Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1866 Treasure in the Stables

It has been more than half an hour since the exploration operation started. Ye Tian used a handheld pulse metal detector to scan the ground and walls of the first floor of the Gothic building below the Alcimi Tower, but found nothing.

The other five groups of explorers were the same, and there were no surprising discoveries.

During this period, everyone did scan a lot of metal objects buried in the ground at different depths, and the pulse metal detector also made a pleasant sound from time to time.

However, through the strength of the feedback signal and various data displayed on the LCD screen, everyone can quickly judge the general situation of the corresponding underground metal objects.

For example, the approximate depth and size of the buried metal objects, whether they are a single piece or several pieces stacked together, the distribution range, etc.

By analyzing these situations, everyone can determine whether the metal objects buried at different depths in the ground are treasures or not, and whether they are worth digging by hand.

At least so far, no one has found a large number of metal objects gathered together, that is, suspected treasures, let alone the famous treasure of the Knights Templar.

Over time, the scope of exploration of several groups has continued to expand, and has extended to the stables, gardens, and other outbuildings behind the castle.

Those Frenchmen who had followed each group enthusiastically, looking forward to witnessing the reappearance of the treasure of the Knights Templar, could not hide the disappointment on their faces at this moment.

In their view, this trip to the Argeni Castle may have been in vain, and it was a joyous occasion.

Those legends that have been passed down for hundreds of years are likely to be false and rumored. They are just legends. The treasure of the Knights Templar is not in the castle of Argeny at all!

After exploring the Gothic building where the Alcimi Tower was located, Ye Tian and David walked into another connected Gothic building, ready to continue exploring.

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, hurry up to the stables behind the castle. We may have found something. The signal detected by the pulse metal detector is quite strong. It seems that there are a lot of metal objects buried here!"

The sound came from that guy Derek, who was taking another company employee to detect at the stables behind the castle.

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately burst into a surprised smile, and his eyes were also somewhat surprised.

When looking down at the top of the Alcimi Tower before,

Because of the distance, he didn't see through the stables behind the castle and several other outbuildings, so he naturally didn't know the situation deep underground there.

But who would have thought that Derek and the others would find something about the stable that he had left out, and it must be said that it was an unexpected surprise!

What exactly is buried over there in the stables? Could it really be the treasure of the Knights Templar? Of course it couldn't be better!

Like Ye Tian, ​​David holding the LCD monitor, the Bishop of Kent, the Earl of Beauge standing a little behind, and Martinez all had smiles of surprise on their faces.

"Got it, Derek, let's go over there right away and see what's buried in the stable!"

Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said, still smiling.

Immediately afterwards, he said to those around him:

"Gentlemen, let's go and have a look. Maybe there is a huge surprise waiting for us in the stables. It would be perfect!"

"We have explored the stables several times, but found nothing. It seems that the metal objects are buried very deep, and ordinary metal detectors can't scan them at all, so we didn't find them.

If it weren't for you professionals in treasure hunting and these top-level high-tech exploration equipment, I would never have imagined that there are hidden secrets hidden under the stables! "

Earl Beauge said with emotion, but everyone present could clearly smell the sourness in his tone.

"I don't know if it's the treasure of the Knights Templar, if it is, that would be great!"

The Bishop of Kent continued, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"Whether it is the treasure of the Knights Templar or other treasures, you will know if you go and have a look, and the answer will be revealed soon!"

With that said, Ye Tian turned around and walked outside the Gothic building, preparing to go to the stables behind the castle.

David and the Bishop of Kent followed immediately. Everyone was brisk and excited.

At the same time, the Frenchmen following the other detection teams had also received the news, and they all walked excitedly to the stables behind the castle.

As for the other detection teams, they will not join in the fun until they receive Ye Tian's order. They will continue to explore and search for the treasure of the Knights Templar.

Under the leadership of Earl Beauge, Ye Tian and the others soon came to the stable behind the castle, and the other Frenchmen were led by several gardeners and came from different directions.

As soon as everyone met at the gate of the stables, the French Minister of Culture couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, what did your staff find? Is it really a treasure of the Knights Templar?"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"I don't know the answer to this question. I don't know what is buried in the ground of this stable. Let's go in and have a look. I believe the answer will be revealed soon."

With that said, Ye Tian walked straight into the stable next to him.

Immediately after, the rest of the people followed, including the few gardeners.

As soon as they entered the stable, everyone looked up and saw the excited Derek and the others, as well as a gardener who led them in, also full of excitement.

The area of ​​this stable is not too large. It is over 30 meters long and about 9 meters wide. On both sides of the central passage, there are five elegant and spacious stables. There are two rooms at each end for stacking fodder and horses. Tool.

Derek and the others were standing in the middle of the central aisle of the stable, between the two facing stables. Both of them were staring at the ground under their feet, not willing to move away for a moment.

The probe coils of the pulse metal detectors they held in their hands were still scanning the ground non-stop, and the melodious beeps kept ringing out, very pleasant!

Those tall horses who stayed in the stables because of the cold weather stuck their huge heads out of the fence one after another, staring at the two strange guys with big eyes.

After entering the stables and quickly scanning the surroundings, Ye Tian walked towards Derek and the others.

At the same time, those two guys also woke up, turned their heads and waved their arms at Ye Tian and the others.

When he got closer, before Ye Tian could stand still, Derek excitedly pointed to the ground and said:

"Steven, it's here that we detected a very dense metal signal. Judging from the detected signal strength and other relevant information, there are a large number of metal objects buried at a depth of about three meters underground!"

As he said that, Derek scanned the ground with the high-sensitivity coil of the pulse metal detector, and a series of melodious beeps sounded at the scene, which sounded like the sound of heaven!

"You did a great job, Derek, Tommy, it seems that there is indeed a secret hidden here, maybe it is the treasure of the Knights Templar we are looking for."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, expressing his appreciation to Derek and the others for their work.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the liquid crystal display in Tommy's hand, roughly glanced at the detection data displayed on it, and then looked at the ground under his feet.

As soon as his gaze swept to the ground, a color of surprise quickly flashed in the depths of his eyes, and it was so fleeting that no one noticed it.

"Steven, tell me about the situation here. What exactly did you find? Is it the treasure of the Knights Templar? If it is a treasure, when do you plan to excavate it?"

Earl Beauge asked eagerly, his excited eyes were shining brightly, and he seemed to be much younger all of a sudden.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the veteran French nobleman, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Earl Beauge, those metal objects are buried deep in the ground, and they won't grow wings to fly. Let's explore step by step. As for the introduction, let Tommy come, he knows the situation better!"

With that said, he nodded slightly at Tommy.

Next, Tommy began to introduce the situation.

"After repeated inspections, we can basically confirm that there are many metal objects buried here at a depth of about three meters underground. The distribution area is about two square meters. The specific number is temporarily unknown..."

Following Tommy's introduction and analysis, everyone at the scene suddenly became more excited, eager to try, wishing to roll up their sleeves immediately, pick up the shovel and start digging for treasure.

After Tommy's introduction, these guys couldn't bear it anymore, they all turned their heads to look at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes were extremely eager.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then looked at Earl Beauge and said:

"Jacques, since we have discovered the secret hidden here, let's uncover this secret, dig out those metal objects buried deep underground, and find out what they are and how much they are worth?

But before that, you'd better send someone to take these horses away from the stable, so as not to frighten these cute guys when we dig the treasure later, if they are frightened, they will also threaten everyone's safety! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand and gently stroked a huge horse's head protruding from the stable next to him, his movements were very gentle.

The tall black horse also responded, rubbing its big head against Ye Tian's palm, keeping its eyes on him, snorting non-stop, looking very cheerful and spiritual.

Seeing this harmonious and moving scene, everyone at the scene couldn't help being stunned, even envious.

At this moment, they just remembered the rumors they had heard before.

Steven is an amazing guy who can become best friends with all animals, no matter if they are animals on land or in the sea, and can even make those animals work for him!

There is no doubt that these rumors are extremely true.

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