Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1894 The Phantom on the Roof

About ten minutes later, Ye Tian had come to the street where the Pink Panther's scum was hiding, less than 400 meters away from the Scotland Yard headquarters building.

At this time, he has changed his appearance again, turning into a black buddy wearing a baseball cap, light-colored sunglasses, and dressed in hip-hop, and he is humming songs over and over while walking.

The backpack he was carrying behind him also had a hip-hop-style cover on the outside, covering the original style and color. This is very common in rainy and humid London, and there is nothing unusual about it.

Even if Jason, who just watched him leave the convoy in disguise, was standing in front of him at this moment, if he didn't take off his sunglasses and observe carefully, he wouldn't be able to recognize him.

In fact, the purpose of Ye Tian's second disguise was to escape Jason's eyes without leaving any evidence behind.

That way, even if someone on his staff was threatened, or outright betrayed, to give away his whereabouts, Scotland Yard or anyone else couldn't get any real evidence, and they still had nothing to do with him.

While strolling into this street, Ye Tian quickly scanned the whole street, and grasped the general situation here in an instant.

This is an ordinary street, and it is a one-way street. There are Victorian-style historic buildings on both sides of the street, ranging from four to six stories high. Most of them are apartment buildings. Only a few buildings at the street corner are restaurants and coffee shops.

Like most streets in the old part of London, the buildings on this street are row upon row, one next to the other, and the roofs of the same row of buildings are connected together.

For Ye Tian, ​​this is undoubtedly a good thing, it is convenient for him to take raids and evacuate.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already walked about fifty meters along this street, and came to a four-story Victorian-style apartment building.

When passing by the apartment building, he didn't pause at all, but glanced at the Victorian-style building seemingly inadvertently, and then continued on without showing any flaws.

But just with that casual glance, he has used his perspective ability to see through this Victorian style building thoroughly, not letting go of every corner inside and out.

That's right, this building is the hideout of the idiots of the Pink Panther, a secret stronghold that they think is the safest.

In fact, this secret stronghold was indeed chosen very cleverly, not only unexpectedly, but also in an advantageous location.

The street where this historic building is located,

Adjacent to the headquarters building of Scotland Yard, it makes full use of people's blind spots in thinking and plays a game of darkness under the lights.

The London police probably never imagined that world-renowned jewelry thieves like the Pink Panther would be so courageous and hide under their noses.

Moreover, one end of this street is connected to the famous Trafalgar Square, and the other end leads directly to the Thames River not far away. No matter which direction you come from, you can quickly evacuate, blend into the crowd, and quickly escape the pursuit of the police.

Behind this building is a theater. When the situation is critical, you can also break into the theater at the back and pretend to be an audience to escape quickly.

It's a pity that it wasn't the London police who came to the door this time, but Ye Tian!

Under the perspective, he can see clearly the situation in this apartment building in an instant.

In this apartment building, he saw many familiar old friends. They were the high-level members of the Pink Panther. Although they had never met each other, they were very familiar with each other and hated each other for not dying.

The jewel thieves were hiding in different places in the apartment building, some behind doorways and windows, some in the living room, some in the kitchen next to the back door, and some in other rooms.

Without exception, these guys are all on high alert, without saying a word, watching the situation on the front and back streets through the gaps in the curtains and the pinhole cameras installed outside the door, ready to respond at any time.

And each of these guys has hidden firearms, including pistols, submachine guns, shotguns, and short assault rifles, and each has a sharp saber.

In addition to the firearms, in a corner of the sofa in the living room and under the kitchen island, there is also a huge black handbag, which contains a large number of weapons and ammunition, basically short assault rifles.

Especially in the black handbag hidden in the kitchen, Ye Tian also saw more than a dozen grenades and a few flash bombs, the firepower is quite impressive, enough to fight a street battle in the city.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already strolled past this historic building, and continued to walk along the street towards Trafalgar Square, looking like an ordinary pedestrian or a passing tourist.

At the same time, those senior executives of the Pink Panther who were hiding secretly breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat relaxed.

"The guy who just passed by is not a policeman, nor is he under that bastard Steven, he's just an ordinary black kid, don't worry everyone"

A guy who stood at the window and observed the situation on the street ahead through the gap in the curtain whispered, and turned his head and waved lightly at his companions.

Before he could finish his words, the black buddy who was strolling on the street outside suddenly stopped at the door of another Victorian-style building in front of him, as if he was about to enter that building.

as expected!

The next moment, the black buddy opened the door, walked directly into the building, and disappeared from this secluded street.

Seeing this scene through the surveillance screen, the scum of the Pink Panther felt more at ease. It turned out that they were residents living on this street, so naturally there was no threat.

But how did they know that what just disappeared from their field of vision was the god of death in disguise, who would come to reap these humble lives from them soon.

The reason why Ye Tian chose the building in front couldn't be simpler. There was no one in that apartment, and there was no monitoring equipment, so it was undoubtedly the best choice.

After entering the apartment building, Ye Tian immediately walked up the stairs to the top floor without any hesitation.

During this process, except for the stairs, he did not touch anything else in the apartment building, and even his footsteps were extremely light, making almost no sound, like a nocturnal civet.

As for the issue of footprints, it doesn't exist at all.

Once in the apartment, he put rubber soles on the boots, which would not leave any footprints, and erased the two that were left.

In the blink of an eye, he had reached the top floor and stood in front of the iron gate leading to the rooftop.

Although there is a lock on the iron door, to him, the ordinary padlock is completely an ornament and has no effect.

In an instant, he had opened the padlock and gently removed it and put it aside.

However, he did not immediately push open the iron door in front of him and walk up to the rooftop, but turned on the perspective again to see the situation on the rooftop.

After confirming that the roof was safe, there was no monitoring equipment, and his actions would not fall into the eyes of others, Ye Tian pushed open the iron gate and walked up to the roof.

As soon as he appeared on the roof, he squatted down quickly, using the sloping roof, the fireplace chimney on the roof, and the firewall between the two buildings in front to hide himself.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed forward at high speed, heading straight for the firewall not far ahead.

After reaching the firewall, he stopped again, looking through the firewall to check the situation on the roof of the next building.

After confirming that there was no one on the roof of the building next door, and there was no monitoring equipment, he immediately put his hands on the firewall, jumped to the roof of the building next door, and then continued to sneak forward.

In a few breaths, he had reached the roof of the building where the Pink Panthers were hiding.

At this time, he no longer sneaked along the ridge of the building, but slid down to the edge of the roof, using the cover of the ridge and the chimneys of the chimney to sneak forward little by little.

The reason why he did this is simple.

The Pink Panthers also installed pinhole cameras on the roof to monitor both east and west directions to prevent the London police from discovering them and sneaking up on them from the roof.

Because of the special structure of the sloping roof and the many fireplace chimneys, although the Pink Panther and the scum were very cautious and installed pinhole cameras on the roof, they left a lot of dead spots for surveillance.

In their view, installing two pinhole cameras on the roof is enough.

If those idiot policemen in Scotland Yard raided from the roof, they would never have thought that there would be hidden surveillance equipment here, and their whereabouts would be revealed in an instant.

But they didn't expect that it was Ye Tian who attacked from the top of the building. The two pinhole cameras placed on the top of the building were discovered by him immediately, and he quickly found a relatively safe sneaking route.

While sneaking along the edge of the roof, Ye Tian not only walked lightly without making any sound, but also turned on perspective at all times, his sight penetrated the roof, staring closely at the Pink Panther scum in the apartment building.

Especially the guy with the ipad in his hand staring at the monitoring screen is Ye Tian's main focus.

Of course, the monitoring screen on the ipad is always in his field of vision.

Through the monitoring screen, Ye Tian can know immediately whether his whereabouts have been exposed, and take timely countermeasures, attack or retreat immediately.

Fortunately, his figure never appeared on the surveillance screen, and those Pink Panther scumbags staying in the apartment building were still ignorant, unaware that the god of death was about to fall from the sky.

In a few breaths, Ye Tian had arrived right above the apartment where the Pink Panther and those scumbags were hiding, and was about to break into this Victorian style building and send those scumbags inside to hell!

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