Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1880 The sun came out from the west

When the scene became quieter, Ye Tian immediately said to Earl Beauge:

"Jacques, it's lunch time now, let's have lunch first, after lunch, you can enter the Gothic palace deep underground to see what's going on there.

At that time, employees of our Fearless Exploration Company will also enter that underground palace to clean up the antiques stored in that palace, and you can supervise from the sidelines! "

"Okay, Steven, let's go to lunch, and I will enter the palace deep underground later. To be honest, I never imagined that there is actually a secret weapon warehouse hidden under the castle of Argeny!"

Count Beauge nodded and said, still with an incredible expression on his face.

Of course, he was somewhat disappointed that he did not find the expected treasure of the Knights Templar.

After chatting for a few more words, Earl Beauge pointed to the wine racks and wine cabinets not far away, and then said to Ye Tian and the others:

"Steven, Bishop of Kent, please choose a few bottles of red wine and champagne and drink them at lunch to celebrate today's series of huge harvests!"

"It's up to you to choose, Jacques. You are the owner of this wine cellar and a wine collector. Naturally, you know the situation here and the wine and champagne best."

"Okay then, let me choose a few bottles of good wine, I believe everyone will be satisfied"

Earl Beauge did not refuse, but was a bit complacent.

After speaking, he walked towards the rows of wine racks and many wine cabinets.

At this time, Ye Tian had already removed the equipment he was carrying and was about to leave the wine cellar.

Before leaving, he arranged for two company employees and two armed security personnel to guard here to prevent others from entering the wine cellar without authorization and entering the Gothic palace deep underground.

Although the medieval weapons and equipment hidden in that underground palace are of average value, far inferior to those of the Templars' weapons and equipment found in Larnaca, they are considered antiques anyway, so we should not be negligent!

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

After arranging these things, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent walked out of the wine cellar and came to the corridor outside.

As soon as they came out, before they could stand still, Martinez, who had been waiting outside for a long time, and the other Frenchmen came up.

"Steven, can I see the video materials you took? In the dark space under the wine cellar, are there really a large number of weapons and equipment of the Knights Templar hidden?"

Martinez said impatiently, his eyes fixed on Ye Tian.

The rest of the Frenchmen were the same, they all looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian glanced at these people, then smiled and said:

"Of course no problem, Martinez, I can let you watch the video material just shot, but it's obviously not suitable here, let's go to the upper living room, where you can watch it on TV.

I can tell you with certainty that just below our feet, there is a majestic and magnificent underground palace, which, like the Castle of Argeny, is also a Gothic building built in the Middle Ages.

In this underground palace, there are countless medieval weapons and equipment, many of which are engraved with the logo of the Knights Templar, the Maltese cross, which is obviously the secret arsenal of the Knights Templar.”

"Okay, Steven, let's watch it in the living room upstairs. I am very interested in those video materials, and I am more interested in the gothic palace deep underground."

Martinez nodded and said, his expression has relaxed a lot, and he is somewhat relieved.

This bastard, Steven, was so generous that he promised to share the video material he just took with himself and others. The sun really came out from the west!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"After discovering those weapons and equipment, I let my imagination run wild and guessed that during the period from the middle of the thirteenth century to the beginning of the fourteenth century, France might have escaped a huge crisis by chance.

What is the purpose of the Knights Templar stockpiling so many weapons? Will they be the first to establish their own Knights Kingdom like the later Knights of the Hospital? And it's near Lyon.

As we all know, Lyon was not controlled by the Kingdom of France until the fourteenth century. Before that, the military power here was relatively weak, and it was entirely possible for the Knights Templar to achieve their goals.

As for why they did not take action, it is unknown. There is no doubt that these are very worthy of research, and there may be major discoveries that will reveal a piece of unknown history.

The opportunity is here, don't miss it! Gentlemen, you can contact the Louvre and the major museums and universities in Lyon, and ask them to send cultural and cultural personnel to visit here."

Hearing this, the eyes of Martinez and the other Frenchmen suddenly lit up, shining like searchlights.

"Okay, Steven, I will contact the Louvre immediately and ask them to send two more groups of cultural and cultural personnel to Lyon to inspect the Gothic palace deep underground and the weapons and equipment of the Knights Templar.

Let me tell you one more thing, the first cultural and cultural team sent by the Louvre Museum and several experts on antique art appraisal have already taken off on a special plane, and they will arrive in Lyon in one hour and start working! "

Martinez continued, the excitement palpable.

Next, the few of them walked upstairs to the living room while chatting about the underground palace and the many weapons and equipment they had just discovered.

Soon, the group of them entered the living room.

Ye Tian and the bishop of Kent went to wash up first, and when they returned to the living room again, they began to play the video material they had just captured.

When the gothic palace deep underground and those piles of boxes appeared on the TV screen, there was an exclamation in the living room immediately.

Next, everyone saw a lot of rusty medieval weapons and equipment, including knight swords, full armor, javelins, boxes of arrows and so on.

Seeing these huge quantities of medieval weapons and equipment, Martinez and the other French guys had no doubts about what Ye Tian said just now, and confirmed his speculation.

During the period from the middle of the thirteenth century to the beginning of the fourteenth century, the Knights Templar were indeed planning something secretly. Perhaps it was the establishment of the Knights' Kingdom, which was why they had so many weapons and equipment in reserve.

As for why they didn't riot, I don't know!

Perhaps the demise of the Knights Templar was not just because the French King Philip IV wanted to renege on his debts and coveted the huge wealth they had accumulated, maybe it was also related to their expanding ambitions!

All of these are of great research value, and the partial history of France in the Middle Ages may even be rewritten accordingly.

Thinking of this, Martinez and the other Frenchmen were so excited that they couldn't even sit still. They wished they could immediately enter the underground palace and explore everything there.

But each of them knew very well in their hearts that whether they could enter the Gothic underground palace would depend on Steven's face, and they had to endure it for the time being, and it was useless to rush!

After chatting for a while, it was time for lunch.

While everyone was talking, Count Beauge, who had washed up, brought his wife into the living room and invited everyone to the banquet hall for dinner.

Next, everyone got up and left the living room one after another, walked into an elegantly decorated banquet hall, and began to enjoy a sumptuous French meal, and the dining process was quite ceremonial, exuding a strong aristocratic atmosphere.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when the lights were intertwined.

The cultural and museum team and several antique art appraisal experts who came from the Louvre in Paris have successfully arrived at the Castle of Argeny. At the same time, there are also cultural and museum personnel from major museums and universities in Lyon.

These Frenchmen gathered together, more than 30 people, and after going through a strict security check procedure, they were able to enter the castle of Argeny.

Next, under the leadership of Martinez, a larger-scale archaeological operation will be launched, and the results will surely cause a sensation throughout France.

The main force of this archaeological operation has become the cultural and cultural personnel of the Louvre and the major museums in Lyon. The employees of the brave exploration company are only responsible for on-site supervision to ensure that the company's interests are not violated.

Ye Tian, ​​who was the discoverer, did not enter the underground palace again, but he was not idle either.

The gold and silver treasures and antique relics found in the depths of the stables before need to be appraised one by one and given an accurate valuation, and then sit down and share the spoils with Earl Beauge!

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