Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1974 Armed Escort

It has been two days since the tripartite joint press conference, but the huge sensation caused by this press conference around the world has not subsided.

The Christian relics, the Irish Stone of Destiny, and other priceless treasures that appeared at the joint press conference, as well as those dazzling gold and silver treasures, and a large number of priceless antiques.

All these things, in different forms such as videos, pictures and texts, still frequently appear on the world's major news media and on the Internet, stimulating people's visual senses and stimulating people's desire.

In the past few days, these things have become the focus of discussion by almost everyone, attracting countless attentions, and many of them are envious and jealous to the point of going crazy!

However, Ye Tian no longer cares about these things, or he doesn't care at all.

What he cares about is the top Chinese antique works of art that have been collected by him one after another, as well as those ancient rare books and historical documents that shine with the light of civilization.

What he was thinking about was how to transport these priceless treasures that had been lost overseas for a long time back to Beijing smoothly and safely, without damaging even a single bit.

In the past two days, he has successively completed a series of transactions with the British royal family, the British Museum, the British Library, and the David Foundation, and executed the related art transaction contracts signed before.

In addition, many top collectors, major museums and other cultural and cultural institutions in the UK and Europe also rushed to London, bringing high-quality Chinese antique artworks to negotiate deals with him.

From these top collectors and famous cultural and cultural institutions, he has exchanged a large number of top Chinese antique works of art, each of which is valuable and of great significance!

At the same time, the half of the gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics from the treasure of the Knights Templar that remained in his hands were running out, and the special and valuable ones were basically exchanged.

The few remaining gold and silver treasures and antiques have passed the British customs inspection without any problems. They can be brought back to Beijing or directly shipped to New York.

The rest of the gold and silver treasures and antique relics of lower value were all sold by him to antique dealers in London and from all over Europe, and he also made a lot of money!

After the execution of all art transaction contracts, the British royal family announced the contents of these art transaction contracts as promised, and listed the targets of both parties in detail.

The targets of the Fearless Exploration Company's transaction are, of course, the Stone of Destiny in Ireland, the Golden Crown of King Edward I, and the crusader knight equipment of Edward I and the Earl of Lancaster.

In addition, there are the collections of the kings of Jerusalem and documents recording the history of the Knights Templar, as well as those materials closely related to the Templar treasures, but those materials cannot be delivered for the time being.

What the British paid was the treasure of the Chinese Pavilion of the British Museum, the Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Nv Shi Zhen Tu", and more than 18,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures from the British Museum and the British Library.

In addition to these, there are many priceless treasures.

For example, the forty-five volumes of "Yongle Canon" collected by the British Library, the earliest Chinese version of the Paramita Buddhist scriptures, the treasure of the town hall of the David Foundation, the famous pair of large blue and white vases from the Yuan Dynasty, etc.

With the release of this announcement by the British royal family, it once again caused a huge sensation.

To ordinary Britons,

There is nothing wrong with this series of artwork transactions. Although the number of antique artworks traded by the two parties is very different, in terms of market value, Britain seems to have made a little profit.

In the eyes of professionals in the field of antique art collections, the British royal family and those top cultural and museum institutions were undoubtedly robbed and slaughtered mercilessly!

It's unheard of for that bastard Steven to strike so hard! The scale of this series of art transactions is enough to make everyone dumbfounded.

All of a sudden, the field of antique art collections in Europe and the world, as well as the cultural and cultural fields, suddenly boiled like a pot.

Almost everyone in the industry is talking about this series of art transactions, everyone is staring at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone is going crazy with envy, wishing to replace Ye Tian.

Of course, in the UK and even in many western countries, noises soon appeared, and there were quite a few voices opposing this series of art transactions.

However, these noises are just noises and cannot change anything, let alone overthrow the established facts.

When the sun rises again, it shines across the city of London.

A huge escort convoy consisting of dozens of vehicles and several helicopters drove away from the British Museum, heading straight for London Heathrow International Airport.

The goods carried in this escort convoy are the spoils that Ye Tian won during this trip to London, those priceless top Chinese antique artworks, ancient rare books, and historical documents.

Responsible for protecting this escort convoy is a large number of armed security personnel led by Ye Tian himself. Everyone is fully armed and on high alert at all times.

They took a large number of sturdy and unusual bulletproof suvs and four medium-sized helicopters, and cooperated with land and air for armed escort.

In addition to Ye Tian and the others, the Vatican also sent 30 fully armed members of the Swiss Guard to assist them in escorting them.

Even the Israelis who had just reached a verbal agreement with Ye Tian to jointly explore King Solomon's treasure in the future also secretly provided some assistance.

Mossad agents from mainland Israel and all over Europe are scattered throughout the escort line leading to Heathrow Airport, monitoring the situation on the streets, and are ready to notify Ye Tian and the others at any time.

If necessary, those elite Mossad agents could take up their guns to support Ye Tian and the others at any time, and kill those guys who came to escort the convoy.

This approach of the Israelis perfectly illustrates the point that in the eyes of the Jews, only benefits are eternal!

Scotland Yard also actively cooperated and sent a large number of police cars to escort and open the way to ensure that the escorted convoy could reach Heathrow International Airport smoothly.

From the eyes of those guys in Scotland Yard, Ye Tian and his armed security personnel are a group of plague gods, who will cause harm wherever they go, no exceptions!

If these damned American plague gods can be sent away as soon as possible, even if it can be a second earlier, the police at Scotland Yard will be ecstatic and cheer for it!

And the gangsters of all sizes in the city of London, the many gangsters and art thieves who came from other parts of Europe, and many guys who came for the treasure of the Knights Templar.

Even though they knew that there were a lot of priceless treasures in the escort convoy, and if they grabbed one, they could make a fortune or even change their lives, but seeing this exaggerated scene, they all backed away, how dare they make mistakes!

Like ordinary people, although these guys love money very much and are willing to take risks for it, they cherish their lives more.

Each of them knew very well in their hearts that in front of this huge escort convoy armed to the teeth, they had no hope of success, if they rushed forward to rob, they could only die!

Not only that, if he dared to rob this escort convoy, with the style of that bastard Steven, he would face vengeance afterwards, and he would face extremely cruel revenge, endless pursuit, and death!

Naturally, no one is willing to do such an obvious loss-making business.

The journey was safe and sound. It didn't take long for this huge convoy to arrive at Heathrow International Airport without incident.

After arriving at the airport, the convoy drove directly onto the tarmac through a special green passage, and arrived at the runways where the three Air China chartered planes were located.

And not far away on the runway dedicated to private jets, Ye Tian's private jet is also ready to take off, ready to soar and fly directly to Beijing! 2k reading network

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