Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1848 Another Treasure

The numerous media reporters rushing in were all stopped by the Vatican police who were in charge of guarding the periphery. They could only stand outside the first cordon and were not allowed to approach at all.

However, how could they be willing to let go of such a golden opportunity, otherwise it would be too dereliction of duty.

Before they could gain a firm foothold, these media reporters began to ask questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven. I'm a reporter from Italian National Television. Can you tell me about the treasure of the Knights Templar? What's in that famous treasure? Are there any legendary Christian relics?"

"Steven, good afternoon. I'm a reporter from the Washington Post. Can you tell me about your whereabouts in the past few days? After Larnaca discovered the Knights Templar's treasure, you disappeared and disappeared until today. Appear.

Before that, many people were guessing about your whereabouts. They guessed everything. I didn't expect you to appear here today. Is there any unknown story in the middle? Tell everyone about it! "

Accompanied by the sound of questions one after another, the vicinity of the entrance of St. Peter's Square seemed to be boiling, and it became very lively and full of voices!

At the same time, the news that Ye Tian appeared at the entrance of St. Peter's Square quickly spread throughout the entire St. Peter's Square like a hurricane, attracting the attention of almost everyone in the square.

Hearing questions from many media reporters, Ye Tian, ​​who was walking forward, suddenly stopped and looked at the excited uncrowned kings.

David and Cole who were following on the left and right also stopped in their tracks.

After standing still and quickly scanning the scene, Ye Tian smiled and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good afternoon, I'm Steven, I'm very glad to meet you here, today's weather is nice and sunny, I hope you have a pleasant and wonderful day.

It can be seen that everyone is very concerned about our joint exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar with the Vatican, and would like to know what we found in Cyprus, and whether there are any legendary Christian relics.

Here, I can tell you clearly that in a long-abandoned medieval castle on the outskirts of Larnaca, Cyprus, our joint exploration team did discover the treasure of the Knights Templar.

However, the treasure hidden in that ancient castle is only a small part of the treasures of the Knights Templar, not all. During the exploration process, we did find two Christian holy relics, and many secular treasures! "

The voice did not fall,

The scene has been completely detonated.

Although people have already guessed that the joint exploration team has found the legendary treasure of the Knights Templar and most likely discovered some important Christian relics, people were still completely shocked when they heard that Ye Tian personally accepted the matter. up!

"Wow! It's great to have discovered two Christian relics, but I don't know what these two Christian relics are? When will the Holy Grail or other holy relics be officially announced and exhibited?"

"God bless! Those Christian relics that have been lost for more than 700 years are finally reappearing in the world! I really want to see those two Christian relics earlier and see what they are.

Now I completely believe that rumor, God will always stand with Steven and take care of him forever! This guy's luck is so good that it will definitely make people crazy with envy!

Otherwise, the joint exploration team would never have found the treasure of the Knights Templar that had disappeared for more than 700 years so quickly. Cooperating with Steven is really the wisest decision made by the Vatican! "

Among the constant discussions, the voices of many media reporters asking questions at the top of their voices are particularly eye-catching.

"Steven, what are those two Christian holy relics? Can you tell everyone? Everyone here, and even every Christian believer in the world, wants to know the answer to this question!"

"That's right, Steven, hurry up and tell everyone, besides Christian holy objects, what are the worldly treasures in the treasure? How will your company and the Vatican deal with these treasures? How will they be distributed?"

For these questions, Ye Tian did not immediately respond.

He scanned the scene again, then stretched out his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Following his action, the scene quickly fell silent, and everyone was staring at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes full of anticipation and even fanaticism.

"I'm very sorry, what the two Christian relics discovered by the joint exploration team in Larnaca still need to be kept secret, and it is not convenient to disclose it for the time being, please forgive me.

As we all know, I am an atheist. Although our company is leading this joint exploration operation, it seems inappropriate for me to announce the news about Christian sacred objects.

But I can say with certainty that once these two Christian relics are officially announced and exhibited, they will definitely cause a huge sensation and attract many believers from all over the world to come to pilgrimage.

Be patient, everyone. Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, we, the Fearless Exploration Company and the Vatican will hold a joint press conference to officially announce the results of this exploration operation.

At that time, the two Christian relics I just mentioned, as well as the many secular properties in the Templar treasure, will be announced to the public and the time for public exhibition will be determined.

In addition, we will also publish the video materials taken during the exploration of this treasure. Through those video materials, everyone can personally see the whole process of this joint exploration operation.

As for the distribution of the treasure, according to the signed joint exploration agreement, the Christian relics found in the treasure of the Knights Templar belong to the Vatican, and all secular property belongs to our company, there is no doubt about it! "

Not surprisingly, with Ye Tian's words, the scene became commotion again.

"Wow! Announcing all the video materials of the joint exploration operation is really Steven's usual style. Obviously, this is another impeccable treasure hunt, and no one can find any problems from it!"

"All Christian holy relics belong to the Vatican, and all secular property belong to the Fearless Exploration Company. Considering the size of the escort convoy this morning, there is no doubt that this guy, Steven, has made a fortune!"

While people were discussing, seeing Ye Tian's eyes had changed rapidly, with envy, jealousy and hatred, all kinds of emotions, many people's eyes were even red with jealousy, wishing they could replace Ye Tian.

After a short pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again, directly overwhelming all other voices.

"Just now, a reporter friend asked me about my whereabouts in the past few days, why I suddenly disappeared, and whether something unknown happened. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your concern.

Everyone thinks too much, I didn't disappear suddenly, but I left because of something! I left that medieval castle when the Templar treasure was discovered there and the cleanup was almost complete.

Considering the treasure cleaning work that was going on at that time and the need for confidentiality, I avoided the eyes and ears of everyone when I left the castle, but every member of the joint exploration team knew it.

After leaving Cyprus, I went to Brussels, Belgium. In that beautiful city, there is a historical building that belongs to me, which I bought during my trip to Brussels a few months ago.

The reason why I bought that historical building was entirely out of commercial considerations. When I cleaned up the building afterwards, I discovered that there was a treasure hidden deep underground in that building.

I went to Brussels this time to explore that treasure, and the result did not disappoint me. Deep underground in that historic building, I did find a special treasure.”

Speaking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help but a smug look flashed across his eyes.

As for the people at the scene, they were a little dizzy after being shocked by his words, and wondered if they were hearing hallucinations!

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