Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1854 Start Again

Three days passed quickly, and the huge sensation brought about by the treasure of the Knights Templar was still continuing without any sign of weakening.

In the past three days, countless tourists and Christian believers from all over the world poured into the Vatican from all directions, like a raging tide.

The purpose of people coming to the Vatican is basically the same, nothing less than two.

The first is to go to St. Peter's Basilica, appreciate and admire the two Christian relics enshrined there, and experience the sacred atmosphere that has been violated for seven or eight hundred years.

Then go to the "Kings and Knights" exhibition hall of the Vatican Museum, wander in the sword array composed of dozens of hundreds of medieval knight swords, and experience a soul-stirring medieval knight legend up close.

Of course, there are many other things worth seeing in this exhibition hall.

For example, the complete set of weapons and equipment of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, the golden crown of King Antioch, and many sculptures, as well as other antiques from the Middle Ages and so on.

Walking into this huge exhibition hall, everyone seems to feel that they have stepped into the Middle Ages and the battlefield during the Crusades, and the sound of fighting and killing resounds in their ears.

However, when the fourth day came and people rushed to the Vatican Museum early, they suddenly found that the exhibition hall of "Kings and Knights" was empty, and even the sign at the door had been removed.

The medieval antiques and knight equipment that were originally displayed in this exhibition hall have all disappeared overnight, as if they had never appeared before.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately understood.

Those priceless medieval antiques and antiquities, as well as gold and silver treasures, were all transported away by Steven, a greedy bastard, and shipped to New York on the other side of the ocean.

And that's exactly what happened!

At the same time as the opening of the Vatican Museum, the C5 Galaxy transport plane carrying the treasure of the Knights Templar took off from Rome Leonardo da Vinci International Airport and flew straight to New York!

Those in charge of transporting the treasures of the Knights Templar included not only Ye Tian's armed security personnel, but also a large number of armed security personnel who had just arrived from the United States. The curator of the Metropolitan Museum personally led the team.

The reason why the director of the Metropolitan Museum came to Rome is simple.

After comparing the conditions offered by various famous museums in New York, after some weighing,

Ye Tian finally decided to set up the "King and Knight" exhibition hall in the most powerful and most famous Metropolitan Museum.

When the time came to the afternoon, good news came from New York.

The C5 Galaxy transport plane carrying the treasure of the Knights Templar has safely arrived in New York, and Betty and Mattis, who are waiting at Kennedy International Airport, have successfully received the treasure of the Knights Templar.

Next, the priceless antiques and gold and silver treasures were transported directly to Manhattan by a fully armed army and stored in different vaults.

After the joint exploration of the Templar Knights' treasure is over and Ye Tian and the others return to New York, the 'King and Knight' exhibition hall will be officially opened and become another famous tourist attraction in New York City.

It is entirely conceivable that this unique exhibition hall will become a huge gold mine, which will continuously bring huge wealth to Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company!

What's more, this huge gold mine is inexhaustible and will continue to grow in value and bring more wealth over time.

The sun rises again and a new day begins.

The many armed security personnel who escorted the treasure of the Knights Templar to New York have all returned to Rome. The Bishop of Kent and Leonardo are also ready to set off to continue the joint exploration operation.

Near ten o'clock in the morning, the heavy convoy that Ye Tian and the others rode drove out of the Vatican, along the ancient streets in Rome, and galloped straight to the north.

At the same time, two medium-sized helicopters carrying armed security personnel also took off from the Vatican parking lot, and soon flew over the convoy, and began to escort the convoy and move forward together.

Seeing that the joint exploration team left the Vatican, they had already received the news, and a large number of news media vehicles that had been waiting at the junction of the Vatican and Italy immediately started their engines and followed closely.

Some of the news media even broadcast live broadcasts while tracking, spreading the news that the joint exploration team set off again in an instant, and spread it all over the world!

In addition to the many media vehicles, there are also a large number of escorting Italian police cars, which also followed closely and quickly dispersed around the convoy to protect this much-anticipated heavy convoy.

In addition, behind the news media vehicles and the police vehicles, there are many social vehicles following up, dotting far behind the convoy of the joint exploration team,

And everywhere in the city of Rome, many guys with different backgrounds also received the news immediately, knowing that the joint exploration team had set off again, preparing to continue exploring the treasure of the Knights Templar.

After receiving the news, these guys also started their vehicles immediately, gathered from different directions, and soon appeared behind Ye Tian and his convoy.

As for the purpose of these guys, needless to say, they all came for the treasure of the Knights Templar, and there was no one who was good at it!

At this time, on the streets of Rome, because of the appearance of Ye Tian's heavy convoy, it has already caused a huge commotion and attracted countless attentions.

When the convoy crashed through the ancient streets, everyone on these streets gave the convoy applause with enthusiasm and anticipation, and talked excitedly.

"The joint exploration team of the Vatican and the Bravery Exploration Company set off again. I don't know where they are going to explore the treasure this time? I hope they will play triumphant songs again and find a few more religious relics!"

"Looking at the direction of the convoy, it seems that the joint exploration team is going to the north. If that's the case, they're probably going to France. During the Middle Ages, the Knights Templar held many fiefs in France.

It is not an exaggeration to say that France is the lair of the Knights Templar. In previous legends about the treasures of the Knights Templar, the most likely places where the treasures are buried are also several medieval castles in France.

I believe that with that magical guy named Steven, they will definitely discover something. Unfortunately, once the treasure is found, there will be many valuable treasures that will be swept away by that guy named Steven! "

In the midst of people's discussions one after another, Ye Tian and his convoy quickly drove out of the city of Rome, onto the highway leading directly to Milan, and headed straight for northern Italy.

The convoy had just driven onto the expressway when four Volvo long-headed heavy-duty trucks suddenly drove quickly from behind, and then divided into two groups, two at the front and two at the front, and unreasonably inserted into the front and rear of the convoy.

After occupying a favorable position, the four heavy trucks at the front and rear immediately adjusted their positions and began to move forward two by two.

Following the actions of these four heavy trucks, the south-to-north lane of the expressway was directly blocked, and all other vehicles could only follow behind, and there was no possibility of overtaking!

In an instant, the four heavy-duty trucks protected the convoy of the joint exploration team, separated it from all other vehicles on the highway, and blocked the sight of other vehicles from looking at the convoy.

Even the Italian police cars escorting them were separated by these four long-headed heavy trucks, without saving any face!

As soon as the furious Italian policemen were about to take action, Leonardo told them through the walkie-talkie that this was a security measure arranged by the Vatican and it was best not to interfere.

After receiving the news, those Italian policemen could only silence their flags and continue to helplessly open the way in front and escort behind, and they couldn't do anything else!

As for the news media who were driving the news broadcast van and were broadcasting live, they also had to interrupt the live broadcast because they couldn't film anything.

This sudden change immediately attracted a group of angry curses.

"Fack! This must be the bad move that that bastard Steven came up with. It's so cunning. With these four heavy trucks in the way, we can't even think about taking pictures along the way!"

"I'll go! That bastard Steven played this trick again. When he came to Rome from Milan, he used this trick. On this highway, that bastard Steven personally created a crazy killing.

I'm sure, this time going north, if those idiots try to intercept this heavy convoy on the highway, that bastard Steven will definitely let the two heavy trucks in front hit him without hesitation! "

While people were talking and cursing, Cole was also reporting to Ye Tian the situation before and after the convoy.

"Steven, there are many tails behind our convoy, four or five times more vehicles than in Jerusalem and Cyprus before.

There are old friends from the past, such as those from the Priory of the Dead Mountain and the Portuguese Jesuits, and many new ones, such as Mafia members and so on.”

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"This is all expected and not unexpected. Let those guys follow and see what tricks they can play. I hope they can persist to the Alps, where their cemetery may be!"

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