Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1853 Detonate the entire western world

"As you can see, the two items placed on this metal box are a medieval all-metal helmet and a strangely shaped metal mask.

They are all of extraordinary origin, and they belong to the same person. Their owner is Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem, the famous leper king in history.

The weird metal mask on the box undoubtedly confirms a long-standing medieval legend that Baldwin IV made all his masks in the style of leprosy,..."

While Bishop of Kent was introducing, Ye Tian had already cleaned up the moss and dust on the helmet and leprosy mask, and displayed them in front of everyone, which also provided the best material for Bishop of Kent's explanation!

Unsurprisingly, the scene and countless live broadcasts were blown up again, and people were once again completely shocked by what they heard and what they saw on TV!

But this time, the Bishop of Kent did not pause at all, but continued to introduce.

The scene flashed, skipping the shot of Ye Tian unlocking, he gently opened the rusty metal box, and presented the contents in the box to everyone.

At this moment, Bishop of Kent's voice suddenly became agitated, and he seemed to be trembling a little.

"The items contained in this metal box basically belong to King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem. There is only one item that does not belong to him. This item is extremely important, and it can be called the biggest discovery of this joint exploration operation!"

While speaking, the Bishop of Kent on the TV screen had carefully lifted the lid of the rosewood box, and the blood-stained flag of the Knights Templar inside the box immediately appeared!

Seeing this scene, many media reporters at the scene and countless viewers on the live broadcast end immediately guessed that the dark gray linen cloth embroidered with Malta cross must be wrapped with a Christian sacred object!

But no one knows what that Christian holy object is, and people can only guess secretly based on its general outline!

In an instant, everyone held their breath, staring at the action of the Bishop of Kent on the TV screen, staring at the item wrapped in linen with wide eyes, not even willing to blink their eyelids!

The next moment, the Bishop of Kent had gently lifted the linen, revealing the scarred dark wooden board.

"This piece of linen is the banner of the Knights Templar, which is stained with the blood of the Templars, and the item wrapped is an irregularly shaped wooden board with scars and burn marks on it.

Underneath this dark wooden board is a piece of parchment from the late twelfth century, which clearly records in Latin the origin of this dark wooden board and how it came to Larnaca, Cyprus.

By studying the contents recorded on the parchment, we learned that this dark wooden board is a fragment of the "True Cross", which was brought to Cyprus by Gerard, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar after the failure of the Battle of Harding! "

Having said that, the Bishop of Kent automatically stopped.

In fact, he also had to stop, because the press conference site and all the live broadcast ends were completely boiled in an instant, who could still hear his voice!

The media reporters at the press conference jumped up from their chairs one by one as if they were electrocuted, jumping three feet high!

Some guys even accidentally fell to the ground, and some reporters accidentally dropped their own food, cameras and video cameras.

But, who cares about those things!

The same was true for countless viewers on the live broadcast. Some jumped up, while others fell on chairs, sofas, or even the floor.

Even the leaders of Western countries, who are used to seeing big scenes, were stunned by the shock, holding their heads in their hands and exclaiming directly.

"How is this possible? Wasn't the 'True Cross' burned by Saladin in the Battle of Harding and completely disappeared from history? Who would have imagined that there are still fragments left? It's simply unbelievable!"

"God bless! If this is really a fragment of the 'True Cross', then there is no doubt that this must be a great discovery, enough to be recorded in the history books!"

All people who understand the history and significance of the True Cross, and all Christian believers, were completely stunned by the TV pictures in front of them and what they just heard!

Many devout Christian believers even had tears in their eyes, drawing crosses on their chests and praying in low voices.

The media reporters at the press conference seemed to be going crazy, asking questions loudly one by one, and there was still time for the question to come.

"Bishop of Kent, I'm a reporter from Italian National Television. When will this fragment of the 'True Cross' be put on public display? When can we see this Christian holy relic with our own eyes?"

"Good morning, Bishop of Kent, apart from this fragment of the 'True Cross', when will the parchment that records the history of this fragment be on public display?"

All the media reporters were asking questions loudly, scrambling to be the first, and the scene suddenly became very noisy like a pot was boiling.

However, the Bishop of Kent did not answer these questions, but stretched out his hands and pressed down, motioning for everyone to be quiet, and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I understand your eagerness, but please be patient and wait for a while. There are many important discoveries that need to be introduced one by one.

When we enter the free questioning session, we will announce the time and location of the public exhibition of the 'True Cross', as well as the time and location of another Christian relic."

Hearing his words, many media reporters at the scene could only forcibly suppress their excitement, and then sat down and continued to listen.

When the scene quieted down, the Bishop of Kent immediately picked up what he had just said.

Next, he introduced another Christian relic found in this Templar treasure, the crown of thorns of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem.

Unsurprisingly, with his introduction, the press conference and countless live broadcasts were detonated again, and the crazy exclamation sounded again, resounding almost throughout the western world.

Soon, twenty minutes passed.

The Bishop of Kent finally finished introducing all the things found in the treasure of the Knights Templar, and handed the scene back to Julio. He quickly took a sip of water to moisten his dry throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, next will be the long-awaited free question time. Before that, I must explain some things in advance so that everyone can ask questions.

According to the joint exploration agreement signed by the Vatican and the Bravery Exploration Company, except for the two Christian holy relics, all other items found in the treasure of the Knights Templar this time belong to the Bravery Exploration Company! "

Julio said loudly with a smile, but there was a look of pain in his eyes.

"Wow! The secular property in the treasure is all owned by the Brave and the Fearless Exploration Company. What a huge fortune that is! This guy Steven is really making a lot of money!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene and countless live broadcasts. Although people had expected this result, they were still shocked when they heard Julio say it himself.

Of course, people are more envious, even jealous and hate!

That was an astronomical amount of wealth, and everyone would be jealous, no exception!

Next, Giulio spoke a few more words, and then announced loudly that it was time to start asking questions freely.

Before his words fell, some media reporters asked loudly:

"Bishop of Kent, I am a reporter from The Times, Thomas, when will the two Christian relics be exhibited publicly? Where will they be exhibited?"

Not only him, but almost all the questions raised by other media reporters were similar to his, at most the wording was different.

The Bishop of Kent glanced at the many media reporters at the scene, and then said with a smile:

"Following this joint press conference, fragments of the 'True Cross' and the Crown of Thorns of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem will be on public display in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican!

Due to the large number of visitors who came to the Vatican today, for the sake of safety, we have to take measures to limit the number of people who enter St. Peter's Basilica each time. I hope everyone understands!

As long as everyone has a little patience and waits a little longer, then every Christian believer who comes to visit the Vatican will be able to see the two Christian holy objects that have disappeared for seven or eight hundred years."

As soon as his words fell, the press conference site, St. Peter's Square outside, and countless live broadcasts immediately burst into cheers!

Next, after many media reporters asked a few more questions about the two Christian relics, they shifted their focus to Ye Tian.

"Steven, I'm a reporter from n, Stephenson, what are you going to do with the knight equipment of the Knights Templar? How do you deal with the weapons and equipment of Baldwin IV? And other priceless treasures?"

Ye Tian looked at the American reporter under the stands, then smiled and said loudly:

"Following this joint press conference, the mundane artifacts discovered from the Templar treasures belonging to our Darius Exploration Company will be put on public display at the Vatican Museums.

This includes, of course, the medieval knightly equipment of the Knights Templar and the armament of Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem, as well as the golden crown of the Principality of Antioch and various other objects.

In fact, the theme of this public exhibition is taken from the relationship between the Knights Templar and Baldwin IV. I named it "Knight and King". Welcome everyone to visit the Vatican Museum.

On the eve of our joint exploration team preparing to set off again to start exploration operations in the next country, this public exhibition will end, and then all items will be shipped to New York, USA.

After arriving in New York, our company will classify these antique relics and gold and silver treasures from the treasures of the Knights Templar, some of which will be pushed to the antique market, and some of them will be collected by ourselves.

Soon, there will be an independent exhibition hall called "Kings and Knights" in New York, which displays these knight equipment that fully reflects the history of the Templars, as well as the weapons and equipment of Baldwin IV! "

"Wow! This guy Steven is extremely shrewd. He has dug a huge gold mine that is inexhaustible and inexhaustible!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene and countless live broadcast terminals, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words!

At the same time, in New York on the other side of the ocean, the eyes of the directors of several famous museums suddenly lit up, like searchlights!

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