Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1971 Clever Answers

Looking at Prince William who was standing in front of the rostrum and talking, Ye Tian couldn't help but nodded slightly, and a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

It is undoubtedly the wisest choice for the British royal family to publicly discover the news of the Irish Stone of Destiny. After all, fire cannot be contained in paper!

Instead of waiting for this explosive news to be leaked by others and then falling into a very passive situation, it is better to take the initiative to disclose it yourself and grasp as much initiative as possible.

You know, on the night when the treasure of the Knights Templar was discovered deep under the Temple Church, there were not a few people who saw this Stone of Destiny in Ireland with their own eyes.

Even the British royal family can only ask others to keep it secret for the time being, and they dare not expect all insiders to keep it secret forever.

Murder to silence, or even destroy this Irish Stone of Destiny? How stupid must it be to make such an extremely stupid choice?

Ye Tian and the others who were on the scene at the time, as well as the Bishop of Kent and the others, no matter which side the British royal family was able to completely kill them, they would incur extremely cruel revenge.

It would be even less advisable to destroy this Irish Stone of Destiny as if it never existed.

If the British royal family destroys this Stone of Destiny secretly, one day, if someone leaks the news, then wait to face the monstrous anger of the whole of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Such a result, the British royal family absolutely cannot bear it, nor is it willing to bear it.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the British royal family chose to make it public and take the greatest initiative.

As before, Prince William did not immediately respond to the questions of many media reporters, and once again used the reason of not answering questions temporarily before the questioning session, and dealt with many media reporters.

After introducing the Stone of Destiny in Ireland, he introduced the golden crown of King Edward I, and the full set of crusader knight equipment of Edward I and the Earl of Lancaster.

Following the introduction of Prince William, related videos and pictures were simultaneously played on the large-screen TV and all live broadcast terminals, which attracted bursts of exclamation.

A few minutes later, Prince William just finished his introduction, then handed the microphone to the Vatican press officer, and sat back in his seat.

Next, came the much-anticipated questioning session. Ye Tian, ​​Bishop of Kent, and Prince William each had an extra microphone in their hands.

In this way, they don't have to get up and leave their seats, and they can answer questions from media reporters immediately.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, now it's time to ask questions, and you are welcome to ask questions."

As soon as the Vatican press officer announced that he could start asking questions, all the media reporters in the audience immediately raised their arms like lightning, one by one scrambling to be the first, with eyes full of anticipation.

All of a sudden, the audience directly turned into a jungle of arms, and the scene was spectacular.

"Ladies first, give this lady the first chance to ask questions, you can ask questions now"

The Vatican press officer said with a smile, pointing to a female reporter in the front row.

Without the slightest hesitation, the female reporter immediately stood up and asked impatiently:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am Sofia, a reporter from Italian National Television, and I would like to thank Mr. Press Officer for giving me the first opportunity to ask questions. I am very honored.

I would like to ask His Excellency the Bishop of Kent,

What the Vatican intends to do with these six Christian relics that have been recreated in the world, especially the "Hebrew Gospel" and King Solomon's seven-branch gold candlestick.

Not only are they sacred to Christianity, but also to Judaism and to all Jews, and the very day they reappeared, Israel issued a public statement claiming both.

How does the Vatican intend to respond to Israel's public statements? Will these two religious relics be handed over to the Israeli government to return them to Jerusalem? Or is there another way to deal with it? "

Following the female reporter's question, everyone on the live and live stream looked at the Bishop of Kent, looking forward to his answer.

The Bishop of Kent glanced at the female reporter, then raised the microphone and said with a smile:

"Good afternoon, lady, I am very glad to meet you here. Next, on behalf of the Vatican, I will publicly explain the handling of these six Christian holy objects that have reappeared in the world, so as to set the record straight.

The three consecutive days of the grand mass ceremony have ended today. In the next two days, these significant Christian relics will continue to be publicly displayed in St. Paul's Cathedral for believers to admire.

Two days later, we will transport these six Christian relics back to the Vatican and enshrine them in St. Peter's Basilica. At that time, there will be a grand religious ceremony to welcome these relics.

Next, His Majesty the Pope will hold a grand mass for three consecutive days in St. Peter's Basilica to celebrate the reappearance of these Christian holy objects and their return to the Holy See, and then enshrine them.

During the mass ceremony, two Christian holy relics, the fragment of the "True Cross" previously found on the island of Cyprus and the golden crown of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, will also be enshrined.

From then on, these Christian holy relics that have reappeared in the world will be enshrined in St. Peter's Basilica for a long time, and all believers in Christianity all over the world can visit these religious holy relics.

Let’s talk about the disposal of the two sacred objects, the Gospel of Hebrews and King Solomon’s seven-branch gold candlestick. As we all know, these two religious sacred objects belong not only to Christianity, but also to Judaism.

The public statements issued by the Israeli government, of course we have seen, and we understand and empathize with the sentiments of all Israelis, Judaism, and all Jews around the world.

In fact, the Vatican has already had contact with Israel and Judaism on how to deal with the "Gospel of the Hebrews" and King Solomon's seven-branch gold candlestick, and reached a preliminary agreement.

As for the specific content of the agreement, it will be announced to the public after we both formally sign the agreement in the Vatican, please pay attention to it, I hope my answer can satisfy you, lady"

After speaking, the Bishop of Kent nodded at the Italian female reporter and ended his answer.

The female reporter also nodded slightly, and then sat down.

Immediately afterwards, the Vatican press officer pointed to another reporter, and the next question followed.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I am a reporter from Sky TV. On the night when the treasure of the Knights Templar was discovered, an extremely fierce battle broke out in the Temple Church, which shook the whole of London.

Even the extremely solid Temple Church was battered and turned into ruins in that battle. As far as we know, you are on one side of that battle, and a group of masked bandits are on the other.

And you who were guarding the temple church severely injured and defeated the group of masked gangsters. Can you tell everyone who are those masked gangsters who exchanged fire with you? "

After the voice fell, many media reporters at the scene immediately looked at Ye Tian, ​​and the cameras and video cameras in their hands were all aimed at him.

The same goes for countless people standing in front of the live broadcast, all staring at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for his answer.

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting on the rostrum, looked at the male reporter who asked the question, then scanned the crowd, then shrugged his shoulders lightly, and said in a slightly regretful tone:

"I'm very sorry, friend from the reporter, a fierce battle did break out that night, and it was true that we were the ones who exchanged fire, but I don't know who those masked gangsters are.

The reason is very simple. In order to protect the treasures of the Knights Templar and the Christian relics that have reappeared in the world, from the beginning to the end of that battle, we never stepped out of the Temple Church, and we stayed in the Church all the time.

Although we defeated those masked gangsters and severely injured each other, we never saw the faces of those guys. Of course, it is impossible to know their identities, and I heard that the other party concealed their identities.

Friends from the media, if you really want to know about those masked gangsters, you should go to Scotland Yard to find out. In fact, Scotland Yard has made a public statement two days ago."

Listening to Ye Tian's rebuttal of "625", all the media reporters at the scene and many people in front of the live broadcast rolled their eyes angrily!

Believe me, you bastard! With your bastard's methods, will you not know the identity of those masked gangsters? Go ahead and lie to ghosts, I guess ghosts won't believe it!

The male reporter from Sky TV sat down with a resentful expression on his face, obviously dissatisfied with Ye Tian's answer.

But what could he do? There is simply no way.

Next, another British reporter stood up and started asking Prince William questions.

"Good afternoon, Your Royal Highness, I am a reporter from The Times, may I ask how much did the British royal family pay for taking back the Irish Stone of Destiny and other important antiques?

Everyone in the world knows that Steven is extremely shrewd, he never suffers a loss, and he always counts pennies and pennies. It is not an easy task to get those priceless Christian relics from him! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

The same is true in front of countless live broadcasts, with laughter everywhere.

Amidst the laughter, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes were full of envy, even jealousy.

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