Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1849 Manifesto of the Communist Party

After a brief silence, the scene immediately exploded.

"What? Did I hear you right? Steven found a treasure in Brussels, and it disappeared suddenly this time. It turned out that he went to Brussels to hunt for treasure. What kind of treasure is that? What is hidden inside?"

"My God! Another treasure, is God's eyes really blind? Why did all the good things fall on this guy, Steven, and all the treasures belonged to this bastard, it's so unfair!"

Crazy exclamations came and went, like a violently erupting volcano, bombarding the eardrums of everyone present.

Even the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo who had just arrived, as well as the people from the Vatican who participated in the joint exploration of Cyprus before, were all stunned and looked at Ye Tian dumbfounded.

"Steven, where is the historical building you bought in Brussels? What is hidden in that treasure? Can you tell everyone?"

"Tell me about that treasure, Steven, what did you find from that treasure? And how did you deal with those things in the treasure?"

Many media reporters at the scene raised their hands one after another, scrambling to ask questions, their voices getting louder and louder, lest Ye Tian could not hear them.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see.

The reason why he announced the Brussels treasure here is that he wants to use the hands of these uncrowned kings to make this matter public and try to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Ye Tian scanned the scene again, and then said loudly with a smile on his face:

“It’s okay to tell everyone that the historic building I bought in Brussels is located in the famous Grand Place, which is the historical building where the Swan Restaurant is located.

You may know something about that historic building. It used to be the residence of Marx and Engels in Brussels and the birthplace of the Communist Manifesto.

Deep underground in that famous historic building, I found a secret tunnel and a small secret room, in which two large boxes of manuscripts of Marx and Engels were hidden.

That was the manuscript of the "Communist Manifesto". Most of it was written by Marx, and some were written by Engels. The state of preservation is not bad, and it is of great research value!

In addition to the manuscript of the "Communist Manifesto", there are other documents, as well as two pistols, which should be weapons used by Marx and Engels, and they are also in good condition."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was completely dumbfounded, everyone was stunned, their eyes full of disbelief!

Two big boxes of manuscripts of the Communist Manifesto! It's too exaggerated. People don't even dare to imagine how much those manuscripts are worth.

Undoubtedly, that is definitely a jaw-dropping astronomical figure, and more likely, the value of those manuscripts is simply inestimable!

Without the slightest pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice continued to echo in the air and reached the ears of everyone present.

"After discovering the two large boxes of manuscripts, documents and two pistols, and determining the approximate value, I immediately contacted a top art dealer in Belgium and disposed of those things on the spot!

As far as I know, the collector who bought the "Communist Manifesto" manuscript and pistol from me through the top Belgian art dealer is a super rich man from China.

As a professional treasure hunter,

In Shangyanshang, someone gave a reasonable price. I have no reason not to sell those manuscripts and pistols. In fact, those things are the most valuable in China.

The two private lawyers I hired in Brussels participated in the entire process of this treasure hunt in Brussels and the subsequent art transaction, and every link was completely legal.

Like every treasure hunt in the past, I took a video of the whole process of treasure hunt and art transaction this time, and recorded it in detail, lest some people make a fuss about it.

Just now, I posted all these video materials on the Internet, and you can watch them online later. After watching the video materials, everyone will have a better understanding of this treasure hunt.

Well, this is the end of this impromptu interview. We are leaving to prepare for tomorrow's joint press conference. One more word, I wish you all a good day and see you tomorrow! "

After speaking, Ye Tian stepped out, and under the protection of Cole and the others, walked into St. Peter's Square, ignoring the media reporters who asked loudly.

Before taking a few steps, an angry voice suddenly came from the crowd on the left. It was extremely loud, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Christian holy relics belong to the Vatican, and all secular property belongs to your Bravery Exploration Company, so what can we get in Cyprus? Nothing, it's so unfair!"

The person who said this was a tall Greek, about forty years old, obviously a tourist from Cyprus.

Hearing these words, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the Greek, and then said with a sneer:

"Dude, you should ask the Cyprus government authorities what they got, I believe that what Cyprus got may not be wealth, but it must be a lot!

If it weren't for us, this treasure would never reappear in the world, and it might disappear completely! Cyprus gets nothing, so you don't have to be outraged, it's all meant to be! "

After speaking, he continued to stride forward.

As for the Greek from Cyprus, he could only look at his back and think about his luck secretly. Even if he gritted his teeth with hatred and his eyes shot fire, there was nothing he could do.

Under the protection of many armed security personnel, Ye Tian and the others gradually drifted away, and were soon completely swallowed up by the surging crowd in St. Peter's Square.

When the backs of their group disappeared from view, many media reporters at the entrance of St. Peter's Square immediately took out their mobile phones and IPADs and started searching online.

In just a moment, these guys found relevant video materials and began to browse.

Immediately afterwards, there were exclamations one after another at the scene.

"That guy Steven is absolutely right. He really found the manuscript of the Communist Manifesto and the pistol hidden by Marx and Engels in Brussels. He is an extremely lucky bastard!"

"My God! There are too many manuscripts of the "Communist Manifesto". There is no doubt that every piece of paper in these two boxes is of inestimable value, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a priceless treasure!"

While these media reporters were amazed and quickly brewing press releases, there was a burst of frantic cursing in the city hall of Brussels, Belgium, thousands of kilometers away.

"Steven, what the hell are you a shameless liar and a despicable robber! The treasure in the Swan restaurant belongs to Belgium, not to you, a damn bastard. If you want to take that treasure for yourself, there is no door!"

Gritting his teeth and crazily cursing Ye Tian, ​​the person is the mayor of Brussels. The Brussels City Hall where he is located is also on the Grand Place in Brussels, and it is next to the Swan Restaurant.

However, right under their noses, Ye Tian came here without anyone noticing, swept away the treasures hidden deep underground in the Swan Restaurant, and then floated away again!

Thinking of this, the mayor of Brussels felt extremely angry and felt a burst of shame, and was so distressed that he almost fainted on the spot.

After venting wildly, the mayor picked up the phone and started contacting relevant people, trying to make up for it and recover the loss as much as possible!

But soon he learned that the two large boxes of manuscripts of the "Communist Manifesto", as well as other documents and the guns of Marx and Engels, had been transported to Beijing as early as yesterday, and it was impossible to return to Belgium!

The next moment, there was a loud noise from the office of the mayor of Brussels, as if something had been smashed!

After smashing the phone, the mayor personally led a large number of government officials and Belgian police, and angrily rushed directly to the door of the Swan Restaurant.

What was waiting for them was the locked door of the Swan restaurant, two senior Belgian lawyers in suits and leather shoes standing at the door of the restaurant, and several media reporters!

As for Ye Tian, ​​who is far away in the Vatican, he has already entered the Vatican garden at this time, and is walking towards the historical building where he lived before!

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