Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1865 Exploration

"Steven, we are ready to start the exploration operation and search for the treasure of the Knights Templar!"

Jason's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie, sounding quite excited and eager to try.

At this time, Ye Tian had withdrawn his gaze, ended his perspective, and was chatting with David in a low voice.

Hearing the announcement, he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Okay, Jason, let's get down from the Alxime Tower right away, and then we can start the exploration operation. You should familiarize yourself with the equipment again, and don't lose the chain later!"

"Got it, Steven"

Jason responded and ended the call.

Afterwards, Ye Tian glanced at the people around him, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, you can continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Alps here, we are leaving the Alcimi Tower and going down to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, hoping to gain something.

Judging from the reality, even if the treasure of the Knights Templar is hidden in the castle of Argeny, it is impossible to be on this tower. It is not June 24, and it is obviously impossible to find the treasure according to the instructions of the sun!

Excluding this method, we can only use our usual methods, relying on our relatively rich treasure hunting experience and vision, to find the treasure of the Knights Templar. I hope good luck will still accompany us! "

Admire the beautiful scenery of the Alps? Come on, why are we here? Why should we come to the Château d'Argeny for the view of the Alps? Wouldn't it be nice to go to Geneva?

Everyone at the scene complained secretly, and there was one who was willing to stay at the top of the Alcimi Tower to blow the air.

"Steven, we are full of curiosity about how you explored the treasures of the Knights Templar. We really want to open our eyes. Let's go down with you. We will talk about the scenery later!"

Martinez said hastily, and the others nodded.

Hearing this, Ye Tian pretended to think for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Well, gentlemen, you can visit the exploration operation, but it's best not to interfere with our work. When it comes to some situations that need to be kept secret, I may ask you to avoid it. Please understand and cooperate!"

"no problem,


Everyone at the scene responded in unison, with a somewhat reluctant taste in their voices.

What can I do if I don't want to! It was Ye Tian who led this joint exploration operation, not the Frenchmen, so they could only cooperate.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took the lead and walked down the stairs, and the rest immediately followed. Everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations.

At the same time, the guys outside the Alzhni Castle holding binoculars and looking out have already discovered the movement on the Alcimi Tower.

"Steven and Bishop Kent left the top of the tall tower and are walking down. It seems that the joint exploration operation is about to start. I wonder what they can find?"

"These damned Frenchmen are guarding too tightly! We can't just stay and stare at it from a distance, we must find a way to understand the situation in the castle of Argeny!"

While these guys were talking a lot, Ye Tian and his group had already descended from the tower of Alcimi, passed through the main building below the tower, and came to the courtyard in the center of the castle.

As soon as they walked into this boxy, not-so-large French-style courtyard, everyone saw Jason and the others.

At this time, Jason and the other Darius employees were ready and divided into groups.

There are a total of ten of them, divided into five groups, two people in each group perform their own duties, one person is carrying a huge pulse metal detector, and the other is holding the host and liquid crystal display.

In addition to them who were preparing to launch an exploration operation, there were also several heavily armed security personnel standing guard beside several bulletproof Mercedes-Benz SUVs in the center of the courtyard.

Those cars are equipped with the most advanced treasure hunting and exploration equipment in the world today, some of which are highly sensitive, and each piece is valuable, so it is natural that someone needs to be guarded at all times.

While speaking, Ye Tian and David had already arrived in front of Jason and the others, as did the Bishop of Kent and those Frenchmen who followed.

Everyone stood still, before Ye Tian could speak, Earl Beauge suddenly said first:

"Steven, if I'm not mistaken, the equipment your company's employees hold is all metal detectors. It seems that you are going to use metal detectors to explore the underground situation of the castle.

Here, I can tell you that we have scanned every inch of the ground, even every centimeter, in the castle of Argeny with metal detectors, and no treasure of the Knights Templar was found! "

It can be heard that Earl Beauge's tone is somewhat disappointed.

Following his words, disappointment flashed in the eyes of the other Frenchmen.

Ye Tian saw the reactions of these French guys, but he smiled disapprovingly and said:

"Mr. Earl, I don't know what type of metal detector you are using, and what is the detection depth? If it is an ordinary detector that can be seen everywhere on the market, the depth of 50 centimeters will be the best!

However, the metal detector used by our company has a detection depth of six meters. It is the hand-held metal detector with the largest detection depth and the most advanced equipment in the world. It is not seen in the market at all!

Although the Alzhni Castle has a long history, the ground conditions have not changed. If the treasure of the Knights Templar is really buried here, you may be able to find it with this metal detector! "

Before the words fell, there was a sound of exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! I've never even heard of a handheld metal detector that can detect a depth of six meters. This is too exaggerated!"

"It seems that this kind of thing should only appear on the battlefield and be used to explore landmines or underground bunkers. Could it be the latest high-tech equipment of the US military?"

Amidst the discussion, Ye Tian smiled and said loudly:

"This is not the high-tech equipment of the US military, but the equipment specially customized by us from China. It is specially used to explore the treasures buried deep in the ground. It was only shipped from Beijing two days ago!"

"Steven, you are indeed the top treasure hunting company. The equipment is too advanced! The metal detectors we used to explore the castle before had a detection depth of only fifty or sixty centimeters.

It seems that I took it for granted. You can start exploring. If you need help, you can tell us at any time. I am very much looking forward to seeing the results of your exploration! "

Earl Beauge said with emotion, his eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, then turned around, looked at Jason and the others, and began to arrange actions.

"Guys, just like the previous treasure hunts, in the process of exploring the treasure, everyone must turn on the pinhole camera they carry with them, record the whole process of the exploration, and save the video data.

Let's first explore the ground inside the Argeny Castle. According to the assigned area, everyone will carefully explore every inch of the medieval Gothic castle without missing any corners.

If you don't find it inside the castle, let's expand the scope of exploration to the outside of the castle to explore the outbuildings around the castle of Argeny, as well as fields and forests, and even rivers!

I believe that as long as the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried in this medieval castle, we will be able to find the treasure and shock the world again. Everyone starts to act, and I look forward to hearing good news! "

"Got it, Steven"

Jason and the rest of the Dauntless Expeditions employees responded in unison, everyone was full of confidence and eager to try.

Next, they turned on the pinhole cameras carried on their bodies, and then spread out in groups of two and two, and began to explore the grounds of the Arzhini Castle centimeter by centimeter.

Seeing their actions, the Frenchmen standing next to them, everyone's heart trembled!

"These guys are really scary. Not only are the treasure hunting equipment top-notch, but they are also meticulous and almost impeccable. Coupled with Steven's bad luck, what treasure can escape their eyes?"

While these Frenchmen were secretly feeling emotional, Ye Tian had already stepped forward, opened the rear door of a bulletproof SUV, and took out another set of pulse metal detectors, ready to personally explore the treasure of the Knights Templar.

In a blink of an eye, he memorized the set of pulse metal detectors, and then handed the main unit and LCD display to David who was eager to try.

"Let's go! David, let's explore the treasure together, maybe we are the ones who discover the treasure of the Knights Templar and shock the whole world again!"

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out and walked towards the Alximi Tower.

"It's great! Steven, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, and I can finally go treasure hunting myself. It must be very exciting!"

David cheered excitedly, and followed up with two pieces of monitoring equipment, walking very briskly.

As for the Bishop of Kent and the Earl of Beauge, they also quickly dispersed, and each followed a group of employees of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, preparing to experience the fun of treasure hunting for themselves!

While speaking, Ye Tian had arrived at the bottom of the Alcimi Tower, and then he extended the metal detector's coil to the ground, and began to explore!

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