Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1869 Chiguoguo's Robbery

There were four more excited cheers in the stable, and each time the sound became louder, resounding throughout the entire castle.

Fortunately, the walls of this ancient castle are very high, and the distance is relatively far. Those guys who were stopped outside the first cordon did not hear the bursts of excited cheers.

If not, those guys will definitely become agitated, and may even attack the defense line set up by the Lyon police.

Accompanied by bursts of cheers, Ye Tian also opened the other four boxes covered with dirt one by one, and the things contained in the boxes were presented in front of everyone's eyes.

Without exception, the four boxes were all filled with gold and silver treasures, but there were slight differences.

Two of the chests were filled with gold objects of various ages, from the twelfth century to the beginning of the eighteenth century.

Moreover, the artistic styles of those gold wares are different, ranging from Renaissance style to later Mannerism, and Baroque style, etc., and each piece is exquisite and dazzling.

The origins of those gold wares are different, most of them are gold wares cast by the Bore family themselves, with the family's crest chiseled on it, very easy to identify, you can recognize it at a glance!

In addition, there are gold objects from several other famous nobles around Lyon, and a small number of gold objects from the courts of various European countries such as France, Spain, and even the Holy Roman Empire, all of which are engraved with corresponding coats of arms.

Of course, there are also many gold wares with a strong religious color in these two boxes, which also come from different historical periods and styles, and each one is quite exquisite.

In addition to these two boxes, there is another box full of gold and silver wares, but the gold and silver wares in this box are even older.

Some of them come from the court of the Kingdom of Burgundy, some from the court of the Frankish Kingdom before the Middle Ages, and some from the court of the Roman Empire, etc. The shape is relatively simple, but it is equally dazzling!

If the gold and silver wares in these boxes are arranged in chronological order, it is almost a complete reproduction of the history of this area of ​​Lyon before the 18th century. Gold and silver wares of different eras represent different rulers!

The last box opened, and the smallest one, was filled with gold coins from different historical eras, and a large number of dazzling jewel diamonds.

Some of those gold coins came from the Roman Empire, some from the Kingdom of Burgundy, and the Kingdom of Franks, etc. There are gold coins from all ages.

Among these glittering gold coins with different shapes and from different kingdoms in different eras,

There is no shortage of extremely rare and priceless top-quality antique gold coins.

Those jewelry diamonds also packed in this box are more dazzling, fascinating, and of course more valuable!

Among them are pure and deep sapphires, rubies burning like flames, crystal clear diamonds, etc. Some gemstones have been preliminarily cut, and some are still in their original state, with different sizes and colorful colors!

But without exception, all these jewelry diamonds are so dazzling that they can drive everyone completely crazy.

After the biggest wave of cheers and exclamations, the stable was completely silent, only the sound of rapid breathing remained.

Including Ye Tian, ​​everyone in the stable was completely shocked by the huge amount of gold and silver treasures in front of them, and they were all stunned and stunned!

It can be seen that the eyes of each of them are shining with excitement and even madness. The eyeballs of a few guys are already red, and they look quite scary.

After a long time, Ye Tian woke up first. He quickly scanned the scene, and then patted his palms lightly.


With the crisp applause, the rest of the people were awakened.

In the next moment, the scene immediately boiled again, and the exclamations continued one after another. Everyone seemed to still not believe their eyes, and couldn't believe what they had seen and experienced with their own eyes.

After nearly a minute, the scene gradually quieted down, and everyone's emotions calmed down a little.

Immediately afterwards, Martinez couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, in addition to the inherent value of gold and jewelry and diamonds, many gold objects and gold coins found here are antique cultural relics with special significance, and many of them are top-notch.

If possible, I hope that everything found in this treasure can stay in France. Almost every antique artifact here embodies a piece of French history! "

As soon as the words fell, the French Minister of Culture, the guy from the Elysee Palace, and the Archbishop of Lyon and several other Frenchmen all echoed, trying to persuade Ye Tian to leave this amazingly valuable treasure.

Among all the French people present, only Count Beauge did not speak. At this time, he was in pain and happiness, and his mood was extremely complicated!

And, of course, the two gardeners of the Castle of Argeny.

They didn't have any right to speak, they could only stand on the side without saying a word, staring at the blood-red eyes, staring at the gold and silver treasures close at hand!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, don't be impatient. It's too early to talk about these things. I think the most urgent thing is to talk about the distribution of these gold and silver treasures, and then talk about other things!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian looked at Earl Beauge before waiting for everyone to respond, and continued:

"Jacques, I can now be absolutely sure that this huge sum of gold and silver treasures has nothing to do with the treasures of the Knights Templar. They are indeed treasures buried by your ancestors.

Right now, only your Bore family and our Fearless Exploration Company have the right to share this treasure. According to the supplementary agreement signed before, we each enjoy 50% of the rights and interests.

How to divide these huge amounts of gold and silver treasures, based on past experience, I have come up with a very fair method, let me tell you now, and we can discuss it further.

For all the gold and silver treasures and antique relics found here, I will give the most accurate valuation based on the current antique art market, and then divide the treasure into two.

Next is the question of choice. Your Bore family can make the choice first, and the remaining half will naturally belong to our Bravery Exploration Company. This method is very fair.

If you are not at ease, you can also hire an expert in antique art appraisal to appraise and then distribute, but I don't think it is necessary at all, I am very confident in my eyesight! "

After the words fell, Earl Beauge did not respond immediately, but fell into deep thought.

Martinez and the other Frenchmen who were standing next to each other rushed to say:

"Steven, Jacques, the Louvre is the most famous museum in the century. It has top cultural and cultural personnel and experts in the identification of antique works of art. We are willing to provide services for free, as long as we can identify these antique relics!"

"There is also the French Ministry of Culture, Steven, Jacques, our French Ministry of Culture, as the department in charge of cultural relics, is required to participate in the identification of these antique cultural relics and record the relevant information!"

Ye Tian ignored these scheming Frenchmen, but looked at Earl Beauge, waiting for him to make a decision.

After pondering for a moment, Count Beauge raised his head, looked at Ye Tian and said:

"Steven, I agree with your treasure distribution plan in principle. Your plan does sound very fair. More importantly, your ability to identify antique works of art is well known and unrivaled.

But I am a Frenchman who works and lives here, and some things must be carefully considered, so I also accept Martinez's suggestion to let relevant cultural and cultural personnel identify these antique relics.

After the identification work is completed, we will divide the treasure according to the agreement. To be honest, when I think of half of the treasure being taken away by a greedy guy like you, I feel extremely distressed. This is Chiguoguo's robbery! "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and every voice was full of endless envy.

After the laughter fell, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"Jacques, now that we have reached an agreement, the rest of the work will be easy. Of course, you can invite experts from the Louvre and the French Ministry of Culture to identify these gold and silver treasures and antiques.

Next, the joint exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar will continue for a few more days, as long as we complete the relevant identification work before we leave Lyon, I still have one thing to do before that! "

After speaking, Ye Tian bent down, picked two gold coins from the smallest box on the ground, and threw them to Derek and Tommy, one for each.

Then, he bent down again, picked out two different gold coins, and threw them to the two gardeners of the Argeny Castle, one for each of them.

Seeing his actions, everyone at the scene couldn't help but feel very surprised, and didn't understand what he meant.

As for Earl Beauge, who was standing beside him, his eyes turned red in an instant, he seemed hesitant to speak, and his distressed facial muscles twitched non-stop.

As for Derek and Tommy, as well as the two gardeners of Argeny Castle, they were overjoyed and kept flipping through the gold coins in their hands.

Ye Tian saw the reactions of everyone at the scene.

He first smiled softly, then said loudly:

"This is a reward I personally give to reward Derek and Tommy for their contribution to discovering the treasure, as well as the hard work of digging the treasure with the other two guys. If you pay, you should be rewarded.

Jacques, don't worry, these rewards will all be counted in my account. When all the antiques and cultural relics are appraised and the treasures are divided, the four gold coins will be deducted. It will definitely not harm your interests! "

Hearing this, Earl Beauge couldn't help laughing bitterly, but there was nothing he could do.

Steven, you damned bastard, you are so generous, isn't this putting me on fire? It's so unethical!

However, Ye Tian doesn't care what he thinks, he continues to play Qianjinshi Magu's good show, and the performance is very exciting!

"Derek, Tommy, the irregular gold coin in your hands is from the period of the First Kingdom of Burgundy in the fifth century AD, and it was the founder of the Kingdom of Burgundy, King Gondioc ordered the minting of gold coins.

This kind of gold coin is extremely rare, there are only thirty or so in existence, and all of them are very valuable. As far as I know, the market value of the gold coin of the First Kingdom of Burgundy should not be less than three hundred thousand dollars.

In the box in front of you, there are only a dozen or so gold coins of this kind, which are worth more than their other gold coins. It can be said that there are very few of them, probably less than thirty. These two gold coins are your rewards.

The other two fellows, the gold coin you are holding in your hand is a gold coin minted by the Savoy family, from the mid-fourteenth century, and it is also very rare, worth around $120,000.

You can collect these rare gold coins yourself or sell them for real wealth. If you are ready to sell them, the Louvre and the major museums in Lyon are good targets! "

Before the words fell, there was already a burst of almost crazy cheers in the stables, piercing the sky!

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