Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1893 Without a trace

Led by several senior police officers of Scotland Yard, David and several other London lawyers accompanied Derek and the others into the Scotland Yard headquarters building.

After they left, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Cole, tell the boys to turn the caravan into the side street ahead and park on that side street, not on the main road in front of the Scotland Yard headquarters building, it's too conspicuous here.

After the convoy entered that street, you immediately set up a cordon, and before David and the others came back, no one was allowed to enter the cordon, including the Scotland Yard police."

"Okay, Steven"

Cole responded, with a slight smile in his tone.

Of course he knew Ye Tian's intentions in doing this, and he also knew how to cooperate, choose the most suitable parking place, and create the best opportunity.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy-duty convoy started again and drove towards the intersection not far ahead, and the distance between several vehicles was quietly widened, and the other vehicles following behind were opened by a certain distance.

At the same time, Ye Tian had already brought a black backpack from behind the back seat of Knight XV, opened it, took out the corresponding items from the bag, and began to quickly disguise himself.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a blond white man,

After disguising, he wore a dark gray newsboy hat on his head, a black safari jacket, dark blue jeans, black Martin boots, and a pair of light-colored sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. handsome!

Moreover, his attire was almost impeccable, and there was nothing wrong with it. The only flaw, which existed around the eyes, was perfectly covered by the pair of light-colored sunglasses.

Even if you take off the light-colored sunglasses, if you don't look closely, you will never be able to find this tiny flaw.

Let me ask, would Ye Tian give others such a chance? Totally impossible!

He even wore a pair of bionic human leather gloves on his hands. No matter what he did next, he would only leave wrong fingerprints, which would lead the police astray afterward.

The custom-made cashmere coat he was wearing originally, as well as the custom-made Savile Row suit and shirt under the coat, have all been taken off and placed neatly on the back seat of the Knight XV.


In the backpack behind him, there is also a set of tools for disguise, from bionic human skin masks, wigs, artificial skin covering hands, to clothing and shoes to wear outside, everything is available, and nothing is missing.

Of course, there is also a cz83 pistol and matching ammunition in the backpack, and a sharp saber is tied to the calf, which is covered by jeans.

This is his self-defense weapon. If it is not a last resort, he will not use these weapons easily. It may leave a flaw and expose his identity.

In addition to these, in his jacket pocket, there is a fake real ID card to deal with possible street inspections, as well as other auxiliary tools.

Almost when Ye Tian finished his makeover and was about to stop, the motorcade also drove to the T-junction ahead, and began to slowly turn into the small street that runs east-west.

Due to the quietly widened distance between the vehicles, coupled with the bulletproof SUV and the tall body of the Cavalier XV, the sight of the vehicles following them was greatly affected.

The people in those vehicles couldn't see the situation at the T-junction at all for a while, and naturally they couldn't understand the situation in that small street.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wanted.

While paying attention to the vehicles behind, Ye Tian also used the perspective to quickly scan the situation at the intersection and the situation in the small street that runs from east to west.

At this T-junction, several surveillance cameras are installed, pointing at the three directions of the T-junction respectively, and there is no monitoring blind spot.

However, there are no surveillance cameras in the small street that runs from east to west. There are only a few surveillance cameras with limited coverage at the entrances of several shops at the intersection, which should be installed by those shops themselves.

Even better, there are few pedestrians on this small street, and there are many big trees.

These big trees are still evergreen. The tall tree crowns cover the sky and the sun, adding a bit of greenery to this quiet street and covering many places.

For Ye Tian, ​​this is a perfect cover.

Apart from the situation on the street, Ye Tian also took a quick look at the businesses and residential buildings on the left side of the street, and quickly grasped the situation in those buildings, and selected the target.

While speaking, the convoy has already entered the small street that runs from east to west, and slowly drove towards the depths of the small street.

When the convoy passed two big trees on the side of the road one after another and entered a surveillance blind spot, the Cavalier XV, who was in the center of the convoy, suddenly opened a gap in the rear door.

Immediately afterwards, the disguised Ye Tian was like a ghost, slid out of the car without a sound, and landed on the sidewalk by the side of the road.

Just as he landed and stood firm, two thin metal picks appeared in his hands.

The convoy continued to move forward, but Ye Tian leaned towards a house on the side of the road, like a master returning home from get off work, standing calmly in front of the door of this house, ready to open the door.

In the blink of an eye, the door of this house was opened, even faster than unlocking with a key.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian's figure disappeared from this small street, as if he had never appeared before.

Seeing this scene, Jason, who was sitting in a bulletproof SUV behind him, immediately waved his fist excitedly.

The same goes for everyone else in the convoy, all excited and terrified.

At this time, each of them secretly warned themselves in their hearts, don't become the enemy of Steven, let alone betray him, otherwise they don't know how they died!

This guy Steven is really terrifying. In this world, it seems that there is nothing he can't do.

While speaking, the entire convoy had already driven into this small street, slowly approached the side of the road, and finally stopped.

Almost at the same time that the convoy came to a complete stop, Ye Tian's voice came from the invisible wireless headset and reached Jason's ears.

"Jason, I'll leave the matter here to you. I'll be back in about half an hour. During this period, if anyone asks me, just tell them that I'm appraising antiques in the car, and I don't have time to talk to them! "

"Understood, Steven, leave this to me, don't worry, there will never be any problems"

Jason said firmly, his tone full of confidence.

After the words fell, Ye Tian's voice completely disappeared.

At this time, he not only escaped the sight of the London police, but also completely disappeared from Kenny and Jason's sight, just like air, disappeared without a trace!

On the side of the side street, other vehicles following the convoy also appeared at the intersection one after another, and then stopped in their respective places.

In particular, a few police cars drove straight into this small street, and then dispersed to the front and back of the convoy, protecting the heavy convoy, or it should be said to be surveillance, which seemed more accurate.

At the same time, on another adjacent street, there was already a yuppie blond man wearing a newsboy cap and a black hunting suit, strolling along the sidewalk.

This guy has a tall and straight figure, a handsome appearance, and always has a charming smile on his face. At first glance, he is a romantic guy. When he walks through the street, he immediately attracts a lot of attention.

Especially the few girls who were shopping here, the moment they saw this guy, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they were so excited that they couldn't even walk anymore, and almost bumped their heads into the trees on the side of the road.

It's a pity that the blond boy was obviously confused and had a handsome skin, so he turned a blind eye to the winks from these beauties and walked straight over.

Soon, that cool guy crossed the intersection ahead, turned and walked onto another street, and disappeared from the sight of these beauties.


There were sighs in the street, and every voice was full of regret.

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