Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1878 An underground palace full of boxes

"Bishop of Kent, let me emphasize again, as long as you enter this secret passage, you must obey my command, and you must not act without authorization to avoid danger"

Ye Tian said with a serious face, and told the Bishop of Kent who was standing beside him.

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, I will never act without authorization, and I don't want to die in that dark space deep underground"

Bishop Kent nodded and said, his face was full of excitement, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

At this time, they were standing on the edge of the big pit in the wine cellar, preparing to enter the secret passage and explore the mysterious space deep underground that had been shrouded in darkness for hundreds of years.

Same as the previous exploration operation in Larnaca, Ye Tian was fully armed again, with a heavy police shield in his left hand and a strong lighting lamp in his right hand.

The headlight worn on top of his head has been turned on, and a beam of strong light shines directly on the bottom of the pit. The high-definition camera on the chest of the Kevlar body armor has also been turned on, ready to record the next exploration operation.

Behind him is a huge mountaineering bag, which contains many exploration tools, emergency life-saving equipment, two sets of spare breathing systems and matching small oxygen cylinders, etc.

Of course, there are essential weapons and ammunition.

After all, no one can guarantee that there is no hidden danger in the dark world deep underground, so it is better to be careful.

The bishop of Kent, who was about to enter the secret passage with him, was also wearing a Kevlar body armor, carrying a strong light and a small hand-held electric cutter in his hand.

He also carried a backpack on his back, but it was much smaller. It contained some simple exploration tools, such as bright flashlights, towels, gloves, magnifying glasses, brushes and other items.

Everything is ready, you can enter the secret passage and explore the dark world deep underground.

Ye Tian took a quick look at the equipment he and Bishop of Kent were carrying, and after confirming that there were no problems, he was about to go down to the bottom of the pit and enter the secret passage that sloped to the depths of the ground.

At this moment, Martinez's voice suddenly came from the door of the wine cellar.

"Steven, do you think about it again? Let me enter that secret passage with you to explore the space deep underground that has been shrouded in darkness for hundreds of years.

I am a student of archaeology, have rich archaeological experience, and know how to identify antique works of art.

I will never bring you trouble, but will help! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the door of the wine cellar, Bishop of Kent and Jason were the same.

The moment they turned their heads, everyone saw a face full of anticipation and even a hint of pleading. That was the famous curator of the Louvre Museum, Martinez.

As a well-known archaeologist and expert in the identification of top antique works of art, how can I miss this golden opportunity, not to mention that this opportunity is likely to be related to the treasure of the Knights Templar!

If the treasure of the Knights Templar is indeed hidden here, then this exploration operation will definitely be recorded in the annals of history. Anyone who is not an idiot will not easily miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that may be famous in history.

Obviously, Martinez can't be an idiot, but a human being!

That's why he lowered his posture and repeatedly asked Ye Tian to let him participate in this exploration operation and enter the secret passage and the space deep underground for the first time.

However, things often don't go as planned.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend standing in the corridor outside the wine cellar door, then shook his head very firmly.

"I'm very sorry, Martinez, I can't agree to your request. When we signed the joint exploration agreement with the Vatican, we have already agreed that we will not accept any third party to participate in the joint exploration operation.

To be honest, we have already made a lot of concessions to let you stay at the door of the wine cellar. In Larnaca, the representatives of the Cyprus government and the Greek Orthodox Church could only stay on the ground.

You should stay here and wait for the results of the exploration. Without the unanimous consent of the bishop of Kent and me, you must not enter this secret passage, not only you, but also Jacques.

If the treasure of the Knights Templar is indeed hidden here, it is basically certain that there are likely to be those long-lost Christian relics in the treasure. You should be very clear about the importance of those things.

This is the main reason why I rejected you. You should wait here. If there is a suitable opportunity in the future, I will invite you to participate in the exploration operation. I believe that this opportunity will appear soon.

Alright, that's all for now, Bishop of Kent, let's start to see what is hidden in that dark space deep underground, gentlemen, please look forward to our good news! "

After speaking, without waiting for Martinez to respond, Ye Tian turned around and jumped directly into the big pit about 1.5 meters deep.

The Bishop of Kent nodded lightly at Martinez, then followed Ye Tian and went down to the bottom of the pit.

"What a bastard, he doesn't show affection at all!"

There was a gnashing of curses from the cellar door, from Martinez, of course.

At this time, Martinez was not the only one who cursed Ye Tian.

Count Beauge, who was staying on the edge of the big pit in the wine cellar, and the French Minister of Culture in the corridor outside, were also secretly cursing Ye Tian, ​​but each of them could do nothing.

After standing still at the bottom of the pit, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the Bishop of Kent, and nodded slightly at him.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped out and stepped onto the first step in the secret passage. The heavy police shield held in his left hand was in front of him, covering his entire body.

Nothing happened, everything was peaceful.

There is no sound of mechanism launching in the secret passage, no rain of arrows or javelins shooting out from the depths of the secret passage, and no flap trap, or a boulder falling from the top of the wine cellar, etc.

Although this result had been expected for a long time, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene with their own eyes, and somewhat relaxed.

At this time, Ye Tian had already picked up the heavy police shield again, stepped out, stepped onto the second step in the secret passage, and the police shield in his hand fell to the third step.


A muffled sound came from the secret passage, which echoed in the secret passage leading to the deep underground, and also echoed in the wine cellar above.

As before, nothing happened.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already walked down ten steps, and his whole body had entered the secret passage, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Jason and the others who were standing on the edge of the pit could only hear the sound of heavy footsteps and the muffled sound of heavy police shields hitting the granite steps, constantly coming from the secret passage.

When the sound of heavy footsteps came from the secret passage again, Ye Tian's voice also came out.

"Bishop of Kent, you can come down now. There are no traps in the first half of the secret passage, but to be on the safe side, you must step on my footprints when you come down, and hold on to the safety rope at all times for safety!"

"Understood, Steven, I'm coming down now"

The Bishop of Kent nodded in response, and then stepped out, full of expectations, into the secret passage leading to the deep underground.

Soon, the Bishop of Kent also disappeared from everyone's sight, and the sound of footsteps coming from the secret passage changed from one to two.


The sound of footsteps kept coming from the depths of the secret passage, and it sounded like they were gradually drifting away.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had already walked through the first half of the secret road, and successfully passed the bend more than ten meters deep, turned right and walked eastward, step by step, firm and persistent.

Walking here, the slope of the secret road has suddenly slowed down, and the space has become larger and larger. Under the illumination of the strong light in hand, it is already daytime.

The same as the situation detected by the drone before, the ground and walls of the secret passage were covered with dust and a thick layer of moss, and the footsteps stepped on it.

Apart from these, there is nothing else, not even a rusty candlestick on the wall, let alone murals or statues, it is bare.

Looking forward along the secret passage, seven or eight meters away is the rusty iron fence, and behind the fence is the underground space full of various boxes.

It was a huge underground space, or it should be said that it was an underground palace.

Standing at the iron fence, with the help of headlamps and strong lights, Ye Tian could only see a part of that space, and most of the rest was still shrouded in darkness.

In the place where the light shines, there are many boxes of different shapes and sizes, piled up into hills, but it is temporarily unknown what is contained in those boxes.

Compared with what he saw on the drone monitoring screen before, Ye Tian saw more boxes this time, and the shock he received was even stronger.

Fortunately, his nerves were strong enough and he was well-informed. Although he was shocked, he did not lose his mind.

At this moment, the boxes behind the iron fence are close at hand, and they are all within the perspective range, but Ye Tian didn't turn on the perspective, anxious to check the things in those boxes.

He was going to go through the iron fence a few meters away, into the underground space, and then open the boxes that had been sleeping for hundreds of years one by one, and explore the mysteries inside, that would be interesting, wouldn't it?

In fact, he already had a preliminary judgment based on the dazzling light from those boxes and the halo attached to them.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had successfully arrived in front of the iron fence, and through the rusty iron fence, he looked at the mountains of boxes inside.

Soon, Bishop of Kent also arrived here, stood side by side with Ye Tian, ​​and looked towards the space behind the iron fence.

Although I have seen this scene before, it was only an infrared picture taken by a drone, with only a rough outline, poor clarity, and the LCD screen is also small, so it is so shocking to witness it with your own eyes!

The Bishop of Kent was completely stunned by the scene in front of him, standing dumbfounded in front of the iron fence, muttering to himself.

"If this is really the treasure of the Knights Templar, it would be an exaggeration, unless the Knights Templar looted the whole of medieval Europe!"

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