While Derek and the others were celebrating wildly, Martinez, who was standing on the side, stared at them and the few extremely rare and valuable antique gold coins in their hands.

Obviously, Martinez was tempted and wanted to collect those antique gold coins with special significance and great research value. As for whether he collected them himself or put them in the Louvre, it is not known.

After the cheers fell and the scene was a little quiet, Ye Tian smiled again and said loudly:

"Martinez, Mr. Minister, you can call back to Paris, and ask your cultural and cultural personnel and experts in antique art appraisal to come to Lyon, if possible, it is best to rush here today.

When they arrive, we will carry out the identification and evaluation work overnight. Next, we can divide these gold and silver treasures and antique relics. I don't mind selling the half of the treasures I got to you.

However, I have a special request. If I leave those gold and silver treasures and antiques in France, then I ask for a certain percentage of taxes to be exempted. France's art tax burden is too heavy! "

Hearing his words, the scene immediately became noisy again.

"Okay, Steven, I will contact the museum immediately and ask them to send the best museum team and antique art appraisal experts to come to Lyon as soon as possible, and I will definitely be here today!

You agreed to keep half of your share of the treasure in France and sell us those antiques, which is very good. I am very interested in the antiques in this treasure! "

Martinez nodded excitedly, then took out his mobile phone, and was about to contact the men of the Louvre.

The other French people who were also at the scene had a very different reaction from him.

"Steven, I can contact the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Culture and ask them to organize a team of experts to come to Argeny Castle as soon as possible. I also very much hope to keep these antiques in France.

However, your request to exempt a certain percentage of the art tax burden is not too much to ask? Furthermore, whether part of the tax can be exempted is not something that our Ministry of Culture can decide! "

The French Minister of Culture gritted his molars and said, his face was quite ugly.

Ye Tian looked at the senior official of the French government, then smiled and said:

"Mr. Minister, of course I know that your Ministry of Culture does not have the right to exempt taxes, but the French President does. Although Mr. President is not here,

His envoy is here"

As he said that, Ye Tian looked at the guy from the Elysee Palace, and nodded slightly at him with a smile on his face.

As soon as his words fell, the confidant of the French president suddenly changed his face, shook his head hastily and said:

"Steven, don't even think about tax exemptions, that's impossible! You've got such a huge amount of wealth for nothing, and you don't even want to pay taxes. You're too greedy!"

Regarding what he said, the other French guys agreed very much, and they all nodded frequently, but they hated Ye Tian so much.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said confidently:

"Nothing is impossible! When I dealt with Napoleon's treasure before, I got certain tax incentives, especially the most important top-level antique artworks and historical documents, all of which are tax-free.

It is the same today, I am a businessman, and I must pursue the maximization of profits. If there is no moderate tax incentive, I will bring all the gold, silver, treasures and antiques back to New York and deal with them in New York!

In that case, although France, as the place where the treasure is buried, can also receive an astonishing amount of tax, it will definitely be much less than the tax received from transactions in France, and the two are far apart.

More importantly, if these gold and silver treasures and antique relics are dealt with in New York, the buyers participating in the competition must come from all over the world. How many antique relics can be photographed at that time depends on the strength of France! "

"What a bastard! It's greedy to the extreme, and it's even worse than the rumors!"

Several Frenchmen complained secretly, but there was nothing they could do.

Before waiting for these French guys to give a response, Ye Tian continued to say:

"You can contact the Elysee Palace and ask Mr. President for his opinion. Maybe he will nod his head and agree. In that case, it will be a good thing for both of us.

Before you call back to Paris, I must remind you that with the discovery of this treasure, the guys who were stopped by the police outside the castle have become a major security risk.

According to the investigation of my subordinates, among the guys with ulterior motives outside, there are many mafia members from Italy, and they are all members of the largest faction of the mafia, "Our Cause"

Compared with "our business", the Casamonica family in Rome and the Benano family in Palermo that I have fought with before are not worth mentioning at all. I believe everyone is familiar with "our business".

In addition to the Italian mafia, among the group of people outside, there were also Russian gangsters who followed all the way from Cyprus, as well as many gangsters, art thieves, thieves, etc. from different backgrounds.

Once the news of the discovery of this treasure spreads, I can assure you that those covetous guys outside the castle will never have the leisure to stay outside to watch the excitement, and they will definitely find ways to sneak into the castle.

If you don't want to see the castle of Argeny turned into a battlefield full of bullets, and the beautiful city of Lyon is full of flames, then you'd better take the initiative and get rid of those guys outside as soon as possible, just in case! "

Not surprisingly, the scene was boiling again.

"What? A large number of mafia members from 'Our Cause', did I hear you right? When did the bloody scum come to Lyon? This is too bad!"

"My God! 'Our Cause' and the Russian gang are all scumbags. It seems that we have to strike first, otherwise those scumbags may turn Lyon into a battlefield full of bullets."

At the same time that everyone was exclaiming, Earl Beauge's face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

This is my home, and it is an ancient castle built by my ancestors and passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. It is one of the symbols of the Bore family. If it is destroyed by someone, the loss will be too great!

Thinking of this, Count Beauge immediately turned his head to look at the French Minister of Culture and the guy from the Elysee Palace, his intentions were self-evident.

On the other side, Bishop of Kent quietly gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

What a trick to kill with a borrowed knife, it's too dark!

Soon, several Frenchmen each took out their mobile phones and stepped aside to contact Paris. Even the Archbishop of Lyon also stepped aside to contact the bigwigs in Lyon.

Only Earl Beauge remained where he was, guarding the dazzling gold and silver treasures and many antique relics on the ground, not willing to move away even a single step.

Ye Tian looked at the crowd again, then smiled and said:

"Jacques, it's time for us to leave the stable. The smell here is not very good. As for these gold, silver treasures and antique relics, they also need to be moved to a safer place for storage.

You'd better find a room with no windows, only one door to enter and exit, and a very strong room. Let's move these gold and silver treasures and antique relics there for storage, just in case.

Next, I will have two armed security guards and a paralegal to guard that room, and to be fair, you can also send your own cronies and lawyers to participate.

When those antique art appraisal experts in Paris arrive here, we will immediately start the appraisal and evaluation work, and then divide the treasures, and complete these tasks as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams! "

"Okay, Steven, I very much agree with your arrangement. There is an airtight and extremely strong secret room in the main building of the castle. Let's just transfer these gold and silver treasures and antique relics there!"

Count Beauge nodded vigorously and said, looking impatient.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start now!"

As he said that, Ye Tian had already bent over and covered a box with his hand.

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