Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1890 Overwhelmed Scottish Idiot

When they came to the dining table, a guy in his forties held out his right hand to Ye Tian, ​​and introduced himself:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, my name is Grant, from Glasgow, nice to meet you, these two are my friends, Gervin and George, also from Glasgow"

Ye Tian stood up, shook hands with the other party, and said with a smile:

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. I'm Steven. It's a pleasure to meet you. In fact, I've seen you all on the outskirts of Dover in the early morning.

It was foggy and I was in the car and the convoy was racing down the Dover-to-London motorway and you were standing in the fields on the side of the road.

And you are all dressed as Templar knights, the moment I saw you, I almost thought that time went back and I accidentally traveled to the Middle Ages”

Hearing Ye Tian's words, those guys from Scotland couldn't help but blush, somewhat embarrassed.

Before they could give a response, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Mr. Grant, I was informed by the security personnel that you want to talk to me about the treasures of the Knights Templar. Please sit down. I will listen."

As he said that, Ye Tian made a gesture of invitation, and gestured towards the three temporarily added seats outside the dining table.

The three Scotsmen nodded slightly, and then sat down.

After sitting down, everyone immediately got to the point without any extra nonsense.

"Mr. Steven, the reason why we are here is to talk to you about the treasure of the Knights Templar. The treasure of the Knights Templar belongs to us, not to the Vatican, nor to you.

Therefore, we request to join the joint exploration team and explore the treasure of the Templar Knights with you. If the treasure is found, we, the descendants of the Templar Knights, should enjoy some rights to the treasure.”

"The treasure of the Knights Templar belongs to you? Why?"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, with a look of disdain on his face.

Seeing his expression, the Scots on the other side of the dining table immediately became angry, and wished they could smash the hateful face in front of them with their fists.

However, each of them is very clear in their hearts that as long as they dare to punch and attack, or even dare to make an attack,

Don't even think about leaving this restaurant alive today.

With the cruelty of the American bastards in front of them, the three of them would definitely come in vertically and go out horizontally, there is no other possibility.

Grant quickly adjusted his emotions, suppressed his anger, and forced a smile.

"Steven, we are all descendants of the Knights Templar, as legal heirs, the treasures of the Knights Templar should belong to us, this is a matter of course.

My grandparents are the head of the Scottish branch of the Knights Templar, and the last head, the grandparents of Gervin and George, who are also members of the Knights Templar..."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately sneered and interrupted Grant.

"It turns out that you are all descendants of the Templars, no wonder you are so confident! Regarding your status as descendants of the Templars, I think it should be true, and no one would make fun of their ancestors.

But what right do you have to inherit the treasure of the Knights Templar? The Knights Templar is a military organization, not a private enterprise. Your ancestors are only members of the organization. How can you be qualified to inherit?

Moreover, the Knights Templar has been directly under the leadership of the Pope since the day it was established, and is only responsible to the Pope and enjoys the privileges bestowed by the Pope. This affiliation has never changed until the Knights Templar is destroyed.

In layman's terms, the Pope is the highest leader of the Knights Templar, and the previous head of the Knights Templar has represented the Pope to lead the Knights Templar and is a military leader. As for your ancestors, they were just knights.

In comparison, the Pope is more qualified to claim possession of the treasures of the Knights Templar, rather than you descendants of the Knights Templar who can't beat you. Obviously, you think too much, it's better to wake up early."


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, resounding through the entire restaurant.

David and Jason all laughed out loud, unscrupulously, without considering the feelings of the three Scotsmen at all.

While laughing out loud, David secretly gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

As the saying goes, you don't hit someone in the face!

Steven, this guy is really bad, he just slapped his face, and the slapping sound was enough to make those Scots feel ashamed.

Looking at the three Scotsmen again, their seven orifices were already smoldering with anger, their eyes were spitting fire, they were full of hatred, and their expressions were extremely embarrassing.

How much they wanted to overturn the dining table in front of them, rush over to tear the bastard who humiliated themselves to pieces, and then throw them to the dogs!

But they knew that if they did that, only the three of them would die, and the bastard on the other side wouldn't even lose a single hair, only an idiot would do such a stupid thing!

With great perseverance, Grant and the others suppressed the boiling anger in their hearts and held back the urge to do something.

However, before they could organize their words of rebuttal, another wave of extremely vicious words came rushing in.

"Gentlemen, since you claim that you are qualified to inherit the treasure of the Knights Templar, you should communicate with the Pope to see if the Pope is willing to talk to you instead of us.

Another point is that after the fall of the Knights Templar, most of its land and other properties in France were taken by Philip IV, who was the French government at that time.

The situation in other European countries is roughly the same. The castles, large fiefdoms, and various commercial facilities of the Knights Templar all over Europe, many of which have fallen into the hands of the royal families of European countries.

In addition, there is another biggest beneficiary, that is, the famous Knights Hospitaller. Under the instruction of the Pope at the time, the Knights Hospitaller received a lot of property and members of the Knights Templar.

I suggest that you first launch a claim action against European governments, royal families, the Holy See, and the Knights Hospitaller, demanding that they return all property acquired by the Knights Templar.

Of course, those extremely greedy guys will probably not talk to you, but this is a method after all, as long as there is a one-in-a-billion chance, you should all try it, and I support you! "


There was another burst of laughter at the scene, and David and Jason laughed even more wildly, leaning forward and back together.

As for the three so-called descendants of the Knights Templar, they were so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. They slammed the table and stood up, glaring at Ye Tian who was sitting opposite.

Seeing their actions, Cole and the others who were standing next to them immediately raised their vigilance and were ready to make a move at any time.

Ye Tian looked coldly at the three idiots opposite, still with a dismissive expression on his face.

After the laughter fell, he rushed ahead of the three guys again, and said with a sneer:

"You can also search for the Templar treasure yourself, and I'm pretty sure that your ancestors have been trying to find the Templar treasure for more than seven hundred years.

However, they found nothing, otherwise you would not have found this place, wishing to participate in our joint exploration operation with the Vatican, trying to take advantage of us.

I am a very generous person, and I will not stop you from exploring the treasure of the Templars, as long as it does not interfere with us, we can even have a competition to see who can find the treasure first.

But I am not very optimistic about you. One is the problem of luck. Since ancient times, luck seems to have nothing to do with you. The other is the problem of ability. I don’t think you have the ability to find treasures.

What's more, you probably don't even have the qualifications to enter the rumored sites where the Knights Templar's treasure may be buried, such as the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Of course, the Knights Templar once owned countless fiefs and castles in Europe, and some places are now in ruins, and access is not restricted. In those places, you may be able to find something.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian looked at the three Scotsmen coldly to see what kind of response they would give.

David and Jason, who were sitting next to them, were still laughing softly. Everyone had a gloating expression, and they enjoyed watching the show very much.

After a long time, Grant suppressed the boiling anger in his chest, gritted his molars and said:

"Steven, are you going too far? Clay figurines are still earthy. Don't forget that this is the British Isles, not the damn New York. We will never watch you sweep away the treasures of the Knights Templar. "

Ye Tian glanced at the three Scotsmen, then said with a sneer:

"Three points of earthy nature? I advise you to put away that bit of earthy nature, and hide the anger and greed in your heart. Don't expose it, it will only bring disaster to you.

In the British Isles, we have played against many people, including mi5, mi6, and Scotland Yard, and there are also many enemies, such as the famous Pink Panther. I don't mind a little more.

I also know you very well. If we unfortunately become rivals, I also know where to find you. Grant, do you have a bar near George Square in Glasgow? ..."

Next, Ye Tian told Grant's bar, mobile phone number, home address, family members, even his income, and an unknown lover.

That's not the end yet, he didn't let go of the other two Scottish idiots, he just turned them all over and stripped them naked!

His words were like a series of blockbuster bombs, instantly knocking the three Scottish idiots into a daze, their eyes full of fear.

How could these Scots expect that they would encounter such a situation.

Before coming here, each of them was full of confidence, thinking that the treasure of the Knights Templar was close at hand, and that the good life of Sunny Beach was within reach.

But at this moment, each of them was completely surrounded by endless fear, the bastard Steven was simply a devil, it was really terrifying.

It's too much to speculate!

After chatting here, it was obviously impossible to continue, Ye Tian unceremoniously issued an order to evict the guests, asking Cole and the others to take the three Scots out of the restaurant.

At the same time, the lunch that everyone ordered was served on the table, and it looked pretty good, with all the flavors and aromas.

Just when everyone was picking up the tableware and preparing to eat, there was a sudden noise outside the restaurant, and the siren sounded continuously, as if something had happened.

Immediately afterwards, Derek's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, a few idiots attacked our convoy just now, trying to rob those antique artworks you bought this morning, but they have been repelled by the guys.

There were five idiots in total, two died at the scene, three idiots drove away, and the London police who followed the convoy have already caught up."

Hearing the situation report, Ye Tian immediately sneered, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Check! Find out where those idiots who don't know how to live and die come from. They come and don't reciprocate. Since they plan to rob me, they must be prepared to go to hell."

"Understood, Steven, we'll take a picture of those two dead idiots and send it to you, and keep in touch with the London police to see what they can find"

Derek responded and ended the call.

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