Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1856 Visiting Turin in the Snow

It was already the second day after arriving in Turin, the sky was still cloudy, and there were snowflakes floating profusely, but it had a special taste.

After breakfast, Ye Tian and David left the hotel where they were staying, and under the protection of a group of armed security personnel, they began to visit the ancient city of Turin.

Bishop of Kent and Leonardo did not accompany them, they went to Turin Cathedral.

That church enshrined a famous Christian relic, the "Shroud of Jesus". Since they came to Turin, of course they had to pay their respects.

Ye Tian is not interested in the most closely preserved Christian relic, which has caused the most controversy and is highly doubtful, and does not plan to visit it.

If he visits Turin Cathedral and sees that famous Christian relic and finds it to be nothing more than a medieval forgery, is he better off saying it or not?

Having said that, it will inevitably shock the entire Western world and attract a wave of attacks, which is almost a certainty.

Not to mention, this secret will naturally not be made public, only he knows it, but that's awkward, isn't it.

That being the case, why bother to find that unhappy one!

Besides, he came to Turin this time, apart from going to France by way, mainly for the antique art market in Turin, not for the shroud of Jesus.

Coming out of the hotel, Ye Tian looked up at the snowflakes dancing in the sky, then smiled and said to David and the others beside him:

"Let's go, guys, let's go to Turin in the snow, it must be a special taste, maybe there will be surprising discoveries, that would be great!"

As he said that, he opened the bulletproof umbrella casually, and walked forward with David and the others, talking and laughing.

Around them, the many security personnel led by Cole had spread out and quickly built a solid line of defense to protect them.

Moreover, each of these security personnel held a bulletproof umbrella in their hands. After all the umbrellas were opened, they immediately blocked the sight of the people around them.

At this time, even if someone launches an attack, it is impossible to determine Ye Tian's position at all, it will only expose himself and attract crazy counterattacks!

This time around Turin in the snow, Ye Tian and the others did not take a car, but chose to walk, a few bulletproof SUVs and a Cavalier XV civil armored vehicle,

Just follow not far behind, and can rush up to support at any time.

Although Turin is the third largest city in Italy with a large area, the historical center of Turin is not that big, and it is very close to the hotel where Ye Tian and the others are staying.

That's why they chose to walk. This is also the best way to visit the historic center of Turin. Only in this way can they truly appreciate the beauty and charm of the city.

Especially on such a special day with flying snowflakes, walking on the streets of Turin must have a very unique feeling.

After leaving the hotel and walking a few steps forward, Ye Tian and the others saw a few familiar old friends standing on the other side of the street, watching them.

Those guys were all Italian cultural relics gendarmes, led by Pizarro, and followed them all the way from Rome to Turin, and every face was very familiar.

Seeing those guys, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile, as a greeting, and then continued to walk forward.

Pizarro also nodded slightly at them, but the smile on his face was uglier than crying.

When Ye Tian and his group passed by, Pizarro immediately gritted his back teeth and said in a low voice:

"Guys, let's follow up, I'm sure that the reason why this greedy bastard Steven came to Turin must be for the antique art market in Turin.

Although it is difficult for us to stop this bastard from looting the antique art market in Turin, we must keep an eye on this bastard to see what he can find.

If there is a priceless top antique art, then we must not let this bastard take it out of Italy, and keep it in Italy anyway! "

"Understood, Pizarro"

The rest of the Italian cultural relics gendarmes responded in unison, each of them gritted their teeth, but their eyes lacked a bit of confidence.

During this period of time, after frequent fights with Ye Tian, ​​they were completely terrified. Everyone felt lingering fear, even very depressed, and lost their previous pride and self-confidence.

Then he gave a few more instructions, and Pizarro led the Italian cultural relics gendarmes to follow, closely following Ye Tian and his group.

In addition to these old friends of the Italian cultural relics gendarmerie, around Ye Tian and the others, there were also many Turin policemen in plain clothes, all of whom were watching Ye Tian and the others closely, always on high alert.

In addition, seven or eight media reporters with cameras followed closely behind, ready to capture headlines that might happen at any time, each one full of anticipation.

As for the Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain, the Portuguese Jesuit Society, the Greek Orthodox Church and many other churches and religious organizations, as well as the Mafia and other people from all walks of life, they also sent people to follow Ye Tian and the others closely, watching their every move.

Ye Tian didn't care about these tails attached to his back at all, and neither did David.

Those who stared at these guys and were ready to deal with them at any time were naturally Cole, who was in charge of security, and the security personnel who pretended to be tourists and mixed in with the crowd.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already arrived at Roma Avenue, and walked along this most prosperous and historic street in Turin City to San Carlo Square not far ahead.

As in the past, during the march, Ye Tian once again took on the role of explaining, introducing the city of Turin to David and the others.

“Turin’s past and history began with the Savoy dynasty, a beautiful but not touristy Italian city where the ancient and the modern are perfectly combined.

In Turin, there is a strong European spirit everywhere, surrounded by a balanced atmosphere between Nordic and Mediterranean civilizations, but this unique urban atmosphere originates from Rome! ..."

While Ye Tian and the others were admiring the beautiful scenery of the streets of Turin, laughing and chatting, and walking forward under the profuse snowflakes, the people walking on the streets of Turin had already spotted them.

When people saw Ye Tian's familiar face and the tough security personnel walking around him, they couldn't help but feel jittery, even a little scared.

The place they walked by was completely drowned out by the sound of discussion after another in a blink of an eye.

"Steven and his gang really came to Turin. This is not a good thing! Everywhere these American bastards go, there will be huge disturbances, and Turin is no exception!

Judging from the direction they are going, they should be going to San Carlo Square. If this is the case, then I am sure that those antique shops and galleries around San Carlo Square will be in bad luck, and they will not escape the fate of being ransacked! "

"Could it be that the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried in Turin? I've never heard that any part of Turin is related to the Knights Templar? I hope God bless, these guys are just passing by, don't stay in Turin for a long time!"

Amidst the people's discussions and under the gazes of many curious eyes, Ye Tian and the others soon arrived at San Carlo Square, which is located in the middle of Roma Street.

This is a very elegant city square, not too big, rectangular in shape, surrounded by well-preserved Baroque-style historical buildings, each building is basically the same height, most of which have only three floors.

Although the style of these historical buildings is uniform, the colors are different. There are various colors such as yellow, white, red, dark brown, etc., which look colorful and pleasing to the eye!

All these historical Baroque buildings are brought together to form a beautiful urban complex, which has also won a good name for this square, the Atelier of Turin.

On the street side of the ground floor of these Baroque-style historical buildings, there is an arched colonnade, and the colonnades of all buildings are connected together, making a complete circle around San Carlo Square.

In addition, in the center of San Carlo Square stands a famous statue, "Bronze Horse", which is a bronze equestrian statue created by the famous Italian sculptor Marocetti in 1838.

Below the colonnade in the northwest corner of the square is the famous San Federico shopping corridor, where luxury stores gather. It is a must-see for many people who come to Turin, especially female tourists!

However, Ye Tian didn't pay attention to these things.

The reason why he came to San Carlo Square was entirely for the antique shops and galleries dotted around the square.

Because of the snowy weather and the early time, there were not many tourists visiting San Carlo Square.

The only few tourists, in order to avoid the wind and snow, basically stay under the baroque colonnades around the square, or wander in the luxury stores that have just opened, to buy or appreciate their favorite luxury goods!

At this time, the San Carlo Square looked empty and somewhat bleak.

After Ye Tian and his group walked into this square, this famous square became more popular and not so deserted!

Coming here, Ye Tian was not in a hurry to visit the antique shops and galleries around the square, but strolled to the bronze equestrian statue in the center of the square, and began to appreciate this famous statue and the surrounding historical Baroque buildings!

Many antique dealers and gallery owners who were doing business around Piazza San Carlo received the news immediately.

When they walked out of the store, through the snowflakes flying all over the sky, they saw the figure standing in the center of the square, looking up to admire the surrounding scenery, everyone's face changed and became extremely ugly!

Each of them knew very well in their hearts that a storm would definitely blow up in San Carlo Square today, and some people would be ransacked wildly and become another ghost under the knife of that bastard Steven!

Although they knew it well, they couldn't do anything at the moment. If they didn't close their doors, they could only pray secretly, hoping that the unlucky guy wasn't themselves!

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