Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1868 Splitting the Treasure

After pulling Derek and Tommy up from the bottom of the pit, Ye Tian turned around and walked to the five boxes, ready to personally unveil the veil of the treasure and see what treasures were hidden in those boxes.

He didn't rush to clean up the dirt on these boxes, let alone rinse the dirt with a water gun, although he knew very well that that method was the quickest and least troublesome.

At least on the surface, he, like everyone else, didn't know if the boxes were damaged, how waterproof they were, what they contained, whether they contained paper documents or artwork that were afraid of water, and so on.

To be on the safe side, the soil on the surface of the box cannot be washed with a high-pressure water gun.

After squatting down and pretending to observe carefully, Ye Tian took a towel and gently wiped off the dirt on the lock of the first box.

After hundreds of years of time, the padlock that revealed its true colors has long been rusted, and the keyhole has been rusted to death. It cannot be opened by normal methods, even with a key.

There is only one way to open the lock, and that is to cut it to open the locked box.

Next, Ye Tian held up the padlock for a closer look, and then gave the appraisal conclusion.

"This kind of padlock appeared in the middle and late seventeenth century, so it can be seen that these boxes were buried here at the earliest time in the middle and late seventeenth century. The boxes contained may not be the treasure of the Knights Templar!

Based on the analysis of the rust marks on the padlock and the water and soil conditions here, these boxes should have been buried deep underground for less than 300 years, which does not match the time when the treasure of the Knights Templar disappeared.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the treasure of the Knights Templar had been hidden in other places before, and it was transferred here in the middle and late seventeenth century or later, and new boxes and locks were replaced! "

"Ah! Not the treasure of the Knights Templar? What are these boxes containing?"

"Could it be another treasure? If it is, then it is really an unexpected harvest!"

There was a lot of exclamation and discussion at the scene. Everyone had different emotions, including regret, curiosity, and surprise.

Ye Tian scanned the crowd, then smiled and said:

"What is in these boxes? Just open them, and the answer will be presented to everyone. I hope to witness a miracle and get a huge surprise."


He reached for a pair of hydraulic pliers from the tool box next to him, and reached for the rusty padlock.

Following his movements, everyone at the scene held their breath, and their eyes widened, staring at the rusty box, eyes full of anticipation and curiosity.


With a crisp sound, the padlock from two or three hundred years ago has been reimbursed, and it was directly cut into two pieces by hydraulic pliers.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian held the broken lock and twisted it a few times, and took it off smoothly.

However, he didn't open the box immediately, but waved his hand to tell the others to step back for safety.

When everyone retreated two meters away, he held the pull ring on the lid of the box, slowly pulled up the lid, and opened the box that had been sleeping deep underground for hundreds of years, letting the things contained in the box , to see the light of day again!


Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing against each other, Ye Tian opened the dirt-covered and rusty box.

The next moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed in front of everyone's eyes. It was so dazzling that everyone's eyes were a little dizzy, and even reflected the entire stable in gold and green!

The scene suddenly fell silent, only the sound of heavy and rapid breathing remained, and there was no other sound.

Everyone was dumbfounded, each one stunned, looking at the box that had been opened, eyes full of disbelief, madness, and even lost the ability to speak.


Ye Tian let go of the box cover in his hand, let it fall, and hit the back of the box with a muffled sound.

With this muffled sound, the scene immediately exploded.

"My God! A box full of gold is so dazzling and crazy!"

"Wow! What a huge fortune this is, I can't even imagine it!"

While exclaiming wildly, those guys who had just retreated immediately rushed forward like a tide.

That's right! The box that Ye Tian just opened was indeed full of gold.

To be more precise, these chests are filled with all kinds of gold objects, each of which is extremely dazzling and exquisite.

These gold utensils include wine glasses, tableware, candlesticks, decorations, and various gold products used for religious sacrifices, such as crosses, golden sacrificial cloaks, and so on.

Without exception, these gold wares are all very delicate in shape, with beautiful patterns engraved on them, and some gold wares are even chiseled with words and different badges and so on.

In the blink of an eye, David, Bishop of Kent, and the Frenchmen rushed to Ye Tian's side, looking at the gold objects in the box. Everyone was extremely excited and their eyes were extremely fanatical.

While admiring the gold wares in the box, the Bishop of Kent couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, what do you think of these dazzling gold artifacts? Are they treasures of the Knights Templar?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this person, then shook his head slightly and said:

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Bishop of Kent. Although these gold artifacts are extremely dazzling and even maddening, they are not the treasures of the Knights Templar!"

"Ah! It's not the treasure of the Knights Templar, what a pity!"

The Bishop of Kent sighed, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes at the same time.

As soon as his words fell, David immediately asked:

"Since these gold artifacts are not the famous treasures of the Knights Templar, where do they come from? Steven, please explain to everyone."

Following his words, everyone at the scene looked over, looking forward to Ye Tian's explanation to solve everyone's doubts.

Ye Tian didn't start to explain immediately, but picked up a unique gold wine glass from the top of the box, took a quick look, and then said with a smile:

"Everyone, please look at this golden wine glass in my hand. This is a baroque antique relic with exquisite shape and extremely luxurious. According to my judgment, this gold wine glass should be from the late seventeenth century.

As we all know, Baroque art flourished during the period from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the mid-eighteenth century. Since this is a baroque antique, it cannot be related to the treasure of the Knights Templar.

More importantly, the coat of arms of the Savoy family is engraved inside this gold wine glass, and there is a line of cursive Latin at the bottom. Obviously, this antique comes from the Savoy family that once ruled here.

According to my speculation, these gold utensils are not the treasure of the Knights Templar, but were buried here by a count of the Beauge family. The specific time of burying this treasure should be in the early eighteenth century.

As for the purpose of the Earl Beauge to bury this treasure, it is not difficult to guess. In the early eighteenth century, Lyon and its surrounding areas were plagued by frequent wars and precarious weather. This was obviously to preserve private property! "

Saying that, Ye Tian had already looked at Earl Beauge who was standing beside him, and everyone else at the scene was the same, everyone's eyes were full of envy, even jealousy!

Looking at Earl Beauge, his face was already flushed with excitement, and his hands seemed to be trembling slightly.

Seeing his appearance, everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried, whether this Mr. Earl would be over-excited, suddenly have a heart attack, and just poke over him, and the joy turns into sorrow!

Fortunately, the veteran noble's body is not bad, and nothing unexpected happened, he still stood strong, although he was still trembling slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Count Beauge forcibly suppressed his excitement, turned to look at Ye Tian and said:

"Steven, since this is not the treasure of the Knights Templar, but the gold and silver treasure hidden by my ancestors, then the ownership of this treasure should belong to our Beauge family, isn't that right?"

Ye Tian looked at this veteran French nobleman, then smiled and said loudly:

"Mr. Earl, to be precise, this huge amount of gold and silver treasure belongs to both of us. According to the supplementary agreement we signed before, this treasure will be shared equally between the Bore family and our company.

Even if there is no supplementary agreement, according to the French law on treasure hunting, you, as the owner of the castle, and our brave and fearless exploration company, as the discoverer of the treasure, also hold 50% of the rights and interests.

To be honest, at this moment, I hope that this is the treasure of the Knights Templar. In that case, all of this worldly property will belong to our brave and fearless exploration company, but now we have to share half of it with you! "

Hearing this, Earl Beauge immediately rolled his eyes angrily, gritted his molars and said:

"Steven, you really are exactly like the legends, you are so greedy to the extreme, you actually want to swallow all of this treasure, you are wishful thinking, there is no way!

Since I signed the relevant supplementary agreement with you, I must abide by the agreement, and I have to be robbed by you, and half of this treasure is taken away, no matter how distressed it is, it is useless.

In fact, I would not have been able to discover this hidden treasure of my ancestors without your professional staff and professional equipment, and for that, I want to thank you! "

Having said that, Earl Beauge felt very distressed at the moment, feeling that his heart was twitching non-stop, and he was about to convulse!

What a huge fortune this is! And it was the ancestor who tried so hard to hide it, but now half of it will be swept away by Steven, who wouldn't feel bad?

"Okay, Steven, Jacques, don't be in a hurry to divide the gold and silver treasures, there are still four boxes that have not been opened, what is in the other boxes is still unknown, maybe it is the treasure of the Knights Templar!

If those four boxes really contain the treasures of the Knights Templar, the treasure division plan you have discussed now will have to be overturned, and we will discuss again. Let's continue to open the boxes, maybe there will be surprises! "

The Bishop of Kent interjected, with a strong sense of unwillingness in his tone.

As for Martinez and the other Frenchmen, there was nothing but envy and jealousy.

No matter what Ye Tian and the others found, these gold and silver treasures had nothing to do with the other Frenchmen, they could only stand by and watch greedily.

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