In the blink of an eye, it was around 3:30 in the afternoon. Ye Tian and the others had roughly finished browsing the remaining stalls, antique shops and galleries in Portobello Market, and were about to leave Notting Hill.

Just like in the morning, during the few hours in the afternoon, they also gained a lot. They swept over a dozen valuable antique artworks from the Portobello Market, and they returned with a full load.

As for those antique works of relatively ordinary value, Ye Tian secretly recorded them, and then sent the relevant information to Bowie in New York.

In a few days, Bowie will be here, stealthily taking the antiques market by storm again.

When Ye Tian and the others walked out of the last gallery, the convoy that had been driving slowly on the adjacent street had already arrived at the entrance of the gallery and stopped on the side of the road.

Soon, Ye Tian and his group got into the car, ready to leave here.

At this moment, Kenny's voice suddenly came from the invisible wireless earphones. He sounded quite excited and somewhat smug.

"Steven, we have found out that after the Pink Panthers left the house in South London, they dispersed and went to the next secret stronghold, and they all changed their mobile phone numbers, so they were very cautious.

However, one of them couldn't hold back in the end, and secretly called his family to ask his wife to hide the jewelry obtained from the robbery, so as not to be caught by the police as evidence of the crime.

It was through this call that we tracked down the idiot's cell phone number, and then followed the lead to their hiding place, a new secret stronghold near the Scotland Yard headquarters building.

It has to be said that these jewelry thieves are very cunning, and they actually set up their hiding place near the headquarters of Scotland Yard. Those idiot police officers in London probably never imagined that this group of jewelry thieves is right under their noses! "

Hearing what Kenny reported, Ye Tian couldn't help being a little stunned. He froze for a moment, but he woke up in a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, he sneered and whispered:

"In China, we call this 'black under the lamp'. I didn't expect the scumbags of the Pink Panther to have such a brain. It seems that they are not all idiots. I must admit that this is a very smart move.

Send me the hiding place of those scumbags of the Pink Panther. Since they dare to take Lao Tzu's idea, they must pay the price. Even God can't save them. If they want to hide, there is no door! "

"Okay, Steven"

Kenny responded,

The address was sent immediately.

After talking with Kenny, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Cole, tell the guys, let's go to the headquarters building of Scotland Yard, isn't Derek and the others going to take the transcript, go now, and we will go back to the hotel after the transcript is done, so as to save trouble later.

In addition to notifying the guys, don’t forget to notify the police officers and people involved in Scotland Yard, lest we go to the headquarters building of Scotland Yard, but the police officers are not there, and the trip is in vain.”

"Okay, Steven, I'm going to call the guys, call the cops"

Cole replied in a deep voice, and immediately took action.

After Ye Tian finished talking, David who was sitting next to him immediately said excitedly:

"Steven, let's go to the Scottish headquarters building now? Are you planning to do it? Don't you need to prepare and make a perfect plan?"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, then said with a sneer:

"There's no need to prepare, it's just a few jewel thieves, it's easy to handle, and there won't be any accidents. The timing couldn't be better now."

"Hahaha, you guys really can't take revenge overnight! But your plan is indeed very good. Using Scotland Yard as a cover can maximize the elimination of suspicion."

David said with a chuckle, and gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

"You contact a few well-known London lawyers, David, and tell them to rush to the headquarters of Scotland Yard immediately, follow Derek and the others who have just participated in the firefight one-on-one, and never let the London police contact them alone."

"Okay, Steven, just leave these matters to us. We will never give the London Police the opportunity to contact any security personnel alone. All inquiries must be supervised by a lawyer on the spot."

As he said that, David took out his mobile phone and began to contact some well-known lawyers in London who had business dealings with their firm, asking those guys to come to help.

At the same time, Ye Tian's heavy-duty convoy also started abruptly, leaving Portobello Market, heading straight for the Scotland Yard headquarters building in the West End of London.

Behind them, the London police who had been watching them closely, as well as many media reporters, and other people from all walks of life immediately followed and drove up.

In less than half an hour, this huge convoy arrived in front of the Scotland Yard headquarters building and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

The well-known London lawyers that David contacted also rushed here from all over London, and the three lawyers who were closer were already waiting at the gate of the Scotland Yard headquarters building.

Unsurprisingly, the arrival of Ye Tian and the others immediately caused a commotion on this street, as well as the entire headquarters building of Scotland Yard.

The people on the street, the police working in the Scotland Yard headquarters building, the police driving in and out of the building, and others of all kinds looked at the convoy curiously and talked a lot.

"Am I right? Steven, the bastard, actually came to the Scotland Yard headquarters building. Doesn't he know how much the London police hate him?"

"At noon in Notting Hill's Porte Belle Antique Market, it is said that there was a small-scale gun battle between Steven, the bastard's men, and a group of idiot robbers.

As a result of the firefight, the two idiot robbers were killed on the spot, and the three robbers fled the scene in a car, but Steven, the bastard's men, was unscathed and had no other losses.

Now the police are chasing those idiot robbers, the streets are full of police, and one of the parties involved, Steven, came to Scotland Yard headquarters in a big way, what a crazy bastard! "

Amidst the people's discussions, the Chief of London Police and several of his men were standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling glass window of the Scotland Yard headquarters building, condescendingly watching the convoy parked on the roadside in front of the building.

"What the hell does this bastard Steven mean? He came here to us, is it a demonstration or a provocation, or is he playing some other trick?"

The police chief asked in surprise, his eyes were full of curiosity and anger.

"Shouldn't be a demonstration. According to reports from the guy who followed the bastard Steven, they came here to take notes for the firefight at noon."

A senior police officer explained, but his eyes were full of doubts.

As soon as the words fell, another senior police officer sneered and said:

"Don't be funny! When did Steven, a ruthless bastard, become a law-abiding citizen? He would come to the police station on his own initiative and ask his subordinates to cooperate with the police to take notes. Is this possible?"

"No matter what, since this bastard is here, we can't just ignore it. We can take this opportunity to get in touch with that bastard Steven's subordinates, and maybe there will be unexpected gains."

The chief of police said solemnly, obviously with ulterior motives.

Afterwards, the boss of Scotland Yard sent several men to meet Ye Tian and the others.

In front of the Scotland Yard headquarters building, Cole and the others, who were fully armed, had already got out of the car, quickly set up a cordon around the convoy, and watched the surrounding situation vigilantly.

Immediately afterwards, David and Jason also got out of the car one after another, and walked over to several London lawyers who had already rushed to the scene.

After meeting with those London lawyers, David began to communicate with each other in a low voice, signed a simple entrustment agreement, and explained the subsequent work tasks.

However, Ye Tian never showed up, and sat in the back seat of Knight XV, standing still.

It wasn't until a deputy director of the Scotland Yard headquarters came along with several senior police officers and walked to the side of the convoy that Ye Tian opened the door and got out of the car to meet those guys.

Immediately after the meeting, the deputy director of Scotland Yard said politely:

"Good afternoon, Mr Steven, I'm White, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, nice to meet you, welcome to Scotland Yard headquarters building"

Ye Tian shook hands with the senior police officer, and said with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Director White, I'm Steven, nice to meet you too"

After a few polite words, everyone entered the topic.

"Mr. Steven, I don't know why you are here? To be honest, we are somewhat nervous when you come to Scotland Yard's headquarters building with such a heavily armed convoy."

"Don't be nervous, Chief White, we didn't have any malicious intentions. Didn't there be a shootout at the Portobello Market at noon? The two sides were some of my subordinates and a group of robbers.

Although the security personnel under me were not injured, and I did not suffer any losses, some legal procedures are still necessary. The reason why we are here is to take notes! "

"So that's it. Thank you for your cooperation. Please come in with us. The police handling this case will take notes for you. It won't take long."

With that said, Director White made a gesture of invitation, ready to take Ye Tian and the others into Scotland Yard.

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"I won't go in, Director White, I didn't participate in the shootout at noon. Many police officers and media reporters at the scene knew that the security personnel who needed to go in to take notes were the security personnel who participated in the firefight.

Just to clarify, these well-known lawyers in London will follow up the whole process, assist those security personnel, and try to avoid some legal troubles until the guys under me finish the transcripts.

As for the rest of us and our vehicles, just wait near the Scotland Yard headquarters building. When my guys come out, we will leave here and rush back to the Ritz Hotel together! "

As he said that, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to gesture to those London lawyers, and nodded slightly at them.

Following his gesture, White turned his head to look at those well-known lawyers in London, and his face instantly became as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Steven, the damn bastard, is so cunning, he doesn't leave a single chance!

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