and everyone was full of expectations.

But they waited for several hours, and they did not wait for the authoritative news officially announced by the Vatican, but they waited for a familiar figure.

Just after three o'clock in the afternoon, seven or eight Land Rover bulletproof SUVs guarded a Cavalier XV civil armored vehicle, and suddenly sped from north to south from Concorde Avenue, and finally stopped at the entrance of St. Peter's Square.

As soon as the heavy convoy stopped, a team of Swiss Guards with live ammunition greeted them and quickly established a cordon around the convoy.

Immediately afterwards, the doors of those Land Rover bulletproof SUVs opened one after another, and a group of heavily armed security personnel came down from inside, and established another line of defense around the Cavalier XV.

After confirming the safety of the scene, the rear door of the Cavalier XV was just opened, and the people in the car got off immediately and landed on the border between the Vatican and Italy.

The people who came out of the Cavalier XV car were Ye Tian, ​​who seemed to have disappeared two days ago, and David, who had just arrived in the Vatican this morning.

At this time, Ye Tian had a sunny smile on his face, a complacent look, and his complexion looked very good.

Not surprisingly, his appearance immediately caused a sensation.

Almost everyone at the entrance of St. Peter's Square looked towards him, all excited and full of curiosity!

"Look! It's Steven, that magical guy. He finally appeared. I thought he was killed by the Vatican and died in that medieval castle in Larnaca. I didn't expect him to still be there. Live!"

"Don't forget, that's Steven, who has always been known for being ruthless and cunning like a fox. It's probably not that easy to kill him, few people can do it!

All those guys who confronted him and tried to kill him before were all sent to hell by Steven and his gang of murderous men. The Vatican should not touch this bad luck.

If I'm not mistaken, this guy, Steven, made a fool of everyone, cleverly used the huge energy of the Vatican, and safely transported the treasure of the Knights Templar back to the Vatican! "

Just when people were discussing, a large number of media reporters in the square also discovered Ye Tian!

Immediately afterwards, these guys rushed towards Ye Tian like a raging tide, one by one scrambling to be the first, and everyone seemed to be the world champion of 100 meters!

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian and David, who had just crossed the border and walked into the Vatican, immediately looked at each other and smiled!

Another good show is about to be staged, it must be very exciting!

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