Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1975 Beijing, I'm back


As soon as the convoy stopped on several airport runways, a large number of customs officers from Heathrow Airport rushed over and began to conduct inspections and go through customs clearance procedures.

Due to the special nature of this batch of goods, and the British royal family and the British government have already greeted in advance and granted a green channel, the inspection at the airport customs is just a procedure.

Under the on-site supervision of the lawyer team headed by David, the customs officers at the airport quickly completed the inspection and went through customs clearance procedures.

Next, a large number of cultural and museum personnel from the Forbidden City and the National Museum got busy, and began to move the boxes and portable safes containing the top Chinese antique artworks to the three chartered planes, one by one carefully.

At this time, Ye Tian had already driven around the four planes, learned about the preparations of each plane, and boarded the plane to see the situation inside the cabin.

Secretly, he used perspective to thoroughly see through the four planes, not letting go of any corner, so as to avoid any accidents during the transportation, and then regret it!

The condition of these four planes is very good, no faults or hidden dangers have been found, and they are qualified for the task of transporting a large number of national treasures back to Beijing.

After the inspection, Ye Tian came to an Air China chartered plane and joined his sister-in-law.

The two of them stood under the gangway of the Air China chartered plane, chatting in low voices, and watched as many cultural and cultural personnel sent boxes one by one to the plane beside them.

At the same time, Ye Tian was still carrying a black portable safe in his hand, which he never put down.

After chatting for a few words, Mr. Shan and an old man from Guobo came hand in hand. Both old men were full of energy and flushed, as if they looked decades younger all of a sudden!

As soon as he came to the front and stood still, Old Shan excitedly lowered his voice and said:

"Ye Tian, ​​we are about to fly back to China. Do you need me to contact the Ministry of Culture and arrange a grand reception ceremony? The return of these national treasures is of great significance, and it is worth celebrating."

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"It's best not to arrange a pick-up ceremony, the lower the profile the better, now there are countless eyes focused on me and on this batch of returning top Chinese antique artworks, many of whom have ulterior motives.

If the Ministry of Culture arranges a grand reception ceremony, I'm sure that someone in the West will make a big fuss about it, spread rumors through the news media, and then frame and attack me.

Although I am not afraid of these ill-intentioned framing and attacks, it is more important than less. It is the most important thing to be able to transport these national treasures back to China. "

Hearing this, Old Shan fell silent immediately, as did the old man from the National Expo.

After a while, Shan Lao nodded and said:

"That's right, Ye Tian, ​​you're still thoughtful, you still have to do business in Europe and America, and carry out exploration operations. This time, you're bringing a large number of national treasures back to Beijing. It's really not appropriate to make a high profile, so as not to lose your reputation."

After chatting for a few words, everyone changed the subject.

"Ye Tian, ​​how do you plan to transport this "Picture of Female History's Proverbs"? Give it to us, or do you bring this priceless treasure back to the country yourself? Leave it to us. We are professionals and know how to protect it."

The old man of Guobo pointed to the portable safe in Ye Tian's hand and said,

The words are full of anticipation, and the eyes are extremely hot.

What was contained in that portable safe was the Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Admonitions for Women's History", a famous and priceless treasure.

Ye Tian looked at the old man, then shook his head firmly and said:

"I plan to take this priceless treasure by myself and return to Beijing by private plane. Don't worry, I will cherish this painting like my eyeballs and will never harm this priceless treasure."

"You are still a chicken thief. It seems that we have no chance to enjoy this honor. When we return to Beijing, we will appreciate this priceless treasure!"

Shan Lao chuckled and said in a low voice, eyes full of envy.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

All the top Chinese antique artworks, rare books and historical documents to be shipped back to China were transported to three planes and properly placed.

Employees of the Fearless Exploration Company, many antique and art appraisal experts from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, as well as a large number of cultural and cultural personnel and security personnel from China, have started to board the plane one after another.

At this moment, a convoy suddenly drove over from the terminal, escorted by several airport police cars, and came straight to the Air China chartered plane where Ye Tian and the others were.

Seeing this convoy coming, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said to the people around him:

"Prince William and the Bishop of Kent are here to see them off. I'll say goodbye. Then we can leave London and fly directly to Beijing."

After speaking, he took David and Jason, and under the escort of Cole and others, he went straight to the convoy.

What he said was correct, it was Prince William and the Bishop of Kent who came down from that convoy, as well as several other familiar old friends.

Walking closer, Ye Tian shook hands with these people one by one, and immediately chatted.

"Steven, I wish you all the best of luck and safe arrival in Beijing. Next time you come to London, you are welcome to visit Kensington Palace."

Prince William said with a smile, somewhat resigned in his eyes.

After the voice fell, Ye Tian immediately said politely:

"Thank you for your invitation, Your Highness, if you go to New York or Beijing, I also hope that I can do my best as a landlord."

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and then shook hands and bid farewell.

Prince William and the Bishop of Kent got into the car immediately, and quickly left the runway, heading straight for the airport apron gate.

Ye Tian returned to the Air China chartered flight and said to his sister-in-law:

"Sister-in-law, please get on the plane, see you in Beijing"

"Okay, Xiaotian, let's meet in Beijing and go home together"

The little aunt smiled and nodded in response, and lightly punched Ye Tian.

Afterwards, my sister and the others turned around and boarded the Air China charter flight.

Shan Lao and the others boarded another Air China charter plane not far away. As for the large transport plane, the hatch had already been closed and it was ready to take off.

Immediately afterwards, the armored escort vehicles, bulletproof SUVs, Scotland Yard police cars, and airport vehicles that escorted the convoy all left these runways one after another.

After the rest of the vehicles had left, Ye Tian and the others took the Cavalier XV and several bulletproof suvs to the private jet runway.

A few minutes later, they also boarded the silver-gray Bombardier Global Express 8000

Soon, the first Air China chartered plane carrying the sisters and a large number of priceless treasures began to taxi slowly along the runway, and the speed became faster and faster, rushing to the end of the runway at high speed.

After gliding at high speed for a certain distance, the Air China chartered plane roared into the sky like a sharp arrow.

The second one to set off was the large transport plane.

Amidst a burst of roaring engines, the large transport plane took off smoothly and flew straight to the east.

The third one to take off was the Air China chartered flight Shan Lao and the others took. The takeoff was also very smooth, and the plane quickly rushed into the clouds.

The last plane to depart was naturally Ye Tian's private plane.

Accompanied by the loud roar of the aircraft engine, the Bombardier Global Express 8000 with smooth lines, like a silver-gray iron bird, flew into the sky with flapping wings, and soared above the nine heavens in a blink of an eye.

Beijing, I'm back, full of rewards! content

Treasure hunt all over the world

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