Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1969 A Thunderbolt from the Blue Sky

After the opening remarks, the Vatican press officer in a monk's uniform got to the point and introduced the joint operation to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar.

There is nothing new in this introduction. It was introduced at two press conferences at the beginning of the joint exploration operation and the return from Cyprus, which is well known.

Although this is a cliché, it is a necessary procedure, which can prove the legitimacy of this joint exploration operation, so everyone listened patiently.

After completing this procedure, the press officer briefly introduced a series of exploration operations carried out in London after the joint exploration team arrived in London.

Of course, the focus of this is naturally the exploration in the Temple Church.

After introducing these, the Vatican press officer briefly introduced the harvest of this exploration operation.

Next, it's time for Ye Tian and the Bishop of Kent to go out.

The press officer first handed the microphone to Ye Tian, ​​and asked him to introduce the process of discovering the treasure of the Knights Templar and the general situation inside the treasure.

Ye Tian gladly took the microphone, combined with the video materials played on the big-screen TV at the scene, and vividly introduced the process of discovering this treasure of the Knights Templar.

As in the past, he used a lot of spring and autumn brushwork and a lot of exaggerated rhetorical techniques in the introduction process, making the exploration process so ups and downs and thrilling!

However, he did not disclose a word of the content that needed to be kept secret.

Listening to his introduction, no matter the many media reporters present at the scene or the countless audiences guarding the live broadcast end, they were all deeply attracted and listened very attentively.

But the Bishop of Kent, David, and everyone else who personally participated in this joint exploration operation wanted to laugh out loud, and it was hard to hold back their laughter.

Even Prince William, who was on the rostrum, also heard the untruth and exaggeration, but he could only keep rolling his eyes secretly, helpless at all.

After introducing the process of discovering the treasure of the Knights Templar, Ye Tian introduced the gold and silver treasures and antique works of art hidden in the treasure of the Knights Templar.

As for the six Christian relics and the Irish Stone of Destiny and other antique cultural relics closely related to the British royal family, he mentioned it in one word and did not introduce it in detail.

It is the business of the Bishop of Kent and Prince William to publicly introduce those Christian holy relics and antiques.

While Ye Tian was making an introduction, related videos and related pictures were constantly playing on the big-screen TV at the scene.

Looking at those huge and dazzling gold and silver treasures, as well as those valuable antique cultural relics, no matter at the press conference or in front of countless live broadcast terminals, everyone was very envious.

Some of them were so jealous that their eyes were red. They wished they could take Ye Tian's place and keep all the gold, silver, treasures and antiques in their pockets. That would be perfect!

It took about fifteen minutes for Ye Tian to finish his first performance, handed the microphone to the Bishop of Kent, and then sat back in his seat.

Next, it was time for the Bishop of Kent to perform.

The Bishop of Kent walked up to the stage with a microphone, combined with the video materials played on the big-screen TV, and began to introduce the six Christian holy objects that had disappeared for at least seven hundred years and finally reappeared in the world.

At the same time, he also publicly read the appraisal conclusions given by several top antique art appraisal experts and historians.

As a result, it goes without saying that those Christian holy objects are all genuine, and each one is of great significance, and they are holy objects for all Christian believers in the world.

Among them, the "Gospel of Hebrew" and King Solomon's seven-branch gold candlestick are not only holy objects of Christianity, but also sacred objects of Judaism and all Israelites.

Following the introduction of the Bishop of Kent, the press conference site and countless live broadcasts, the applause continued one after another, which was extremely enthusiastic.

Some devout Christians and Jewish believers began to pray in low voices when they saw the religious relics on the live screen, and everyone was very excited.

After the Bishop of Kent performed, it was Prince William's turn.

As soon as the British king's second-in-line heir opened his mouth, he released an earth-shattering news, which directly blew up the press conference site and the entire British Isles.

After some brief opening remarks, Prince William immediately entered the topic.

"..., everyone must have known that in the treasure of the Knights Templar hidden in the underground of the Temple Church, Steven and the others discovered several antique relics that are closely related to Britain and the British royal family.

They are one of the greatest kings in British history, the golden crown of King Edward I, which is also the most important crown of the Plantagenet Dynasty, and has a very important historical status and value.

There is also the full crusading knightly outfit of King Edward I and the Earls of Lancaster, which they wore in battle during the Last Crusade.

These antique relics are all very important and can be called priceless treasures; in addition to these antique relics, Steven and the others also discovered another very important antique relic, which should be said to be a holy object.

Regarding this sacred object, it has been kept secret before, no information has been disclosed, and no photos have been leaked. It is the legendary Stone of Destiny in Ireland, the 'Coronation Stone of Tara'! "

Following Prince William's words, the pictures on the big screen kept changing.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone was the golden crown of King Edward I, which was so dazzling that everyone was a little dizzy, followed by the crusader knight equipment of Edward I and the Earl of Lancaster.

Just as Prince William finished speaking, a dark gray stone appeared on the big screen. As soon as this stone appeared, the TV screen froze.

The stone looked ordinary, nothing out of the ordinary.

However, many media reporters at the press conference, as well as almost all the British, Irish, and Scots in front of the live broadcast, heard a thunderbolt in their ears!

Everyone was stunned, staring dumbfounded at the dark gray stone on the TV screen, their eyes full of madness and disbelief.

People are even wondering if they heard it wrong, or there is something wrong with their ears, and they have auditory hallucinations.

Isn't the Stone of Destiny in Edinburgh? Wasn't it smashed into eleven pieces with a hammer? How could that piece of sacred relic of the British Isles appear in the treasure of the Knights Templar? How could it be so complete?

The scene of the press conference was completely silent, only the sound of rapid and heavy breathing remained. Except for those who knew the situation, everyone was completely stunned!


Suddenly there were two applause from Ye Tian on the rostrum.

These two crisp applause, like two matches being lit and thrown into the powder magazine, woke everyone up in an instant, and completely detonated the press conference site and almost all live broadcast terminals.


Accompanied by a chaotic sound, all the media reporters at the press conference pushed away their chairs and stood up, one by one scrambling to raise their arms, ready to ask questions.

In countless live broadcasts, many people jumped up from their chairs or sofas as if they were electrocuted, and went straight to the TV or computer. Everyone's eyes were wide open, staring at the dark gray stone.

Especially Ireland and Northern Ireland, as well as Scotland, all places are completely boiling, almost everyone is holding their heads and exclaiming, and their eyes are almost flying out of their sockets!

The scene of the press conference at St. Paul's Cathedral turned into a vegetable market in an instant, and all the media reporters were asking questions loudly, almost crazy.

"His Royal Highness, I am a reporter from the BBC. May I ask what is going on with this dark gray stone? If this is the Stone of Destiny in Ireland, what is the Stone of Destiny in Edinburgh Castle?"

"His Royal Highness, I am a reporter for the Irish Times, and as we all know, the Stone of Destiny has been placed under the throne of St Edward in Westminster Abbey for the past few hundred years.

It wasn't until 1996 that the Stone of Destiny was shipped to Edinburgh. In 2012, it was smashed into eleven pieces by a fool. How could it appear in the treasure of the Knights Templar? Can you tell us something? "

The scene of the press conference was completely chaotic. All media reporters were asking questions loudly, and the noise was abnormal.

However, Prince William did not answer these questions, but raised his hands and pressed them down a few times to signal everyone to be quiet.

Seeing his actions, the media reporters in the audience somewhat regained their sanity and stopped asking questions loudly.

The noise quickly subsided, but the media reporters were still standing, and no one sat down.

The next moment, Prince William's voice came out again, reaching the ears of everyone at the scene and the live broadcast.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I understand everyone's urgency, but I haven't reached the questioning session of the press conference yet, so I can't answer your questions.

Please be patient a little bit, and I will answer these questions one by one after the questioning session. Next, I will introduce some relevant information about this Stone of Destiny in Ireland! "


There was a sound of sighing at the scene, and the media reporters in the audience were somewhat disappointed.

But what can they do, they can only continue to suffer and see what Prince William will say next.

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