Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1881 Next Target

As the cleaning work began, the medieval weapons and equipment hidden in the underground palace by the Knights Templar were carried to the ground in boxes and placed under a temporary awning in the castle courtyard.

It didn't take long for the long crates on the ground to pile up like a mountain, and they couldn't even fit in the courtyard, so they had to be stored in some outbuildings.

It is obvious that things can no longer be kept secret, and there is no need to keep it secret.

The news that the joint exploration team discovered the secret arsenal of the Knights Templar in the castle of Argeny quickly spread like wildfire and spread throughout France, causing a huge sensation.

Next, countless attentions were cast on this medieval Gothic castle, as well as the medieval Gothic palace deep underground, and on the ongoing archaeological operations!

As time went by, more and more news, as well as many pictures of the archaeological site, continued to flow out of Arzhini Castle, causing a growing sensation.

With the approval of Ye Tian and Bishop of Kent, those media reporters who had been guarding outside the castle for a long time were able to enter the castle in batches to interview the ongoing archaeological operations.

The entry of these media reporters immediately made this archaeological operation even more sensational and attracted more attention.

And this situation is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see.

Putting everything in the sun and becoming well known, neither the French government nor the municipality of Lyon can do anything secretly.

Of course, the treasure found in the depths of the stables is still kept strictly confidential, and the media reporters who entered the castle did not know about it.

Those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics will be made public at the right time, but not now, the time is not yet ripe.

Near five o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tian had already completed the work of identification and valuation, and then divided the gold, silver treasures and antique relics found in the deep underground of the stable into two parts.

Afterwards, he pointed to the two piles of gold and silver treasures and antique relics placed on the floor, and with a smile on his face, he said to Count Beauge, his wife, and their personal lawyer who were in the same secret room:

"Jacques, Countess, you can choose. The value of these two piles of gold and silver treasures and antique relics is basically equal. You can choose one of them, and the other half will belong to our brave exploration company.

Although I don't think it's necessary at all, if you're concerned,

You can also ask someone to do the appraisal and valuation, and then make the allocation. If that's the case, we, the brave exploration company, will make the choice first! "

After the words fell, the French guys who had been in a sluggish state for a long time on the opposite side finally woke up.

Immediately afterwards, Count Beauge opened his red eyes, and with difficulty moved his gaze away from the dazzling gold and silver treasures and antiques, and looked up at Ye Tian.

"Steven, according to your valuation and distribution, no matter which half of the treasure we choose, it is a huge wealth worth over 100 million US dollars, and we have to be extremely cautious.

Besides, I have already promised Martinez and the others to let the cultural and museum team from the Louvre identify and evaluate these gold and silver treasures and antique relics, and then distribute them.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"No problem, Jacques, this is your right, of course I will not object, let the Cultural Museum team from the Louvre come in now to identify and evaluate these gold and silver treasures and antique relics.

My personal lawyer and company employees will be on site to supervise and record the entire process of identification and evaluation to ensure that the interests of our company are not violated and disputes are avoided.

Every item and every gold coin here has been registered. If there is any one missing, I will know it soon and can find it again. It is best not to have such a thing happen! "

"Don't worry, Steven, we have our own persistence, and we won't do such a shameless thing. I believe those cultural and cultural personnel from the Louvre will not either!"

"That's the best way, let those guys from the Louvre outside the door come in, I guess Martinez and those guys are already impatient!"

With that said, Ye Tian raised his hand towards the door of the secret room and gestured.

Count Beauge nodded slightly, then turned and walked out of the secret room on the second floor of the main building of the Argeny Castle.

Immediately afterwards, he walked in with the museum team from the Louvre, led by Martinez himself.

The rest of the antique art appraisal experts are also old friends who are familiar with each other. When they were in Paris, they had a chance with Ye Tian more than once.

As soon as they entered the secret room, the guys from the Louvre were completely stunned by the piles of gold, silver, treasures and antiques on the floor, and they all stood there dumbfounded, their eyes full of shock.

Even Martinez, who had already seen these things and appreciated several of them, couldn't help but feel a little lost when he saw these dazzling gold, silver treasures and antique relics again at this time.

After a while, these Frenchmen from the Louvre just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, the scene was completely boiling, and exclamations came and went, and it became a sound.

"My God! There are so many gold and silver treasures. Doesn't it mean that the treasure of the Knights Templar was not found? What are these dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics?"

"They are not the treasures of the Knights Templar. There are a lot of baroque gold and antique relics here. The age obviously does not match the Knights Templar, but the number is too amazing, it is incredible!"

Amidst the discussions, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, these gold and silver treasures and antique relics are not the treasures of the Knights Templar, but the private property buried by Count Beauge's ancestors, and we have found it by luck.

Let’s get to work, identify the age and origin of these gold and silver treasures and antique relics, and give an accurate valuation. I hope everyone can speed up and complete this work as soon as possible.”

As soon as his words fell, Martinez immediately said:

"Guys, let's get to work. Steven has already appraised these gold and silver treasures and antique relics, and gave a valuation. Next, it's up to us. We can't be compared by this guy!"

After speaking, Martinez took the lead in walking towards the gold and silver treasures and antique relics piled on the ground, ready to start identification and evaluation.

Seeing that the boss moved, the other members of the Louvre Cultural Museum team immediately followed, and each of them devoted themselves to work with great interest.

Ye Tian and David stepped aside and stood with the Earl of Beauge and his wife, laughing and chatting in low voices, while watching these guys in the Louvre working, very relaxed.

After chatting for a while, the few of them exited the secret room, went to the courtyard outside, and admired the medieval weapons and equipment.

Those who stayed in the secret room and were in charge of supervising and filming the video were one of David's assistant lawyers and two of Ye Tian's subordinates, Derek and Tommy.

Earl Beauge also sent on-site supervisors, namely his son who had just arrived from Paris, and the steward of the castle of Argeny!

Soon, night fell.

But the ancient Gothic castle of Argeni is still brightly lit and bustling.

The cleaning operation in the palace deep underground is still going on, and boxes of medieval weapons and equipment are constantly being moved to the ground and placed in the courtyard of the castle or other places.

In the secret room on the second floor of the main building of the Argeni Castle, cultural and cultural personnel from the Louvre Museum and experts in the identification of antique works of art are also busy, identifying those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics.

As night fell, the many armed security personnel guarding the castle of Alzhni also raised their vigilance again, guarding this medieval Gothic castle tightly.

While talking, it was dinner time.

When Ye Tian and David walked into the restaurant and sat down to have dinner, Martinez, who had switched to eating, also walked into the restaurant through another door with a few people from the Louvre Museum.

After everyone met, there was naturally another chat, and the topic centered around today's discovery.

"Martinez, how's it going? Do you have any new discoveries? Among the gold, silver treasures and antique relics, there may be something that I missed or missed!"

Ye Tian asked with a smile, but his words were full of confidence, as was his expression.

Martinez took a deep look at him, then shook his head slightly and said:

"So far, we haven't found anything new. Among the gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics that have been identified, the identification conclusions of each item are highly consistent with the identification conclusions given by you.

As for the valuation of those things, you obviously know the antique art market better than us, and there is nothing wrong with the valuation you gave. I have to say, you guys are amazing, your eyesight is simply unparalleled! "

When he said these words, Martinez couldn't help showing a hint of admiration in his eyes, as did the other Frenchmen on the scene.

"That would be the best. I hope you will complete the identification and evaluation work as soon as possible, so I can rest assured that I will leave Lyon and go to the next place to continue exploring the treasure of the Knights Templar!"

"The next place? Where is your goal? The Castle of Barberzière in Charente? There are three major Templar fiefdoms, or Bazas, Agen, or Indre-Loire. Lacol?

On the walls of the Castle of Valk Oz in the city of Val, there are also many mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar engraved, or Marche near Touraine? It used to be the site of the Knights Templar's 'Gold and Silver Vaults'! "

Following Martinez's inquiry, everyone in the restaurant looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders lightly, smiled noncommittally, and did not answer the series of questions.

Then, he changed the subject.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to be here with all of you, please raise your glasses to a perfect day!"

As he said that, Ye Tian raised his wine glass high, gestured to everyone in the restaurant with a smile on his face, then raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp!

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