Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1977 The National Treasure Comes Home

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and his father were all together in one place.

As soon as he got close, he smiled and said to his father and the others:

"Dad, little uncle, little aunt, I'm back, and I brought back a lot of good things, most of which are priceless."

"Xiaotian, it's good to be back, we can rest assured."

Dad smiled and nodded and said, his emotional expression is still very restrained, but his eyes are full of appreciation, and also a bit of relief and pride.

As soon as the words fell, the little uncle punched Ye Tian on the shoulder and said excitedly:

"Xiaotian, you kid is really capable of tossing around. Every time the movement becomes bigger and bigger, everyone is stunned. Fortunately, our family members are still in good health. The responsibility is not to be scared by your kid."

Compared with father and uncle, aunt's emotional expression is more open, and she gave Ye Tian a warm hug when she came up.

"Welcome home, Xiaotian, you have launched a series of satellites again, which is jaw-dropping. If you do this again a few times, Auntie, I will dare to wrestle with the Forbidden City and the National Museum to see which museum has better collections."

"Come on! Auntie, I will work hard to search for more top-level antiques and artworks from abroad, and try my best to satisfy your dream of wrestling with the Forbidden City and the National Museum of Art!

Can you let me go now? In this portable safe in my hand is a well-known priceless treasure, which must not be damaged in any way! "

Ye Tian said jokingly, his pride was beyond words.

Hearing his words, my aunt immediately loosened her arms, let him go, and then looked curiously at the portable safe in his hand.

The father and uncle were the same, they all looked at the portable safe in Ye Tian's hands curiously, their eyes were extremely hot.

Not only my father and others, but also high-level officials from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, experts on antique art appraisal, and several officials from the Ministry of Culture, as well as almost all Chinese people present.

Anyone who could understand Mandarin all looked at the portable safe in Ye Tian's hand, everyone was excited and curious.

"What kind of treasure is in this portable safe? Xiaotian, tell us quickly."

My aunt said impatiently, her eyes fixed on the portable safe.

Ye Tian looked at the three family members in front of him, then lifted the safe in his hand, and then said with a proud smile:

"What is contained here is the treasure of the British Museum's China Pavilion that has been lost overseas for more than a hundred years, the earliest surviving Chinese silk painting, and the Tang Dynasty copy of "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" by the famous Eastern Jin Dynasty painter Gu Kaizhi,..."

Before the words fell, the scene was completely boiling, and there was a burst of cheers.

"My God! It's actually a Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Nv Shi Zhen Tu". This is a veritable priceless treasure, and it is also a national treasure of extraordinary significance. It has really returned to China, it is like a dream."

"It's great. I didn't expect that the first national treasure to be landed in Beijing today is this "Nv Shi Zhen Tu". This is really a historic moment, and it is worth celebrating."

Amidst the cheers, Dad and Uncle took a step forward and reached out to touch the portable safe in Ye Tian's hands, as if they could touch or feel the priceless treasure inside the box.

Those experts and scholars, officials of the Ministry of Culture, and many cultural and cultural personnel standing behind Dad and the others,

Like a tide, it rushed up quickly, and instantly surrounded Ye Tian.

Regardless of the father and the others, they all stared at the portable safe in Ye Tian's hand, everyone's eyes were extremely hot, somewhat crazy.

Especially the old men from the Forbidden City and the National Expo, even tears of excitement filled their eyes, almost streaming from their eye sockets.

At this moment, they wished they could see through that portable safe at a glance, and appreciate the priceless treasure inside, just to see it first!

Fortunately, everyone knows that this Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" has a long history of more than a thousand years and is already fragile. Let alone opened here, it cannot even be exposed to strong light.

Therefore, although everyone was very excited, no one asked Ye Tian to open the safe and take out that priceless treasure for everyone to appreciate.

After cheering and celebrating, and waiting for everyone's emotions to stabilize, Ye Tian began to shake hands with the rest of the people to greet each other and get to know each other.

Apart from his father and the others, Ye Tian knew many people who came to pick him up at Nanyuan Airport today, and there were also some unfamiliar faces, such as those from the Ministry of Culture.

After everyone got to know each other, they stood next to Ye Tian's private plane, laughing and chatting, waiting for the arrival of the other three planes.

While speaking, an Air China charter plane flew from the western sky, and the altitude was getting lower and lower, heading straight for Nanyuan Airport.

About ten minutes later, the Air China chartered plane landed steadily on the runway of the airport, and everything went very smoothly.

While the Air China chartered plane was still taxiing on the runway, another large plane appeared in the distant sky, flying straight towards Nanyuan Airport.

It was a large transport plane, and the cabin was also filled with top-quality Chinese antique works of art, almost every piece of which was priceless.

And in the farther and higher sky in the west, another Air China charter plane roared in, broke into everyone's field of vision, and became bigger and clearer.

The successive appearance of these three planes caused waves of cheers on the tarmac of Nanyuan Airport, and each time they became louder and more excited, the cheers pierced through the sky.

The first Air China chartered flight slowly entered the designated apron, which was just next to the apron where the Bombardier Global Express 8000 was located, only tens of meters away.

The plane hadn't stopped yet, through the portholes on the side of the plane, Ye Tian and the others had already seen the cheering and celebrating people in the cabin.

Without exception, every face lying on the porthole and looking out is extremely excited and energetic at the moment, and there is no trace of fatigue from the long-distance flight.

The people standing on the ground of the airport were the same, everyone was very excited and clapped non-stop. Everyone's palms were already red, but no one stopped.

The second large transport plane that flew in also landed on the runway of the airport smoothly and began taxiing.

The third Air China chartered plane hovered in the sky, waiting for the transport plane to clear the runway, and then landed to complete the journey of transporting the national treasure home.

Just as the large transport plane finished taxiing and slowly headed towards the designated apron, a mobile gangway truck quickly drove to the side of the first Air China charter plane and connected the gangway to the cabin door.

Immediately afterwards, the cabin door was opened from the inside, and two stewardesses walked out of the cabin and stood on both sides of the door.

The next moment, my sister appeared at the door of the cabin, and also appeared in Ye Tian's field of vision, with a bright smile on her face and a suitcase in her hand.

"Sister, here"

Ye Tian yelled and waved his hand at my sister-in-law.

At the same time, my sister-in-law also saw a few of them, waved at them, and then walked down the gangway.

Then, of course, there was another round of cheers and celebrations, as well as greetings, and everyone was very excited.

Such scenes happened three times in succession, each time the cheers became louder and everyone became more excited.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

The four planes flying from London across thousands of miles of sky all landed safely at Nanyuan Airport and parked on the four aprons adjacent to each other without any accidents.

All the people who escorted those top Chinese antique artworks and ancient books and documents back to China got off the four planes, and everyone was full of energy without any fatigue.

At this moment, they were all standing with Ye Tian and gathered with the people who came to pick up the plane, and they were happily introducing their trip to London.

Around the four planes, there were armed security personnel under Ye Tian's command, security personnel from the Forbidden City and the National Expo, and a large number of policemen with live ammunition.

Although this is in China and at Nanyuan Airport, it is very safe, but these security personnel and police still maintain a certain degree of vigilance and dare not relax.

Almost all of the treasures transported back from London in these four planes are national treasures. They are so important, do you dare to be careful?

The convoy responsible for escorting these national treasure-level antique artworks has also entered the apron of Nanyuan Airport and stopped on an unused runway next to it.

This is a large-scale convoy, including armored escort vehicles, police vehicles for opening and guarding the road, security vehicles and other vehicles, there are a total of 120 or 30 vehicles, and the scene is spectacular!

Next, as long as you go through the customs clearance procedure symbolically, you can leave Nanyuan Airport and enter the urban area of ​​Beijing.

Same as when they left London, at Nanyuan Airport, Ye Tian and the others also enjoyed the special treatment of the green channel, and it didn't take long to complete the customs clearance procedures.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of professional cultural and cultural personnel from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, as well as more than 20 company employees under Ye Tian, ​​worked together to carry out the boxes containing antiques and artworks from the cabin.

After all the boxes have been moved down, the numbers are counted, the register is registered again, and the seals on the boxes are checked to see if they are intact, then they can be loaded onto the armored escort vehicles.

When everyone was busy, Mr. Shan and the others walked over to Ye Tian.

When he came close, Elder Shan immediately whispered:

"Ye Tian, ​​after we leave Nanyuan Airport, where should we go first? Forbidden City or Financial Street?"

Ye Tian looked at the old man, then glanced at the others, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Let's go to the Forbidden City first, and then go to Financial Street. I hope that the Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Admonitions for Female History" will be placed in a bulletproof glass showcase as soon as possible.

This unparalleled national treasure painting is too precious and fragile, and storing it in a portable safe for even a second is accompanied by huge risks.

Based on the three bulletproof glass showcases in the Stein Chamber of the British Museum, I customized three almost identical showcases and put them in my personal exhibition hall.

The three bulletproof glass showcases I ordered not only have constant temperature and humidity, but also have blackout curtains on them. The airtightness and safety are excellent, and there is no problem.

But this is just a temporary resettlement measure, a stopgap measure. After a while, I will find someone to design and customize some of the most advanced and safest bulletproof glass showcases in the world today.

In addition, there are more than 18,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures. It is best to put them in the library of the Forbidden City, where the temperature and humidity are constant, which is suitable for preserving those precious ancient books and documents.

The vaults in Financial Street are different. Although the security is very good, they are not suitable for storing the Dunhuang scriptures. They can only store other antique works of art.”

Hearing this, Elder Shan immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, Ye Tian, ​​this arrangement is the best. I'm still worried that your kid has other ideas. Now I can rest assured. Let's contact the relevant departments immediately and make preparations."

Saying that, Mr. Shan and the others took out their mobile phones and started making calls one after another.


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