Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1864 Secrets in the Castle

On the Alcimi Tower, everyone turned to look at Earl Beauge.

"In 1952, Madame Krazia, an archaeologist and cryptographer who has studied the occult symbols of the Knights Templar, made a field trip to the Alzhni Castle, including the Tower of Arcimi.

After the investigation, Mrs. Craczia declared to the outside world that she firmly believed that the treasure of the Knights Templar was in the Castle of Argeny, and that she had found some key symbols for discovering the treasure, which were these mysterious symbols.

These symbols began to appear on the carved panels of the gate of the ancient castle and continued to the Alximi Tower, and she recognized an ancient Egyptian symbol here, which was the key clue to the treasure.

According to Mrs. Kratia, the mysterious ancient Egyptian symbols indicate that in addition to the legendary religious relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar, there is also a huge amount of secular wealth.

The ancient Egyptian character symbol she mentioned is the one in front of everyone. After Mrs. Craczia left the Argeny Castle, my parents also did some research, but they never found the treasure! "

As he spoke, Earl Beauge pointed to a symbol on the north wall of the tower, his tone full of regret, and his eyes full of unwillingness.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone looked at the mysterious symbol engraved on the north wall of the tower.

The shape of the mysterious symbol is quite weird, it looks like an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, but what kind of thing or animal it looks like, everyone can't guess it for a while, so they have no way of knowing its specific meaning.

The first time they saw the mysterious symbol, Ye Tian and David quickly glanced at each other, and the Bishop of Kent who was standing beside him also glanced at Ye Tian.

They had also seen this mysterious symbol in the medieval castle in Larnaca, Cyprus, and in the water prison deep underground. It was engraved on the wall where the door of the secret room was located.

However, that doesn't tell much.

Many mysterious symbols that appeared in the medieval castle in Larnaca can also be seen in the Arjni Castle, engraved in different places.

Some are carved on the walls of the castle, on the walls on both sides of the gate, on flower beds, and on the walls and floors of other buildings, etc.

On the wall of the Alximi Tower in front of them, there are several mysterious symbols that Ye Tian and the others have seen before. They look very familiar, but they don't know their specific meanings.

At this time, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent,

It is very clear in my heart, before I fully understand the meaning of these mysterious symbols. They must not be relied upon to find the Templar treasure.

In that case, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, and even lead the joint exploration team into the ditch, farther and farther away from the treasure of the Knights Templar.

This point has long been proved by countless treasure hunters.

If these undecipherable mysterious symbols can guide the treasure hunters to find the treasure, then the treasure of the Knights Templar has been found hundreds of years ago, how could it be kept until now, for Ye Tian and the others to discover.

Compared with the mysterious symbols left by the Knights Templar, Ye Tian believed in his omnipotent eyes, which was the biggest reliance for him to discover the treasure of the Knights Templar!

While everyone was observing the mysterious characters on the wall, Count Beauge was still explaining.

"According to Mrs. Craczia, through a trefoil window on the tower of Alcime, observe the beam of light entering this window between two and three o'clock at noon on the 24th of June.

That beam of light may shine on a stone, and the mysterious characters engraved on that stone may be the key clues pointing to the treasure of the Knights Templar's treasure, which has a decisive effect.

My fathers have tried this method, and tried many times, but unfortunately, they still haven't found the treasure of the Knights Templar, and they can't decipher the meaning of those mysterious characters!

Champion, a Parisian who is deeply interested in treasures, also came here to hunt for treasures under the guidance of the astrologer Amand Babel and the writer Jacques Breuer who specialized in the study of the Knights Templar.

They had excavated the Arzhini Castle, but they were also helpless with the mysterious symbols carved inside and outside the building. They didn't understand the specific meaning, so they could only return empty-handed.

A few years later, Jacques Breuillet wrote a book called "The Mystery of the Sunshine" specifically for the expedition to the castle of Argeny. "


Everyone laughed, and each one was overjoyed.

After the laughter fell, the guy from the Elysee Palace suddenly said:

"Mr. Earl, have you ever thought about demolishing this medieval Gothic castle? If the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried here, as long as the castle is demolished, it will be found."

Earl Beauge turned his head to look at the guy in his forties, his eyes were like looking at an idiot, full of contempt and disdain!

Ye Tian and Kent were the same, they all turned to look at that guy.

At this moment, everyone was thinking the same thing, what kind of idiot is this guy from the presidential office of the Elysee Palace? To make such a stupid suggestion!

Seeing everyone's performance, no matter how stupid that guy was, he knew he had said something wrong. His old face instantly turned red, as if stained with blood, and his expression was extremely embarrassing!

In the end it was Count Beauge who came forward and rescued him from this embarrassing predicament.

Earl Beauge shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"Our family has considered this method, but it is not advisable, so it has not been implemented. This Gothic castle has belonged to our Beauge family since the day it was established, and it has always stood on our fief.

From the Middle Ages to the present, after seven or eight hundred years, it is not easy to keep this medieval castle intact. To a certain extent, it has become one of the symbols of our Beauge family.

It can also be said that this medieval castle is part of the Beauge family, the oldest and oldest family member of our family. Every brick and tile here embodies the history of our family!

Maybe the treasure of the Knights Templar is hidden here, maybe it’s just a rumor, the treasure is not here, there are two possibilities, if the treasure is here, we can still make up for it by demolishing the castle, if not?

It is absolutely impossible for us to demolish this awe-inspiring ancient castle without a definite reason. Perhaps in the future, future technology will guide us to find the treasure of the Knights Templar! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded slightly, looking at Earl Beauge's eyes with a bit of respect.

As expected of a veteran aristocrat who has been passed down for thousands of years, this kind of bearing is beyond anyone's reach!

Next, everyone laughed and chatted while admiring the beautiful scenery around the castle, or observing and admiring the mysterious symbols carved on the walls of the Alcimi Tower.

Of course, there is also this medieval Gothic castle itself, which is also worth admiring, and the towering Alcimi Tower is the best viewing point, where you can overlook the entire castle from a high position!

While admiring the mysterious symbols on the wall, Ye Tian also secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the Alcimi Tower and all the buildings within the perspective range, not missing a single one!

Looking down from the top of the Alcimi tower where he is located, most of the buildings in this medieval castle are within his perspective.

That is to say, the straight line between him and those buildings does not exceed 180 meters!

Within this range, nothing can escape his eyes, and all secrets will cease to exist, except those buried deep underground.

In addition, the stables and gardens behind the castle, as well as other ancillary buildings, are temporarily unable to see through because they are beyond the range of 180 meters!

It is also very simple to see through those places and see if there are secrets hidden in those places, just go down from the Alxime Tower and walk over there.

At that time, all secrets will be revealed, without any reservations!

The first thing Ye Tian sees through is the Alximi tower he is currently in.

As far as the eye can see, everything inside and outside of this medieval Gothic tower with a long history is clearly presented in front of Ye Tian's eyes.

In this tower, Ye Tian didn't find anything surprising. He only found a few empty hidden compartments and a few hidden niches on the walls of the tower and the corners of the stairs.

Those hidden compartments and alcoves are very small, and they have been cleaned up very cleanly. It is obvious that they have been discovered long ago. Given their size, they cannot be the treasures of the Templars' treasures!

After quickly seeing through the tower of Alcimi, Ye Tian looked through the windows of the tower, looking at the city wall below, and the particularly thick and solid area near the gate of the ancient castle.

Still nothing!

There are only solid and dense granite strips in those places, and concrete made with ancient methods, and there is nothing else!

This situation couldn't be more normal, as early as Ye Tian expected.

You know, this is a castle built by the Bore family to protect the lives and property of the family. How could it be possible to cut corners and dig a secret room at the city wall and gate to artificially increase the safety hazard!

Next, Ye Tian's eyes swept to other places in the castle, and continued to see through, secretly spying on the secrets hidden in this medieval Gothic castle!

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