Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1891 Fearful London

At the end of lunch, Cole walked in from outside the restaurant, walked up to Ye Tian and whispered:

"Steven, I found out that one of the two guys killed by Derek and the others was a member of the Pink Panther.

The other guy who was killed was a black man from South London, a member of a street gang in South London, and the three idiots who drove away escaped the police.

At this moment, those idiot policemen in London are searching for them. The area around the Portobello Antique Market and some blocks in south London are the key search areas, and the streets are full of policemen.

Since David's assistant lawyer followed the convoy and intervened in time, although Derek and the others killed the two idiots, they were not taken away by the police immediately and remained in the convoy.

When we return to the Ritz Hotel safely, they can go to the police station to take notes. The antique artworks contained in the Knight XV have not suffered any damage and are still intact.

But this accident still had a certain impact. There were more police patrolling Portobello Market, and some stalls, antique shops, and galleries closed early for fear of accidents.”

After listening to Cole's report, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"It turned out to be the old friends of the Pink Panther. I didn't bother them. Instead, they took the initiative to seek death. Obviously, those idiots think that they have lived too long, so I will help them.

Having experienced this, coupled with our frenzied sweeping of antique art, antique dealers and gallery owners who do business in the Porte Belle Market will definitely have many people take advantage of the closed doors.

To be honest, not all the merchants here have closed down, which is beyond my expectation. Later, let's go to the remaining antique shops and galleries, and then we can go back to the hotel! "

After that, Ye Tian chatted with David and Cole in a low voice, and then continued to enjoy lunch without paying attention to the outside affairs.

At the same time, in the Scotland Yard headquarters building in the West End of London, hysterical angry curses rang out.

"Those damn idiots of the Pink Panther are really asking for their own death, even God can't save them! How stupid are they? Even thinking of robbing that bastard Steven, isn't it enough?

The notification goes on, let the guys set off, sweep every stronghold of the Pink Panther in London, find all those idiots for me, and let the guys keep a close eye on every suspected member of the Pink Panther.

More importantly, keep an eye on that bastard Steven and report everything he does. I don't want London to turn into Paris, a battlefield where that bastard Steven is fighting wildly with the Pink Panther! "

The one who cursed wildly and issued orders was none other than the chief of the Metropolitan police, a British guy in his fifties or sixties.

As soon as his words fell, an assistant director who was also in the office continued to say:

"Understood, boss, I will inform the guys to send out to sweep up the Pink Panther's stronghold, but that guy, Steven, doesn't seem to be too worried? At least not today.

He is currently at the Portobello Antique Market, and there are a large number of guys and media reporters staring at him, it is impossible to get out of sight, and he will go to Kensington Palace to have a banquet at night, and there is no chance."

"No! Don't be careless. That bastard Steven is famous for his vengeance, and his revenge does not last overnight. If he finds out the identity of the robber, he will most likely take revenge immediately!"

The chief of police shook his head and said, his face extremely solemn.

At this time, he seemed to have foreseen the arrival of a storm, which would surely shake the whole of London and even the whole of England.

Hearing his words, the assistant director couldn't help but change his face, and his eyes were instantly filled with fear.

"Okay, boss, I will make all the guys cheer up and stare at that crazy bastard Steven"

After speaking, the assistant director left the office and went out to arrange actions.

Soon, there were many police cars on the streets of London with their sirens wailing and speeding past houses on fire, heading straight for the Pink Panther's various strongholds in London.

At the same time, the street gangster in South London was also hit hard.

But compared to the famous Pink Panther, this gang is not worth mentioning, and the London police did not take them seriously.


In an ordinary house in south London, there was a sound of frantic smashing of things, accompanied by angry roars.

"Who asked those idiots to rob that bastard Steven? If that bastard was so easy to rob, how could he survive until now? He has been robbed countless times and torn to pieces.

The target of our robbery is not those antique works of art, but the treasures of the Knights Templar. If successful, everyone can wash their hands and go to the Mediterranean Sea to enjoy life.

That's great, those idiots sent us to death for nothing, and exposed us Pink Panthers. Don't even think about it, that crazy bastard Steven will definitely retaliate.

Except for that bastard Steven and those idiot police officers from Scotland Yard, the police will never let us go, they will definitely hunt us down, and the next action will be very difficult to carry out.”

This voice came from a fifty or sixty-year-old Eastern European woman, and she was already smoked from the seven orifices of anger.

I'm afraid no one would have guessed that this Eastern European woman is the boss of the world's most famous jewelry theft gang, the Pink Panther.

Maybe she has encountered countless blank stares when shopping in top jewelry stores and luxury goods, for revenge; maybe it is because of her crazy love for jewelry and diamonds to satisfy her desire.

This is the famous Pink Panther! Specializing in robbing top jewelry and luxury items has become a nightmare for all jewelers and luxury brands!

After the voice of the female boss fell, another Eastern European man who was also in the living room shook his head helplessly and said:

"Boss, among the five people who participated in this robbery, only two are our buddies, and they just joined the organization not long ago, and they are just two insignificant guys.

Apparently, they wanted to get rich, and they recruited a few idiots who often hang out together, trying to rob that bastard Steven, but they kicked the iron plate and played themselves to death!

We didn't know about their robbery at all. If we knew, I would never let those idiots do it and seek their own death. I can't wait to kill those idiots myself! "

"It's too late to say these things now, everyone is ready to move, change the hiding place, this place is no longer safe, that bastard Steven may have secretly launched revenge.

Except for that bastard Steven, but also watch out for Scotland Yard, tell all our guys to find a safe place to hide as soon as possible, unless it is a last resort, it is best not to go out on the street! "

"Okay boss, we'll call all the guys right away"

The rest of the people in the living room responded in unison, and then they all took out their mobile phones and began to notify their respective buddies.

Soon, the group of Eastern Europeans evacuated the building and sneaked away to another, more secretive secret stronghold in batches.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had finished their lunch and walked out of the restaurant facing the street.

As soon as they came out, a large number of heavily armed London police immediately surrounded them, and set up a cordon six or seven meters away from them, blocking everyone else outside.

The many media reporters who followed were also stopped outside the cordon and could only ask questions loudly from afar.

"Steven, what happened to the shootout that happened not far away just now? I heard that someone tried to rob your convoy and rob those antique works of art. Can you tell everyone?"

"Good afternoon, Steven, I heard that two people were killed in that shootout. Do you know the origin of the other party? Is it your enemy, a competitor, or just an ordinary robber?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks, glanced at the media reporters quickly, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, we have been having lunch in this restaurant just now, and the shootout that happened in the next street, to be honest, I don't know much about it.

If you want to know the details of the shootout and the identities of the robbers, you should obviously interview the London Police, they are the law enforcement officers in the city of London and they know the situation best.

Here, I want to warn those idiots who have ulterior motives and try to rob me, if you don’t listen to the advice and insist on seeking your own death, then we will never be polite and will send you all to hell!

Alright, that's all I want to say. Next, we will continue to visit Portobello Antiques Market, hoping to gain something, and also hope that the disappointing thing just now will not happen again."

After speaking, Ye Tian took David and the others to walk forward, ignoring the media reporters who asked questions loudly.

When they passed through the crowd and were about to enter an antique shop diagonally across the street, Kenny's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, those guys from the Pink Panther reacted quickly and have left the building in South London"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately flashed a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I want to see where you can hide. Even if you go to heaven and earth, I will find you idiots out and send you all to hell!"

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