Prince William looked back at Ye Tian, ​​then turned around and said with a smile:

"It seems that this reporter friend knows Steven very well. You are right. Steven is indeed very shrewd and penny-pinching. In order to obtain those extremely important and priceless treasures, we did pay a huge price."


There was laughter again at the scene, and everyone nodded in sympathy.

After the laughter subsided, Prince William continued:

"I would like to make a special point that, in addition to the antiques closely related to the British royal family, in the transaction with Steven, we also obtained a batch of very important rare books and historical documents.

Those ancient rare books are the collections of the kings of Jerusalem. There are two big chests. Almost every book is a unique copy. It has never appeared since the Middle Ages. It contains a lot of very important information.

By studying those rare books, we can complete, and even change, the history of Europe as we know it, from the Middle Ages back to around AD, and the history of the region around Jerusalem.

In addition to ancient rare books, there are also many documents that record the history of the Knights Templar. From the birth to the demise of the Knights Templar, the time span is nearly 200 years, which is the best material for studying the Knights Templar.

Those documents not only record the history of the Knights Templar, but also record the history of medieval Europe and Jerusalem, and are the first-hand materials for studying the history of medieval Europe and Jerusalem.

The collection of books of the kings of Jerusalem and the documents recording the history of the Knights Templar, we also traded those priceless treasures from Steven and left them in London! "

Following Prince William's words, there was another small commotion at the scene and countless live broadcasts.

In the ears of many European historians who followed the joint press conference, Prince William's words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking each of them.

"My God! The joint exploration team actually discovered the collection of books of the kings of Jerusalem. It is a real priceless treasure! It is a shame that all those priceless treasures have fallen into the hands of the British."

"I'm going! There's going to be a magnitude 10 earthquake in the European history circle. It's all because of Steven, the lucky guy. Those damn Brits are also very lucky."

Just when many European historians were discussing and envious to the point of going crazy, Prince William finally talked about the topic that ordinary people are most concerned about.

"We did pay a huge price for these priceless antique relics and ancient books and documents from Steven, but the price is not money, it is also an antique work of art.

At the beginning of the transaction, Steven had stated that in order to obtain these priceless treasures, he had to exchange them with fine-quality Chinese antique artworks from the collection, and he did not accept any other means of transaction.

In desperation, we could only negotiate with several famous British cultural and museum institutions, and reached an agreement to exchange these priceless treasures with the high-quality Chinese antique artworks in their collections.

Regarding the details of this series of art transactions, as well as the Chinese antique art used for the transaction, after all transactions are completed, we will come forward to make a detailed explanation and make an announcement.

Although the details of the transaction cannot be revealed for the time being, I can tell you with certainty that this series of art transactions are based on market value and are a win-win and fair transaction.”

Speaking of which,

Prince William couldn't help but look back at Ye Tian, ​​and a look of pain flashed across his eyes.

For Prince William's words, neither the many media reporters at the scene nor many people in front of the live broadcast end believed it very much.

How is fair trade based on market value possible?

With that guy Steven's always ruthless and greedy behavior, how could he let go of such a god-given opportunity of crazy ransacking.

He will kill the British without hesitation, and he will definitely make the British heartbroken!

Although everyone thought so in their hearts, but no one said it out, isn't that just asking for trouble!

Next, Prince William introduced this art transaction again, trying to get the understanding of as many British people as possible, and not to make extra troubles, protests and demonstrations or something.

In fact, in the eyes of the vast majority of British people, those Chinese antique works of art and ancient Chinese books covered in mist are not as important as the Irish Stone of Destiny and King Edward I's golden crown and other priceless treasures!

In their view, there is nothing wrong with this series of art transactions, and they even made a lot of money!

Only some experts and scholars have a bad feeling in their hearts, feeling that the British royal family has been cheated by that bastard Steven again, and has been ransacked by madness! .

"The next question, everyone is welcome to ask questions."

Following the voice of the Vatican press officer, the audience immediately raised dozens of arms.

This time the person who was qualified to ask questions was a media reporter from the United States.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from NBC Television, what will you do with the gold and silver treasures and antiques from the Templar treasure? Will you send them back to New York?

What are you going to do with the Chinese antiques exchanged from major museums and cultural institutions in the UK? Should I ship them all back to New York, or is there something else to do? "

Ye Tian looked at the NBC TV reporter, then smiled and said:

"In fact, this question has been asked before, and I have answered it. I am here today, and I don't mind answering this question again, lest some people make random guesses.

I intend to dispose of the gold and silver treasures and antiques from the Templar treasury in London, not to ship them all back to New York, which would be too troublesome.

In particular, some antique cultural relics, because of their special significance and very precious value, may be included in the list of restricted art works, and it will be very troublesome to take them out of the UK.

That's why I plan to deal with those gold and silver treasures and antique relics on the spot in London. I held a private auction at the Ritz Hotel before, and I have already dealt with part of it.

Others were entrusted by me to major auction houses in London, and will appear in London and European auction markets one after another in the future. Only half of them are left in my hands.

I plan to change the trading method for this half, and use it to exchange high-quality Chinese antique artworks. Collectors and cultural institutions from all over Europe are welcome to contact me and negotiate transactions with me.

As for the high-quality Chinese antiques exchanged from major museums and other cultural institutions in the UK, I plan to transport them all to Beijing, not to New York.”

"Steven, why did you choose to exchange only boutique-grade Chinese antiques? Why did you ship them all to Beijing instead of New York? As we all know, your treasure hunting company is in Manhattan, New York!"

Another American reporter in the audience asked loudly, obviously harboring evil intentions.

Ye Tian glanced at that guy coldly, then continued to say:

"The reason is very simple. In the near future, I will set up a private museum of my own in Beijing, and those Chinese antique artworks transported to Beijing will be displayed in my private museum in the future.

It will be an all-encompassing top museum, displaying a large number of top Chinese and Western antique artworks, mainly Chinese antique artworks, and it will become a bridge to communicate Chinese and Western culture and art.

China's economy has been developing rapidly in recent years, the people are getting richer and their pursuit of spiritual life is getting higher and higher, and only the Chinese know how to appreciate those precious Chinese antique works of art.

More importantly, China has a large population of 1.4 billion. What a huge market it is! New York is not the case, there are already many museums in New York, and people prefer western antique art.

In business, business, of course, I choose Beijing, which has the most potential, and build a private museum there. That museum will definitely become an inexhaustible huge gold mine, which will bring me endless wealth. .

This is the fundamental reason why I choose Beijing instead of New York. My treasure hunting company is located in Manhattan, New York, and I pay no less tax. In fact, I have always been a law-abiding model citizen! "

Hearing this, everyone, whether they were at the scene of St. Paul's Cathedral or watching the live broadcast, rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

You bastard's face is too thick, even bullets can't pierce it! You are ashamed to say that you are a law-abiding model citizen, will the countless idiots who died under your hands agree?

Not only ordinary people complained secretly, but those enemies who hated Ye Tian's immortality were so angry that their noses spit fire. Some people even almost smashed the TV in front of them in a rage.

While complaining secretly, everyone was shocked and had to give Ye Tian a thumbs up.

This bastard Steven is really shrewd to the extreme, he has considered everything, no wonder he can make a fortune and be invincible, it really is not for nothing!

Under Ye Tian's hint, the Vatican press officer pointed to another media reporter, who was a reporter from China, whom he had met at Heathrow Airport before.

Since they are both Chinese, it is natural to ask questions in Mandarin.

"Good afternoon, Ye Tian, ​​I'm a reporter from CCTV. Excuse me, what are the high-quality Chinese antiques you exchanged? When will they be shipped to Beijing? When will your private museum be established?"

Ye Tian looked at this buddy, then smiled and said:

"This reporter friend, as Prince William said just now, the content of this art transaction needs to be kept secret for the time being, and will be announced to the public after the transaction is completed!

When will those Chinese antique artworks be shipped to Beijing? It probably happened in the past few days. As for my private museum, preparations are in full swing, and it will be established in a short time! "

"Okay, next one"

The voice of the Vatican press officer came out again and reached everyone's ears.

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