Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1877 Dark World

As the ventilation fan hung into the secret passage started to work, a large amount of dirty air accumulated in the depths of the secret passage was sucked out, and fresh air from the outside was continuously injected into the secret passage, rapidly improving the environment inside.

If there are some paper antique artworks or murals hidden deep in the secret passage, such a rapid air replacement will inevitably cause irreversible damage to those items, or even directly destroy those items.

However, Ye Tian is not an archaeologist, so naturally he has no concerns about this, and this is a secret passage built in the Middle Ages, and it is basically impossible for there to be any paper objects in it.

As far as the environment in this secret passage is concerned, it is difficult to preserve the paper objects of the medieval period until now, unless it is sealed and placed in a vacuum environment.

Of course, special paper products such as parchment are excluded.

More importantly, this is France, and even if there are paper antique artworks or murals hidden deep in the secret passage, Ye Tian doesn't really care whether they can be preserved and reproduced in the world.

Martinez and the French Minister of Culture who were standing outside the wine cellar cared a lot, but they couldn't think of a better way for a while, and could only watch Ye Tian and the others take drastic actions.

Soon, fifteen minutes passed.

Ye Tian hoisted the air detector into the tunnel again to test the air in the tunnel.

After a minute or two, he lifted up the air detector, looked at the test data on it, and said with a smile:

"The air environment in the secret passage is much better. Although it can't compare with the outside world, nor can it compare with the air environment in the wine cellar, at least people can enter without worrying about anaerobic suffocation.

Jason, put the drone into the secret passage, let the drone take us to explore this secret passage in depth, and see where this secret passage leads to and what is hidden! "

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, looking eager to try.

Afterwards, he turned on the searchlight and several cameras carried by the small UAV, and personally manipulated it to fly up and fall straight to the entrance of the secret passage at the bottom of the pit.

In a blink of an eye, this small drone fell from Ye Tian's eyes and entered the secret passage that slanted to the depths of the ground to explore the secrets hidden in the darkness.

At the same time, the pictures captured by the camera carried by the drone and the relevant data detected,

It also appeared on the monitoring screen in Jason's hand.

"Steven, this secret passage is about two meters high and one meter two wide. It extends downward at a 45-degree slope. The walls and vaults on both sides are all made of granite and concrete. It looks very solid. .

On the walls on both sides of the secret passage, there is a round hole with a diameter of about 5 centimeters every 1 to 5 to 2 meters. It should be used to insert candlesticks or torches, and there are no traces of organic traps.

Going down the steps for about ten meters, the secret passage turned to the east, the slope dropped sharply, and became gentler, and the space in the secret passage became larger and larger, but there was nothing,... "

While manipulating the drone to explore, Jason introduced the situation captured by the drone, and there were no surprising discoveries.

After standing at the bottom of the pit and listening to a few words, Ye Tian simply came up from the big pit, came to Jason, and looked at the LCD display in his hand.

On that liquid crystal display, a strong light was projected from the small searchlight on the belly of the drone, like a sharp sword, directly splitting through the darkness, showing the situation deep in the underground tunnel.

As Jason said before, as the drone gradually deepened, the space of the underground secret passage became larger and larger, with a width of more than two meters and a height of more than three meters.

However, the drone still didn't find anything, and the secret passage was empty, let alone any treasure.

The drone then flew forward a few meters, and suddenly, a rusty iron fence appeared in front of it, blocking the way of the drone.

The first time he saw the iron fence, Ye Tian immediately reminded:

"Be careful, Jason, don't hit that iron fence"

Jason's reaction was also quick. He quickly controlled the drone and let it hover in midair.

"Let the drone slowly fly close to the iron fence to see if it can pass through it. If not, then check if there is any gap above the iron fence and on the left and right sides"

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, and then flew the drone slowly towards the iron fence.

As the drone gradually approached, the picture presented on the liquid crystal display became clearer.

It was a rusty iron fence, which had been sleeping in the darkness for hundreds of years. It blocked the end of the secret passage, and behind it was a dark space. It was unknown how big it was and what it was hiding.

In the blink of an eye, Jason grasped the situation of the iron fence.

"Steven, the gap between the adjacent railings of the iron fence is too small. Although the drone can barely pass through, if one is not careful, it will crash into those rusty railings.

There is not enough space on the top of the iron fence, as well as on the left and right sides, for the drone to pass through, and the iron fence blocks everything from the ground of the secret passage to the vault.”

Ye Tian looked at the iron fence on the LCD display, and then whispered:

"Since this is the case, then don't take any risks, let the drone hover in front of the iron fence, and then use the searchlights and night vision cameras to check the situation behind the iron fence"

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded, and then began to adjust the flying attitude of the drone, and began to explore the dark space behind the iron fence.

The next moment, a beam of strong light passed through the rusty iron fence, sending light to the dark space behind the iron fence for the first time after hundreds of years.

What first appeared on the liquid crystal display were two granite stone pillars with a diameter of about 50 centimeters, standing on the left and right sides of the end of the secret passage, supporting the underground space inside.

Extending the light beam further in, there is an underground space of unknown size. On both sides of the light beam, there are a dozen long boxes full of dust, lying quietly in the dark world.

The next moment, the powerful beams of the searchlight fell on those boxes, presenting them on the liquid crystal display.

The picture was fairly clear, but Ye Tian and Jason still couldn't figure out what was in those boxes. The thick dust and moss on those boxes completely covered up all the information!

In desperation, their eyes can only continue to follow the light beam and continue to explore.

A few meters behind those long boxes, there are still many shadowy things, but because of the relationship between light and distance, they can't see very clearly, only rough outlines can be seen.

Due to the obstruction of the iron fence at the end of the secret passage, the angle of view of the camera carried by the drone is also greatly restricted, and only so much can be seen for the time being.

"Jason, adjust the flying attitude of the drone, use the night vision lens to shoot the dark space behind the iron fence, and see if you can find something"

Following Ye Tian's words, Jason quickly adjusted the flying posture of the drone, and began to shoot with the night vision infrared camera carried on the side of the drone.

The picture on the liquid crystal display changed accordingly, showing a dark picture. On these pictures, only the outlines of various objects in the dark can be seen, but the specific situation cannot be seen.

In the dark world deep underground that no one has visited for hundreds of years, there are hundreds of boxes of various sizes.

And this is just a box placed within the shooting range of the drone. God knows how many such boxes are outside the shooting range and in perhaps a larger dark space.

Seeing this scene displayed on the LCD monitor, Jason was immediately stunned, and he froze in place dumbfounded.

Ye Tian was the same, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him,

Because the depth was too great, this underground space was beyond his perspective. Naturally, he didn't understand the situation in that dark world, just like Jason and the others.

After being stunned for only a second or two, Jason exclaimed excitedly.

"Wow! There are so many boxes hidden in this underground space, there are hundreds of them. I don't know what is contained in these boxes? If it is the treasure of the Knights Templar, it will be perfect!"

Before his words fell, the scene was completely boiling.

"What? There are hundreds of boxes hidden at the end of this secret passage, am I right? If those boxes are filled with gold, silver treasures and antique relics, what a huge treasure it would be!"

"It seems that the rumors that have been circulating for hundreds of years are true. The treasure of the Knights Templar is indeed hidden in the Castle of Argeny. Those treasure hunters just failed to find it!"

Amidst the exclamation, everyone rushed up and looked at the LCD monitor in Jason's hand.

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came out and reached the ears of everyone present.

"The pictures taken by the drone using the night vision infrared camera are only a part of this underground space. It is not known how many such boxes are in other places and whether there are other things.

In order to find out the real situation of this underground space, it seems that I have to go down and explore it myself. If it is true that there is hidden treasure of the famous Knights Templar, it will be the best.

In view of this, in order to avoid suspicion and some unnecessary troubles, Bishop of Kent, you'd better go down with me to explore, some religious holy objects with special significance, I am obviously not suitable for contact!

As for the safety issue, you can rest assured, Bishop of Kent, I will definitely protect your personal safety, even if there are deadly traps in this underground space, they are probably scrapped by now! "

After speaking, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the cardinal from the Vatican with a special mission.

"No problem, Steven, I will go down with you to explore! Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire below, I will not be afraid"

Bishop Kent nodded immediately and said in a firm tone without any hesitation.

For him, this is exactly the good thing he could wish for, how could he refuse!

In case of being famous in history, who can refuse such a huge temptation?

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