Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1871 Another good show

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

Ye Tian had already picked up the pulse metal detector again, and together with David who was holding the liquid crystal display, he continued to detect in the castle of Argeny, looking for the treasure of the Knights Templar that might be hidden here.

However, the targets of their exploration this time are not those areas that have not been explored before, but the places that several other detection teams have discovered and marked before where the treasure may be buried.

Although Ye Tian is well aware of the conditions of those places and what's in those places, in order to make the performance more realistic, he still has to go through all of those places.

At this time, he was holding the coil of the pulse metal detector and scanning a previously marked spot near the fountain in the castle garden.

David stood a little later, watching the movement on the LCD monitor.

As for the Bishop of Kent, the Earl of Beauge, and the other Frenchmen, they stood a little further back, watching Ye Tian and David's every move, and everyone was full of expectations.

As the detection coil of the pulse metal detector swept across the ground, a pleasant prompt sounded immediately on the scene, which sounded quite moving.

Immediately afterwards, David's excited voice came out.

"Steven, there are indeed metal objects buried deep underground here. Judging from the signal strength analysis, the number seems to be quite a lot. Come and have a look, maybe we found another treasure!"

Before the words finished, Ye Tian had strode over, and the rest of the guys surrounded him excitedly.

When he came close, Ye Tian immediately took the liquid crystal display from David, and began to check and analyze the detection information displayed on it.

The Bishop of Kent who followed closely looked at Ye Tian expectantly, waiting for his answer.

After a while, the answer came out.

"From the analysis of the signals detected by the pulse detector, there are indeed some metal objects buried here, the depth is about two meters four to five, and the length of the objects should be between fifty centimeters and sixty centimeters!

According to my judgment, these should be one or two long and narrow metal objects, most likely ancient weapons, daggers or something, it is definitely not a treasure, let alone the treasure of the Knights Templar! "

Ye Tian shook his head slightly and said, a look of disappointment flashed across his face just right.

And the rest are the same,

Hearing his analysis, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Although this is not a treasure, it may be a small surprise to Jacques. These metal objects buried deep underground may be good antiques!

Jacques, if you are interested, you can dig later to see what you can find, and experience the fun of treasure hunting along the way. Our company will not share this possible treasure! "

"This suggestion is very good, Steven, it's rare for you to be generous. After you leave Argeny Castle and deal with the matters at hand, I also plan to be a treasure hunter!"

Earl Beauge said happily, looking eager to try.

The other people standing next to him looked at this old French noble with envy, wishing they could replace him,

Next, Ye Tian quickly explored the area again, and after confirming that there were no new discoveries, he was about to leave here and go to the next marked spot for detection.

At this moment, Cole's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, a large number of Lyon police vehicles are galloping towards the castle of Argeney, among them are several armored vehicles of armed special police and two police helicopters. They are menacing!"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian's face immediately burst into a smile, and there was a bit of a plot to succeed.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Cole, the Lyon police are here for those ulterior motives outside the castle, especially for 'our cause' and the scumbags of the Russian gang, not us.

If it is as expected, when the Lyon police force arrives, those guys who are stopped outside the first line of defense will be expelled immediately, and it is even possible to check the identities of those guys one by one.

This may lead to conflicts and firefights. You must remember that you must never participate in the conflicts. Let the Lyon police deal with those guys with ulterior motives outside.

You maintain a high level of vigilance and guard the Argeney Castle. Without the permission of me, the Bishop of Kent, and the Earl of Beauge, no one can be allowed to enter the castle, and neither can the Lyon police! "

"Understood, Steven, I will notify Leonardo and all the guys, let everyone be more vigilant"

Cole responded in a deep voice, and then ended the call.

Later, Ye Tian said through the walkie-talkie:

"Listen up, all the guys who are probing outside the Alzhni Castle, return to the castle immediately, there may be accidents later, for the sake of safety, everyone's best to come back!"

"Got it, Steven"

There was a response from the intercom, coming from the other detection teams.

After finishing the call, Ye Tian looked at the crowd, and those guys were also staring at him.

It wasn't until this moment that those Frenchmen came to their senses that they were all used by the bastard in front of them to eliminate the potential threats outside and escort the joint exploration team.

Thinking of this, these French guys were all very angry, but they were helpless.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"Gentlemen, please, let's go to the next marked location to have a look, maybe there will be surprises waiting for us ahead."

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out and walked to the next detection site.

The rest of the guys looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and then followed.

In a blink of an eye, the group of them came to a corner on the north side of the garden and began to explore the marked spot.

The detection results came out quickly, and the situation was similar to the previous point.

In the depths of the ground in this area, there are indeed some metal objects buried, about three meters deep, but they are not treasures, but several metal objects ranging from ten centimeters to thirty centimeters long.

After analyzing the detected signals, Ye Tian made the same decision as before, gave up excavating this area, and left the few unknown metal objects buried here to Earl Beauge!

In fact, he knows better than anyone else what those metal objects buried deep in the ground are, how much they are worth, and whether they are worth excavating.

While they were exploring this area, the five detection teams working outside the castle had all rushed back into the castle. Cole and Leonardo were also on alert and prepared for contingencies.

When Ye Tian and the others finished detecting this area in the corner of the garden and were about to go to the next detection point, there was a sudden whistling noise of a helicopter engine in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of a car engine came over with the wind, reaching the ears of everyone in the Alzhni Castle.

Hearing these voices, Ye Tian and David immediately looked at each other and smiled, then looked up at the sky outside the castle.

The Bishop of Kent, the Earl of Beauge, and almost everyone in the castle looked up to the outside of the castle, although most of them could only see a clear blue sky and the snow-capped Alps in the distance!

Soon, two police helicopters roared over and broke into everyone's field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, another shrill siren sounded outside the castle, and the atmosphere inside and outside the castle seemed to suddenly become tense.

There is no doubt that another wonderful show is about to be staged!

Ye Tian glanced at the two police helicopters hovering in the sky in the distance, then smiled and said to the people around him:

"Gentlemen, let's go to the next detection point and continue to explore the treasure. I hope there will be surprises waiting for us."

As he said that, he stepped out and walked towards another detection point not far away that had already been marked.

The others followed immediately, but their expressions were a bit apprehensive.

At this time, the outside of the Alzhni Castle has become a mess!

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