Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1978 1 Everything Is Worth It

At around nine o'clock in the morning, although the weather was a bit cold, the bright sunshine shone on people, and it was able to bring some warmth to people.

The streets in Nancheng gradually became bustling. There were already many pedestrians and vehicles on the road. The sounds of people, cars, and other sounds mixed together, completely waking up the city of Beijing.

It coincides with the weekend, many people don't have to go to work, and are enjoying their leisure time in this winter.

After breakfast, everyone left the house one after another, or took a walk on the street near the door, chatted with the neighbors in the neighborhood, bought something, or prepared to meet with friends, each with their own arrangements.

Most of the tourists from all over the country have already left the hotel and came to the streets, ready to continue to visit the capital, visit those tourist attractions that have not been visited, eat some special delicacies, etc., so that the trip is worthwhile.

Just as people on the street were laughing and chatting, or driving or walking in a hurry, a huge engine roar suddenly came and reached everyone's ears.

Some people can even feel that the ground is shaking slightly.

Immediately afterwards, several police cars with flashing lights came quickly from the south side of the street, quickly stopped at the intersection of several forks and alleys, and sealed off all the streets and alleys that went east and west.

Seeing this scene, the people on the street were very surprised. They stopped and watched curiously, not understanding what happened.

Some people thought that some country's leaders or important figures were visiting, so they closed the road.

In Beijing, this kind of situation is so common that, logically, no one should be surprised.

However, when foreign leaders or dignitaries visit, they usually enter Beijing from Chaoyang District and then walk along Chang'an Avenue. They rarely come to Nancheng, and Nancheng is rarely closed because of this.

Because of this, everyone felt a little surprised.

Of course, road closures in Nancheng also occur from time to time, but the number of times is relatively small, but compared to other cities and regions, it is not known how many times more.

Just when everyone was surprised and before they had time to discuss, a huge convoy came suddenly from the south of the street, and under the guidance and protection of a large number of police cars, it directly broke into everyone's field of vision.

There are more than one hundred vehicles that make up this huge convoy, almost occupying the entire street, with no end in sight.

Compared with this huge convoy, the convoys of foreign leaders or dignitaries are not enough to see at all, and it can even be said to be insignificant.

And this team is very special, there are not too many cars, there are many SUVs in the team, there are also a few luxury buses, and many tall special vehicles.

In particular, those extremely sturdy armored escort vehicles and the explosion-proof armored vehicles of the special police in the capital were particularly eye-catching in the convoy, which also made the atmosphere on the street tense.

With the appearance of this huge convoy, the streets immediately boiled, and many people started talking in low voices.

"I'll go! This convoy is too exaggerated. At least there are dozens or even hundreds of vehicles. Who the hell came to Beijing? It doesn't look like a convoy of foreign leaders or dignitaries. This scene is really too big! "

"Could it be that kid Ye Tian came back? Calculating the time, he should have arrived this morning. If it was really that kid, then they must have landed at Nanyuan Airport, otherwise they would not have appeared in Nancheng.

That kid swept up countless top Chinese antique artworks that had been lost overseas for a long time from the UK,

It is said that there are more than 18,000 volumes of the Dunhuang scriptures collected in the British Museum and the British Library.

According to reports, when they left Heathrow Airport in London, England, they used a total of three charter planes, two Air China charter planes and a large transport plane. If it is really that boy, this scene is too normal! "

"Who says it's not! That kid Ye Tian has always been high-profile, and he did such a beautiful thing this time, no matter how high-profile it is, he can't be too high-profile. My buddies should applaud this kid. He's a man, so tough!"

Obviously, there are many smart people in the crowd, and they guessed the origin of this huge team in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, some people's WeChat Moments also received the news that Ye Tian and the others had returned to Beijing, had landed at Nanyuan Airport, and were escorting a large number of top Chinese antiques to the Forbidden City.

Although Ye Tian chose to act low-key this time, he landed at the much deserted Nanyuan Airport instead of the extremely busy Capital International Airport.

But after landing, he didn't ask for strict secrecy. It would be a bit too human to keep everyone from contacting the outside world or family members temporarily.

Furthermore, no matter how deserted Nanyuan Airport is, there are still some passengers coming and going, as well as a large number of airport staff, and it is impossible to ask these people to keep it secret.

In this way, the news leaked out quickly, but it was irrelevant.

Soon, the people on the street were identified.

Sitting in this huge convoy were Ye Tian and his gang, the guys who turned Britain upside down and ransacked several famous British cultural institutions.

Those armored escort vehicles contained a large number of top-notch antique artworks and ancient books that had been lost overseas for a long time, and many of them were national treasures, rare in the world!

"clap clap"

The applause suddenly sounded, gathered together in an instant, swept the entire street, and resounded through the sky.

Among the deafening applause, there were also many enthusiastic cheers and applause.

"Well done, Ye Tian, ​​you really cheered up the men in Beijing!"

"Well done, Ye Tian, ​​this is the man"

Amidst endless applause and cheers, many people on both sides of the street gave thumbs up, obviously for Ye Tian.

Many vehicles on the street honked their horns and kept pressing them for a long time, all paying their respects to Ye Tian.

Seeing the scene outside the car window and hearing the applause and cheers, Ye Tian's blood surged up immediately, and his face flushed with excitement.

With the applause and cheers outside and the praise from the heart, everything is worth it.

"Hey! Your kid is really a hero, Xiaotian, doesn't it feel very good?"

The sister-in-law sitting next to Ye Tian said with a smile, eyes full of admiration and pride.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and said triumphantly:

"That's it! It feels so good, I feel like I'm going to fly, if this is a convertible car, I will fly in the sky"


There was laughter in the car, and all the family members sitting in the car laughed.

And on the other vehicles in the convoy, everyone was also discussing, and the center of the topic was naturally Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian is really making a lot of money. Not only did he get a large number of priceless top antiques this time, but he also pushed his reputation to a new level!"

"Isn't it! Look at the situation on the street outside, listen to the enthusiastic applause and cheers, in the field of domestic antique art collections, Ye Tian will definitely speak his mind, and we can only hope for him!"

Amidst the discussion, the convoy had already galloped through the streets, and the streets in the southern city of Beijing were completely boiled.

While speaking, the convoy had entered the South Second Ring Road, and the speed dropped immediately, but the applause and cheers on both sides of the street became more and more enthusiastic.

At the same time, many media reporters who have reacted have heard the news, but they can only stand on both sides of the street and use their cameras or video cameras to capture this huge convoy.

As for those media reporters who rushed to the Capital International Airport early in the morning, or even stayed at the airport all night, they could only smile wryly, then immediately picked up their equipment and rushed out of the airport, driving to the city!

However, when they rushed back to the urban area and found Ye Tian and the others, the day lily would probably be cold.

The convoy drove forward for a further distance, and the tall, majestic and antique Zhengyang Gate suddenly appeared in front of it, breaking into everyone's field of vision.

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