Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1867 Five Boxes

Soon, Earl Beauge called several gardeners, took the horses from the stables, and temporarily put the big guys on the grass behind the castle, allowing them to gallop freely.

When he was led away from the stable, the black steed still reluctantly rubbed against Ye Tian's arm, even biting his skirt with his teeth, as if he was very reluctant to leave, but he was led away in the end.

Seeing this scene full of tenderness, all the other people in the stable stared straight in amazement.

Earl Beauge, in particular, was even more envious, even jealous, so mad that his eyes were red!

That was his favorite thoroughbred, and he had devoted a lot of effort and time to that steed, but why had that thoroughbred been so affectionate to him? Always be proud!

Facing Ye Tian, ​​the always proud thoroughbred put down his figure and acted so affectionately, even if they just met, can they not make people crazy with envy?

But this is just a small episode, and everyone's focus is not on it.

The focus of everyone here is the metal objects hidden deep underground. Is it a treasure or something else? The answer will be revealed soon!

Waiting for the gardeners of the Argeny Castle to take the horses away, Derek and Tommy, who left the stables and went to the team to pick up the digging tools, also returned to the stables.

They brought back two engineering shovels, crowbars and other tools, as well as a hand-held electric drill, which was used to break through the concrete floor and rocks that might be encountered during the excavation process.

But this possibility is very small. Since there are a lot of metal objects buried here, it is basically impossible to have large rocks blocking the way, otherwise it would be difficult to bury those metal objects deep underground.

In a blink of an eye, everything was ready for excavation.

There were four people who carried out the work, the two gardeners of the Castle of Argeny, Derek and Tommy.

"Guys, let's start working. Dig down along the designated area. The four of you will divide into two groups and take turns. Change when you get tired. Try to dig out those things buried deep in the ground as quickly as possible."

Ye Tian said with a smile, and issued an action order.

After the voice fell, Derek immediately said:

"Okay, Steven, let's go first"


He picked up the power drill, and Tommy picked up the crowbar, which was about to break through the ground.

The next moment, the sound of a motor rotating at a high speed sounded in this empty stable, followed by a loud chug, which was the sound of a drill bit hitting the concrete floor.

The cement layer on the ground of the stables is not too thick, only less than ten centimeters. Its main function is to prevent moisture and facilitate cleaning. Breaking the ground with an electric drill is naturally not as troublesome as demolishing a building.

In the blink of an eye, there were several more holes on the ground, which happened to be distributed along the range designated by Ye Tian, ​​and there were many gaps around each hole.

When Derek turned to the other side with the electric drill, Tommy immediately stepped forward with a crowbar in hand, inserted the end of the crowbar into the holes just drilled, and started to pry the cement on the ground!

Soon, more than an hour has passed.

Jason and the others, who were exploring with a pulse metal detector in hand, have thoroughly detected the interior of the Alzhni Castle, not letting go of any corner.

During the exploration process, they discovered several places where metal objects were buried. They were located in different places and at different burial depths, and the detected signals were strong or weak.

Every time such a place is found, the corresponding detection team will notify Ye Tian and let him go over to check the situation.

After arriving at the detection site, Ye Tian will learn about the specific detection data, analyze the specific meaning of those data, and then carefully observe the ground conditions.

However, he did not ask his employees to dig immediately, but marked the places where the treasures might be buried, and prepared to explore and excavate them later.

Work should be done step by step, there is plenty of time, there is no need to rush.

In fact, Ye Tian knows better than anyone else the specific conditions of the places where metal objects are buried, and what is buried deep underground, so there is no need to worry.

After exploring the interior of the castle, Jason and the others took a short rest, then started to move again, and expanded the scope of exploration to the outside of the castle of Argeny.

As several detection teams walked out of the castle one after another, their ongoing exploration operations naturally couldn't hide the guys who gathered outside the castle and were blocked by the Lyon police from the first line of defense.

Seeing the situation on the other side of the castle, those guys who were stopped in the distance immediately started talking.

"Sure enough, the joint exploration team has already launched an operation, but I don't know what they found? Have you found the treasure of the Knights Templar?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, Steven and those guys probably haven't found the treasure yet, otherwise they wouldn't have sent so many people to investigate around the castle. Isn't that superfluous!"

While there was a lot of discussion, these guys also felt a lot more relieved, not as anxious as before, and eager to know the situation inside the Alzhni Castle.

However, how did they know what was going on in the castle of Arzhini.

After more than an hour of excavation, a large pit with a length of two meters, a width of about 1.5 meters, and a depth of about three meters appeared in the stables behind the castle. The pit became larger as it went down, in the shape of an inverted funnel.

The large amount of earth and stones excavated from this pit have filled the four stables on the edge of the pit, just like four hills.

Because the Alzhni castle is located on the top of a hill, the terrain is relatively high. Although the big pit in the stable is three meters deep, there is no groundwater seeping out, and it is relatively dry.

This situation is of course conducive to excavation operations, without digging while pumping water with a water pump.

At this moment, Derek and Tommy were sweating profusely at the bottom of the pit, continuing to move deeper underground.

Standing on the edge of the big pit, the two gardeners of the Alzhni Castle kept hoisting up the iron buckets filled with soil and stones, and poured them into several stables next to them.

As for Ye Tian and the others, as well as those Frenchmen, they stood a little further away, watching the ongoing excavation work and chatting with each other while laughing.


A strange sound suddenly came from the bottom of the pit, completely different from the previous sound.

Following the abnormal noise, Derek's excited voice came from the pit.

"Steven, we dug it up, it's a metal box!"

"Thank God, the hard work was finally not in vain! If you can't dig any more things, buddies will collapse!"

Tommy continued, his voice was equally excited, and there was also a sense of relief.

Hearing the sound coming from the bottom of the pit in front, Ye Tian, ​​who were standing outside the pit, and the French guys all walked forward at the same speed, and everyone's eyes were shining brightly with excitement.

In a blink of an eye, everyone has come to the edge of the big pit.

In desperation, Earl Beauge, who was walking in the front, almost fell into the three-meter-deep pit. Fortunately, he was caught by Ye Tian, ​​who was following him, and thus avoided being thrown into a disheveled state. result.

Before they could gain a firm foothold, everyone looked towards the bottom of the pit with their eyes full of curiosity.

Derek and Tommy, who were at the bottom of the pit, had already shoveled away the soil from the top of the first box they found, exposing the box that had been buried deep underground for an unknown number of years.

"Wow! Sure enough, there are things buried deep in the ground. What a painstaking effort! I don't know what treasure is hidden in this box? It's so exciting!"

There was a burst of cheers at the scene, and everyone was overjoyed.

Although only the top of one chest has been seen so far and we don't know what the chest contains, this discovery is enough to make everyone excited, especially those who are participating in treasure hunting for the first time!

When the cheers subsided, Ye Tian immediately said loudly:

"Derek, Tommy, clean up the dirt around this box, then tie the rope, we will lift it up from the bottom of the pit, be careful not to bump the box during the cleaning process.

These boxes may be antique relics, buried in the ground for an unknown number of years, and may be extremely fragile. Once the engineer shovel hits them, it is very likely that a hole will be knocked out, causing irreparable damage.

According to the signal detected by the pulse metal detector, there are 100% other metal objects around this box and deeper below, and it is likely to be a metal box similar to this one. Find them! "

"No problem, Steven, don't worry, leave these things to us!"

Derek and Tommy, who were standing at the bottom of the pit, responded in unison. Both guys were full of energy, as if they were resurrected with full blood in an instant.

After finishing speaking, the two guys began to clean up the soil on the top of the box at the bottom of the pit and around it, while Ye Tian and the others stood on the edge of the pit and looked down from a high position.

Soon, more than twenty minutes passed.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others saw five more rusty, dirt-covered, and huge metal boxes lined up in the central aisle of the stable.

This treasure has been buried in the depths of the ground for an unknown number of years. There are five boxes in total. Each box is extremely heavy, and it is obviously full of things.

Although these rusty boxes had been taken out and all hung up, and placed in front of everyone, Ye Tian did not open these boxes immediately, but continued to wait.

What he was waiting for was Derek and Tommy who were still at the bottom of the pit.

Those two guys were the first to discover this treasure, and they had to be there when it was revealed.

When this joint exploration operation is over, they will also receive a special reward for their work.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man! For this point, Ye Tian has always believed in it!

If not, why do these foreigners who put their interests first, work hard for you?

After taking out these five boxes, Ye Tian put the pulse metal detector into the bottom of the pit again, and asked Derek and the others to explore the bottom of the pit, so as not to miss any treasures!

The answer came out quickly, and Derek's voice came up from the bottom of the pit.

"Steven, the bottom of the pit has been cleaned up, and the metal detector can't detect any signal!"

"Okay then, you can come up, let's open these five rusty boxes together and see what's inside these boxes!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and threw the safety rope into the bottom of the pit again.

Following his words, everyone at the scene looked at the five rusty boxes, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot!

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