Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1876 Secret passage under the stone slab

Just as Ye Tian guessed, the granite strip that was lifted was covered with solid ground, a piece of gray-black soil mixed with a lot of sand and gravel, rather than a secret passage leading directly to the depths of the ground.

Seeing this result, everyone at the scene couldn't help but feel a burst of disappointment, as if a pot of cold water had been poured into their heads, their mood immediately sank down.

Different from everyone's reaction, Ye Tian didn't show any disappointment on his face. He was carefully inspecting the land under the granite strips, trying to find something.

After a while, he stretched out his hand to grab a handful of soil mixed with sand and gravel, and gently twisted it.

Just as the soil slipped down between his fingers and fell back to the ground, he suddenly said excitedly:

"The situation is wrong. The soil here is too dry, lacks moisture, and seems to lack a little vitality. If I guessed correctly, there is probably a stone slab underneath, which separates the moisture from the ground.

As for what is under that stone slab, it is hard to say now, only by digging up the soil and lifting the slate underneath, can we find out. I hope it is a surprising discovery! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

The disappointment that was still on everyone's faces just now disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before, and was replaced by hope.

"Then what are you waiting for? Steven, hurry up and dig up here to see what is buried here. If there is a treasure, it will be perfect!"

Earl Beauge said excitedly, looking impatient.

Ye Tian looked at this person, then glanced at the crowd, and then said with a smile:

"Then let's dig here and see what we can find, Jason, go up and get two engineering shovels, and bring down the small drone by the way, it should be available later.

Peter, Derek, a few of you are here to help, let's remove the next few granite blocks to make room for work, so that these big guys won't get in the way later! "

"Okay, Steven"

Everyone responded in unison, and immediately began to split up and perform their duties.

Soon, twenty minutes passed.

This elegantly decorated wine cellar exudes the fragrance of oak and the mellow taste of red wine.

There has been a big pit about 1.5 meters deep and a mound of dirt like a hill.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others were standing on the edge of the pit, watching the situation at the bottom of the pit, and everyone looked excited.

As Ye Tian said, at the bottom of the pit in front of him, there is indeed a granite slab, about 1.23 meters long and 1 meter wide, very thick, lying quietly on the bottom of the pit.

"Steven, what's under that stone slab? Could it be a secret passage leading deep underground?"

The Bishop of Kent asked curiously in a low voice, his eyes full of expectation.

"This possibility is very high. You can see that the stone slab at the bottom of the pit has been specially reinforced with granite and concrete. It is obviously done deliberately to support the stone slab above.

However, what is under the slate at the bottom of the pit still needs to be lifted to continue exploring. No matter what is hidden under the slate, it is close to us! "

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said, looking confident.

While saying this, he had already tied the climbing rope around his waist with the safety buckle, and the other end of the safety rope was tied to a granite bar that he had lifted earlier.

That piece of granite weighed six to seven hundred kilograms, lying motionless on the floor, perfect for tying a safety rope.

After tying the safety rope and confirming that there were no hidden dangers, Ye Tian went down to the bottom of the pit.

Standing still at the bottom of the pit, he first observed the situation at the bottom of the pit, then walked to the side of the stone slab, held the edge of the stone slab with both hands, and slowly lifted the heavy stone slab with force.

Almost at the moment when he lifted the stone slab, a stale and musty air suddenly rushed out from under the slate, filling the entire wine cellar in a blink of an eye.

Fortunately, everyone has put on protective clothing and gas masks at this time, so they are not worried about receiving any unexpected injuries.

Moreover, the air-conditioning system in the wine cellar was running all the time, constantly changing the air, and the dirty air that rushed out from the depths of the ground was sucked out in a blink of an eye and discharged outside.


Ye Tian completely lifted the heavy stone slab and flipped it onto the ground next to it, making a muffled sound.

At the original position of the stone slab, a hole of one meter square suddenly appeared, which extended downwards obliquely, and extended into the darkness. It was unknown where it led.

Not surprisingly, the scene immediately exploded, and everyone cheered excitedly.

"Wow! There is indeed a secret passage here. I don't know where this secret passage leads to. What is hidden at the end of the secret passage? Is it the treasure of the Knights Templar?"

"This secret passage is really too secret. If it weren't for Steven, we would never have discovered it. I'm sure that there must be some important secret hidden in this secret passage, or a treasure that can shock the world!"

Hearing the constant cheers and discussions in the wine cellar, the hearts of those Frenchmen in the corridor outside the wine cellar seemed to be scratched by cats, and they were extremely curious!

However, they could only stretch their necks to look into the wine cellar, but they could not enter it. The armed security personnel guarding the door of the wine cellar did not give them any chance at all.

Go back to the wine cellar and go back to the exploration site.

After the cheers subsided, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing at the bottom of the pit, immediately said:

"Jason, give me the air detector. I'll check the air condition in this secret passage before deciding on the next move."

"Okay, Steven"

With that said, Jason took the air detector and handed it to Ye Tian who was standing at the bottom of the pit.

Next, Ye Tian hung the air detector with a rope, and put the air detector into the secret passage that was shrouded in darkness and had been sealed for hundreds of years.

After two or three minutes, he lifted the air detector up, began to check the detection data displayed on it, and then said loudly:

"The air in this secret passage is very dirty. It has been closed for at least hundreds of years, and there is no ventilation system. The depth of the secret passage is estimated to be a purely anaerobic environment, and even a lot of toxic gases have accumulated.

If we want to enter this secret passage that does not know where it leads, we must completely replace the air inside, and then wear protective clothing, gas masks and oxygen cylinders to enter it.

It’s hard to say whether there are traps in the depths of the secret passage, at least there are no traps within a few meters of the entrance. I didn’t detect any metal signals just now, so the entrance is still safe.”

Upon hearing his words, the Bishop of Kent who was standing on the wine cellar floor immediately continued:

"In this case, how do we start the exploration work and understand the situation deep in the tunnel, Steven, what good way do you have?"

Ye Tian looked at the expectant cardinal, then smiled and said:

"Don't be impatient, Bishop of Kent, let's take it step by step, there is plenty of time, this secret passage has been opened, and the things hidden in this secret passage will never grow wings and fly, we will see it soon.

Jason, bring a replacement fan here to replace the air in this secret passage, and after the air in the secret passage is replaced again, then control the drone to fly into the secret passage to detect the situation in the depths of the secret passage.”

"Okay, Steven"

Jason responded, then took a replacement fan and handed it to Ye Tian who was standing at the bottom of the pit.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a small drone and started debugging.

Of course, this is not a beetle drone, but a relatively common commercial drone.

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