Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1855 1 road to the north

The convoy of the joint exploration team is still speeding on the highway, heading straight for northern Italy.

As the heavy convoy got farther and farther away from Rome, the weather outside became colder and colder, and the scenery outside the car window and on both sides of the highway felt a lot more bleak.

Near three o'clock in the afternoon, the convoy of the joint exploration team had arrived in the suburbs of Piacenza.

This small and medium-sized city in northern Italy was the place where Ye Tian and the others fought with the mafia when they left Milan for Rome. The battlefield was on the highway north of Piacenza.

Perhaps because of lingering fear, the Piacenza police responded before Ye Tian and his convoy arrived.

They sent a large number of police, police cars, and special police armored vehicles to wait at the intersection of the highway entering the urban area of ​​Piacenza. Everyone was on high alert as if they were facing an enemy.

The bloody slaughter that happened not long ago, or should be said to be a one-sided massacre, left a deep impression on the Piacenza police, and it can even be said to be unforgettable!

Thinking of the crazy massacre, the bloody hellish scene on the highway, every Piacenza policeman still feels terrified and terrified!

At this time, the core figure of the bloody massacre, Steven, the ruthless bastard, and his gang of brutal armed security personnel will pass through Piacenza again.

Moreover, the armed security personnel following this time have heard more and are more powerful. Together with members of the Swiss Guard from the Vatican who are also heavily armed, it is simply an army armed to the teeth!

Faced with this situation, can the Piacenza police not be cautious and fearful?

They not only sent a large number of police and police cars to wait at the intersection of the highway, but also dispatched police cars in advance to sort out the highway leading to Milan in case of accidents!

However, their worries were obviously unnecessary, and everything they did was useless!

"Steven, Piacenza is not far ahead. Shall we enter this city? According to reports from the guys in front, the Paacenza police have dispatched a large number of people and are waiting for us at the intersection of the highway ahead."

Cole's voice came from the intercom, announcing the situation ahead.

As soon as his voice fell, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Changing the marching plan,

Inform everyone in the convoy not to enter Piacenza, go around the edge of the city, let's go to Turin, stay in Turin for a day, and cross the Alps to France the day after tomorrow"

"Got it, Steven, I'll let the guys know"

Cole responded in a deep voice, and then ended the call.

While speaking, the heavy-duty convoy on which the joint exploration team was riding had arrived at the intersection where the Piacenza police and police cars were!

Here is a fork in the road, one road goes north, passes through Piacenza, and goes straight to Milan, the fashion capital, and the other road extends west, leading to Turin, the industrial city of Italy.

Seeing the heavy convoy galloping from a distance, as well as various other vehicles following behind the convoy that could not be seen at a glance, the faces of the many Piacenza police guarding the intersection of the highway could not help but change!

"Damn it! Steven, the bastard, is still as high-profile and ostentatious as ever. When they left Rome, couldn't they leave quietly?

Don't even think about it, there must be a lot of people with ulterior motives in the vehicles behind them, and they are all coming for the treasure of the Knights Templar! "

"When did that bastard Steven keep a low profile? If so, it wouldn't be him. I hope God blesses that there will be no more fire incidents like last time!"

Just when these Piacenza policemen were talking and worrying, the convoy of the joint exploration team had come before their eyes.

However, this heavy convoy did not continue to drive north into the downtown area of ​​Piacenza, but turned suddenly left, turned onto the highway leading to Turin, and sped west.

Seeing this scene, the Piacenza policemen waiting at the intersection of the highway couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then cheered with arms raised.

"Great! Steven and his bastards are obviously going to Turin instead of Piacenza, so we don't have to worry about it, nor do those guys in Milan!"

"It seems that the news from Rome is correct. This joint exploration team is going to France to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar. It is obviously better to enter France through Turin than to enter France through Milan and then through Switzerland!"

At the same time, in the vehicles following the joint exploration team, there were also voices of discussion, even outraged cursing.

"Wow! I originally thought that Steven and Bishop Kent were going to Milan, then to Switzerland via Milan, and then to France. The news from the Vatican was the same.

But who would have thought that the joint exploration team suddenly changed direction and was going to Turin. Obviously, this was the decision of that guy, Steven, and the previous news were just smoke bombs! "

"Fack! Steven, a cunning bastard, actually changed his plan halfway and went to Turin. All the preparations we made in Milan were in vain, and the plan had to be rearranged again!"

Following the convoy of the joint exploration team, the vehicles that followed all the way from Rome also turned left in a hurry and drove onto the highway leading to Turin.

At this time, the convoy of the joint exploration team has galloped away along the highway, drifting away!

Looking at the various vehicles with a number of one or two hundred vehicles passing by quickly one after another, the Piacenza police officers waiting at the intersection couldn't help but gasp!

While being shocked, they have already begun to secretly pray for Turin and France, even silently mourning!

And in Milan, dozens of kilometers away, many Milan policemen who were waiting in full battle, after receiving the news that the joint exploration team had diverted to Turin, they all let out a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed a lot!

Thank goodness! Steven's gang of damned American bastards didn't come to Milan again, so everyone finally didn't have to worry about it!

The ones who should really be worried are those idiots in Turin!


Turin, located in northern Italy, at the foot of the Alps, adjacent to France, is the third largest city in Italy, after Rome and Milan.

This is the capital of the Piedmont region of Italy and the largest automobile production area in Europe.

The world-famous super sports car, the top luxury that every man dreams of owning, Ferrari, is produced in Turin!

In addition to being a famous industrial city and automobile city, Turin is also well-known in the football world. There is the world-famous football powerhouse Juventus Football Club.

In addition, Turin is an ancient city with a long history.

It was first built in the Roman Empire and was an important military site. During the Renaissance, it became an autonomous city-state.

By 1720, Turin was the capital of the Kingdom of Sardinia, occupied by France during the Napoleonic Wars, and after Italian independence, from 1861 to 1865, this time once the capital of Italy.

Today, there are still a large number of classical and Baroque buildings in Turin. The culture and history are very rich, and Turin people are proud of it.

In the city of Turin, there are a large number of art galleries, churches, palaces, opera houses, squares, parks, courtyards, theaters, libraries, museums and other various places of interest.

Because of its rich history and culture, it stands to reason that the city also has many famous historical sites, as well as a large number of antique shops and galleries, as well as antique flea markets.

And these are one of the reasons why Ye Tian decided to come to Turin.

Just after five o'clock in the afternoon, the convoy of the joint exploration team galloped along the highway, and drove into the urban area of ​​Turin with a very high-profile and public attitude.

At this time, it was snowing lightly in the sky, and the crystal snowflakes fell all over the sky, covering the historic city of Turin with a white coat, making it extraordinarily beautiful!

The snow-capped Alps, like a beautiful goddess in white gauze, stands quietly in the distance, watching these strange visitors who have just arrived in Turin!

However, many Turin police officers at the intersection of the highway have no intention of admiring this beautiful and picturesque scenery.

Looking at the huge speeding convoy ahead, the faces of these Turin policemen were very dignified, and their expressions were more gloomy than the sky above their heads!

Without exception, each of them had an ominous premonition in their hearts at this time, and they couldn't get rid of it!

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