Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1879 Secret Arsenal

Ye Tian turned to look at the Bishop of Kent standing beside him, then smiled and said:

"This may not be the treasure of the Knights Templar. The ban and elimination of the Knights Templar was considered an emergency, so the Knights Templar had no power to fight back, and members were killed one after another.

Under such circumstances, even if the Knights Templar accumulated a huge amount of wealth, it would be impossible to transport all of them to the fief of Earl Beauge and hide them. This is France, the territory of Philip IV.

After the death of Philip IV, his successors still maintained high pressure and frantically hunted down the Templars. Under such circumstances, it was difficult for the remnants of the Templars to transport such a large amount of treasure without any trace.

But what exactly are these boxes containing, dazzling treasures of gold and silver? Antique medieval artwork? or something else? I'm very curious and would love to open those boxes and see."

Regarding Ye Tian's analysis, the Bishop of Kent obviously agreed with it and nodded frequently.

After he finished speaking, the Bishop of Kent immediately continued:

"Steven, I agree with you. The things hidden here are probably not the treasures of the Knights Templar, although I very much hope to find a few Christian relics here."

"Okay, let's stop guessing here, as long as we go inside and open the boxes that have been dusty for a long time, we can know what is in those boxes and how much they are worth!

Give me the hand-held electric cutter, and I will break through this iron fence, and then you can enter inside, you step back a little, and be a little more careful, so as not to cause any accidents."

Saying that, Ye Tian had put down the heavy police shield and strong lighting in his hands, and then took over the hand-held electric cutting machine from the Bishop of Kent.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a pair of sunglasses from his backpack and replaced the original goggles before walking to the iron fence, ready to cut it.

The next moment, this underground space that had been silent for hundreds of years suddenly heard an unusually ear-piercing noise, which sparked a series of dazzling sparks.

Nearly ten minutes later, the noise and sparks disappeared, and the underground space finally returned to silence, but the air was filled with a pungent smell of smoke.

Ye Tian put the hand-held electric cutter on the floor beside him, took off his sunglasses and put them back into his backpack, put on the goggles again, then held the iron fence in front of him, and pushed it forward slightly.

Following his movement, a part of the iron fence suddenly broke and fell backwards,

There was a gap, or door, about 1.8 meters high and 1.23 meters wide on the iron fence.


With a loud noise, the part of the iron fence that was cut hit the ground heavily, bringing up a cloud of dust.

Before the dust fell, Ye Tian had already stepped forward and pushed the part of the iron fence to the side so as not to get in the way.

"Let's go, Bishop of Kent, let's go inside and see what's in those boxes, it's still the same as before, follow my footsteps, don't act without authorization"

Saying that, Ye Tian had picked up the heavy police shield again, protected it in front of him, and then walked towards the gap.

All went well and nothing unexpected happened.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent had successfully passed through the rusty iron fence, entered the space inside, and stood still in front of a pile of boxes.

As they entered here, the general situation of this space was also presented before their eyes.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a palace hidden deep underground, but this underground palace is very simple and without any decoration.

Like the Argeny Castle on the ground, this underground palace is also a typical Gothic building, and its grandeur is not inferior to the medieval castle on the ground.

The area of ​​this palace is very large, about 1,000 square meters, about 30 meters wide from north to south, and about 40 meters deep. It is all made of granite and concrete, and it is extremely strong.

Above the heads of Ye Tian and Bishop of Kent are pointed vaults about five meters high. There are four groups in total. The shape and width are basically the same.

Correspondingly, there are three rows of granite stone pillars standing high on the ground. Each stone pillar has a diameter of about 50 centimeters, and together with the walls on both sides, it supports the vault above.

The presence of these three rows of granite pillars naturally divided the underground palace into four parts, like four arcades, each with an area of ​​several hundred square meters.

In these arcades, boxes of different sizes are piled up like hills, each of which is covered with dust and covered with a thick layer of moss.

And Ye Tian and the others are located in front of a hill at the entrance of this underground palace.

Although it had been expected, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent were shocked again when they saw the situation in this underground palace with their own eyes.

Both of them stood there stunned, gasping for air.

After a long time, the Bishop of Kent said with emotion:

"Wow! It's unbelievable. In the thirteenth century, how did the Beauge family build this underground palace? It's really huge!"

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, then smiled and said:

"With the Bore family alone, it may be difficult to complete such a grand underground project, and it is even more difficult to conceal it from the public. The Bore family should not have such a big hand.

If I'm not mistaken, the Knights Templar, a powerful and wealthy man, is the creator of this underground palace. This may be a secret base of the Knights Templar, which is unknown! "

"Yes, Steven, this possibility is very high. Before breaking with Philip IV, the Knights Templar did have this ability, and they are directly under the leadership of the Pope, and they can perfectly avoid the eyes and ears of the French king."

The Bishop of Kent nodded and said that his point of view was the same as that of Ye Tian.

"Okay, regardless of the origin of this underground palace, let's open these boxes first and see what is contained in these boxes. Is it another huge surprise?"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and casually pulled out a crowbar from his backpack.

The next moment, he came to a dusty long crate lying alone on the floor, and he was about to pry open that crate.

Because of the age, these boxes are decayed and are about to fall apart.

With little effort, Ye Tian inserted one end of the crowbar deeply into a gap on the edge of the box, and then gently pried it up.


With a crisp sound, several planks on the top of the box broke and were all pried up.

Those things packed in the box, after sleeping quietly for hundreds of years, finally saw the light of day.

Ye Tian gently pulled back the crowbar, and then, together with the Bishop of Kent, looked into the box to see what was stored there.

Nearly an hour has passed since Ye Tian and Bishop Kent entered the secret passage.

Jason and Earl Beauge, who were in the wine cellar, all gathered around the edge of the big pit, laughing and chatting, while paying attention to the movement in the secret passage at the bottom of the pit, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

Martinez in the corridor outside the wine cellar, and a few other Frenchmen looked inside the wine cellar eagerly, waiting for the results of Ye Tian's exploration.

"I don't know what is hidden in that underground space. If it is the treasure of the Knights Templar, then this exploration operation will definitely cause a huge sensation!"

"Who would have thought that there is such a secret hidden deep underground in the castle of Argeny, and even Earl Boge doesn't know it. If it weren't for Steven, that magical guy, I'm afraid he would never have discovered it!"

Everyone is discussing and guessing, and they are also looking forward to the release of the exploration results.

Suddenly, in the secret passage at the bottom of the pit, the sound of footsteps came again.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light was projected from the secret passage and shone on the ceiling of the wine cellar.

The Bishop of Kent walked out of the secret passage first, followed by Ye Tian, ​​who was naturally carrying a heavy police shield.

As soon as they came out of the secret passage, Earl Beauge, who was standing on the edge of the pit, couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, Bishop of Kent, what did you find in that dark space deep underground? What are those boxes containing? Is it the treasure of the Knights Templar?"

Not only him, but everyone else was also very concerned about the answers to these questions. Everyone looked at Ye Tian and Bishop Kent, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

Ye Tian looked up at the eager Earl Beauge, then glanced at the other people on the edge of the pit, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Everyone may be disappointed. What is hidden in the dark space deep underground is not the famous treasure of the Knights Templar, nor any other treasures, but a large number of medieval weapons.

Those long crates are full of knight swords, armor, triangular shields, javelins, spear heads, and countless arrows, and those weapons from the Middle Ages are all rusty.

On those medieval weapons and on those boxes, we found the logo of the Knights Templar, the Maltese cross, obviously, those are weapons belonging to the Knights Templar.

The history of this underground arsenal can be traced back to the middle of the thirteenth century, that is, the period when the Argeni Castle was built. From this, it can be inferred that it should be the work of the Knights Templar!

Why did the Knights Templar set up a secret arsenal near Lyon and store a large amount of weapons and equipment? I made a bold guess, maybe they wanted to do something in France, but they didn't have time to implement it! "

"Ah! It's actually an arsenal, not a treasure of the Knights Templar."

"The Knights Templar want to cause trouble in France? Do they also want to establish their own Knights? If this is the case, then it is much more reasonable for King Philip IV of France to destroy the Knights Templar."

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and everyone was somewhat disappointed with the answer Ye Tian gave.

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