Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1968 St. Paul's Cathedral

When Ye Tian and the others arrived at St. Paul's Cathedral, they held a grand mass ceremony for three consecutive days to celebrate the reappearance of the six Christian holy relics, and it finally came to an end.

Many Christian believers from all over the UK and from all over the world were invited out of St. Paul's Cathedral, each with a satisfied expression on their faces.

Immediately afterwards, relevant personnel quickly entered the venue and began to arrange the venue for the tripartite joint press conference.

The press conference was held in St. Paul's Cathedral. Due to its particularity, there was nothing to arrange for the venue. It was nothing more than adding a rostrum, moving the seats, and adjusting the sound system.

Almost front and rear, Ye Tian's convoy had just arrived at the square in front of St. Paul's Cathedral, and the Queen's convoy also came from another direction, and it was about to enter the square in front of the church.

The Pope and the Bishop of Kent had arrived at St. Paul's Cathedral early in the morning and were in the church at this time.

With the arrival of two huge convoys, the atmosphere in the square in front of St. Paul's Cathedral, which was already heavily guarded, suddenly became more tense.

All the London police and security personnel on duty here are all on high alert, staring vigilantly at the surrounding situation and at the large crowd of onlookers gathered outside the cordon.

Those media reporters who had already arrived here and waited in the media area for a long time, saw Ye Tian and the Queen of England arriving one after another, they immediately raised their cameras and video cameras, and started to frantically press the shutters.

In an instant, there was a continuous sound of camera shutters on the square in front of St. Paul's Cathedral, as well as flashes of flashing lights one after another.

While speaking, Ye Tian's convoy had already stopped at the edge of the square in front of St. Paul's Cathedral.

As soon as the convoy stopped, Cole immediately got out of the car with a large number of armed security personnel, quickly built a line of defense around the convoy, and became vigilant.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian and David got out of the car one after another and landed on the square in front of St. Paul's Cathedral.

At this moment, the convoy of the Queen of England had also arrived at the edge of the church square and slowly stopped not far ahead. There were many members of the royal guard on high alert around the convoy.

Everyone on the church square and outside the security line on the edge of the square, including Ye Tian and the others, all looked at the Queen of England's convoy, waiting for the Queen to appear.

The first to disembark in that convoy was a group of members of the royal guard on high alert, followed by several royal staff and then Prince William and his wife.

As soon as he got out of the car, Prince William looked at Ye Tian's side, and nodded slightly at Ye Tian and David, as a greeting.

Ye Tian and David also nodded with a smile on their faces, but they didn't walk over. It's not appropriate to go there now, and it might cause misunderstandings.

After getting out of the car and looking around, Prince William and his wife walked to the Queen's car and welcomed the Queen to get off the car.

Immediately afterwards, the rear door of the bulletproof car opened, and the Queen and his wife, dressed in costumes, got out of the car one after another and stood beside the car.

With the appearance of the Queen of England, the scene immediately boiled.

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, resounding throughout the square.

Amidst the applause, many people also loudly sent blessings to the Queen of England.

This scene happened in the square in front of St. Paul's Cathedral,

Through the live footage of many news media, it quickly spread throughout the world and attracted countless attention.

After getting off the car, the Queen of England waved to many media reporters and onlookers with a smile on her face, and then, accompanied by Prince William and his wife, walked towards the entrance of St. Paul's Cathedral.

It wasn't until this moment that Ye Tian and David stepped out and walked towards the Queen of England, ready to say hello and enter the church together.

While talking, they have come close.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Queen, it is a pleasure to see you again"

Ye Tian greeted enthusiastically, and bowed slightly to the Queen of England.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I am also very glad to see you again. I heard that your family has come to London. I hope they can enjoy this trip to London and have a good time here."

The Queen of England smiled and nodded, then shook hands with Ye Tian.

Next, Ye Tian greeted Prince Philip, Prince William and his wife one by one, and everyone greeted each other and exchanged a few pleasantries.

In the blink of an eye, the group of them had arrived at the door of the church.

At this point, the Queen of England stood still again, turned around and waved again to everyone in the square in front of the church, showing a friendly image before turning around and walking into St. Paul's Cathedral.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others walked into this world-famous magnificent church and disappeared from people's sight.

When the time came to around 2:40, many media reporters who had been waiting outside the church for a long time also began to enter the venue, undergo security checks, and then entered St. Paul's Cathedral one after another.

The rest of the onlookers and countless people standing in front of the live broadcast can only understand what is happening in St. Paul's Cathedral through the live broadcast.

Looking back to the interior of the church, the press conference was full of noise.

Many reporters from the world's major news media entered the venue one after another and took their seats. After finding the seats, these guys began to adjust the equipment in their hands.

Without exception, these uncrowned kings were all extremely excited, their eyes were shining brightly, looking forward to the joint press conference as soon as possible.

Not far in front of them is the rostrum of this press conference.

Unlike other rostrums for press conferences, this rostrum does not have the usual long table and several chairs behind the long table.

Relatively speaking, this rostrum is a bit simple.

There are only three chairs placed on the rostrum, which are placed in the shape of a character, the middle one is relatively back, and the two chairs on both sides are protruding forward.

In addition, there are several pots of flowers in front of the rostrum, and they are all gorse, which are blooming delicately.

Anyone who is familiar with the joint press conference knows that these pots of flowers are very suitable for the occasion, and it is obvious that the British royal family deliberately made them.

There is no background wall, curtain or banner slogan behind the rostrum, and the main altar of St. Paul's Cathedral is not far behind.

The six Christian holy relics discovered before are now placed in front of the resplendent altar, in six bulletproof glass showcases about 1.5 meters high, shining brightly under the light.

Beside each bulletproof glass display case, two members of the Swiss Guard with live ammunition and full armor stood respectively, guarding the six Christian holy relics displayed in the display case.

Under such circumstances, the many media reporters who entered the press conference site would be idle. They raised their cameras and video cameras one after another, and shot wildly at the six Christian holy relics.

In the blink of an eye, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, which was the time for the joint press conference.

However, the scene of the press conference was still extremely noisy, and many media reporters were still busy looking for seats or adjusting equipment.

Although relevant staff from the Vatican, the British royal family, and the Bravery Exploration Company have already entered the venue, the protagonists of this joint press conference have never shown up.

For such a highly anticipated joint press conference, a little delay and a delay in the start is nothing more than normal. No one was surprised at the scene or the live broadcast, and no one urged them.

As time passed, many media reporters who were invited to participate in this press conference have undergone security checks and entered the venue to sit down. The scene became somewhat quieter and not so noisy.

When the time came to a quarter past three, a side door not far to the right of the rostrum opened suddenly, and two senior monks wearing monk uniforms walked out of the side door first.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and Prince William in suits and leather shoes, and the Bishop of Kent in a monk's uniform came out of the side door one after another and walked straight to the rostrum.

Following their appearance, there was a commotion at the scene and countless live broadcasts.

This tripartite joint press conference is finally about to begin, and the process must be very exciting!

While speaking, Ye Tian and the three of them had already stepped onto the rostrum.

They first waved to the many media reporters and cameras at the scene, greeted everyone, and then sat down on three chairs.

Sitting in the middle chair was the Bishop of Kent.

Although this is London, England, it is in St. Paul's Cathedral, which is also the home of the Vatican.

More importantly, the joint exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar was initiated by the Vatican, and the Bishop of Kent, representing the Vatican, must of course sit on the throne.

The two chairs on the left and right belonged to Ye Tian and Prince William naturally. Ye Tian sat on the left chair, and Prince William sat on the right chair.

After the three of them took their seats, the Vatican press officer who was in charge of hosting the joint press conference immediately came to the center of the rostrum with a microphone.

Immediately afterwards, the press officer in a monk's uniform said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good afternoon, welcome to St. Paul's Cathedral, to participate in this tripartite joint press conference, I am..."

With the voice of the press officer, the tripartite joint press conference officially kicked off.

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