Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1979 A historic moment

In the Forbidden City, Ye Tian's personal exhibition hall.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning, and the personal exhibition hall was full of people, and it was very lively. There were laughter and laughter everywhere, and people's enviable admiration was everywhere.

However, the people in this exhibition hall are not tourists from all over the country who come to visit the Forbidden City.

Here are Ye Tian's family members, employees and lawyers of the Daring One Exploration Company, and many high-level officials, experts and scholars, and a large number of cultural and museum personnel from the Forbidden City and the National Museum.

In addition, there are several officials from the Ministry of Culture, some well-known domestic top collectors and experts in antique art appraisal, etc., each of whom is an old friend of Ye Tian, ​​such as Ma Ye, Qian Lao and others.

Of course, the aunt who is in charge of Ye Tian's personal exhibition hall, as well as many cultural and cultural personnel working here, are also in this exhibition hall.

In addition to many professionals, there are two film crews here, one from CCTV, and the other is the film crew of Intrepid Exploration Company.

The reason why they appear here is to record the historic moment of the return of this national treasure and to preserve video materials.

At this time, everyone in the exhibition hall was looking at Ye Tian and the portable safe that was always in his hand and never put it down. Everyone was extremely excited, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

Ye Tian was standing in front of a three to four meter long bulletproof glass display case that had been opened. Standing next to him was his grandfather who had rushed from home. The old man was already blushing with excitement.

After thoroughly seeing through the bulletproof glass showcase in front of him again and confirming that there is no problem, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Grandpa, please come and set up the exhibition. From now on, this Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" will be the treasure of my personal exhibition hall. When my private museum is established, it will be the town hall of the museum. The treasure of the museum.

In addition, it is a family heirloom of our family, and it is also a national treasure of China. No one, any organization or government can take away this priceless treasure. This "Picture of Women's History Admonishment" only belongs to China! "

Before the words fell, the scene was completely boiling.

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, extremely enthusiastic and deafening.

While everyone at the scene applauded one after another, they also cheered loudly with excitement, and the applause resounded through the sky.

"Well said, Ye Tian, ​​this priceless treasure only belongs to China, no one can take it away!"

"You did a great job, Ye Tian, ​​you're so awesome. Hearing this makes me feel better!"

Everyone at the scene applauded, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​grandpa, and the portable safe with envy and excitement.

Ye Tian's family, father, second uncle, sister-in-law and others who were present at the scene all had excited eyes, and everyone had the brightest smiles on their faces, and there were even tears in their eyes.

Grandpa patted Ye Tian's shoulder lightly, then smiled and said:

"Your heart is really big enough, you actually asked me to set up the exhibition. I am not a professional, lack professional knowledge, and I am very excited. If I accidentally damage this priceless treasure, the crime will be too great.

In my opinion, it’s better for you to set up the exhibition yourself. It’s safer and everyone can rest assured. What’s more, this priceless treasure was brought back from England by you.

It should be up to you to set up the exhibition”

Hearing Grandpa's words, many experts and scholars, a large number of cultural and cultural personnel, as well as those top collectors and experts in antique art appraisal all secretly let out a sigh of relief, and somewhat relaxed.

This is a unparalleled national treasure, and it is very fragile. If a non-professional like grandpa is here to set up the exhibition, how can everyone feel at ease.

In case a mistake is made accidentally, causing damage to this national treasure, even if it is a little bit, everyone should feel sorry for it!

Although everyone thought so in their hearts, no one raised it.

The reason is very simple. This Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" now belongs to Ye Tian, ​​a fact known to everyone in the world.

And this kid always does his own thing, when has he heard what others say? As long as he decides, no one can change it!

Ye Tian looked at his grandfather, then scanned the scene quickly, and then said firmly:

"It's okay, Grandpa, just let go and set up the exhibition, just be careful, I will guide you by the side, don't worry, there won't be any problems.

This Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Admonitions of Female History" belongs to our family now, and you are the head of our family, so of course you will arrange the exhibition."

Hearing this, a gratified smile suddenly appeared on Grandpa's face, as did Dad and Second Uncle, and the hearts of the rest of the audience were lifted.

"Then let's do this, Xiaotian, we, grandpa and grandson, will set up the exhibition together and put this priceless treasure in the display cabinet. It will be safer, otherwise I really dare not do it."

"Okay, let's do it like this, grandpa, you come and unfold the picture scroll, and I will help you."

Ye Tian nodded and accepted his grandfather's proposal.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and said to his aunt:

"Auntie, ask the staff to turn on the lights, and then close the curtains of all the windows in the exhibition hall, trying not to let the natural light from the outside penetrate into the exhibition hall.

Next, ask the staff to adjust the lighting in the exhibition hall a little bit to protect this priceless treasure, and when the light is right, I will stop immediately.”

"Okay, Xiaotian, leave these things to us, it will be done soon"

Auntie nodded in response, and immediately took action.

Ye Tian then turned his head and began to adjust the temperature and humidity of the bulletproof glass showcase in front of him, and the adjustment was completed soon.

The lights in the exhibition hall were turned on. Although it was very bright, the light was soft and not dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, the thick curtains on the windows of the exhibition hall were pulled up by the staff, covering the bright sunlight outside.

Next, the lights in the exhibition hall began to weaken a little bit, and the light gradually became dim, as if it was dusk.

When the light became suitable, Ye Tian immediately said loudly:

"Okay, stop, just keep the light like this, don't lower it any more"

As his voice came out, the light in the room, which had been constantly weakening, immediately stopped and remained above the current level.

"Old Shan, all old men, is the light okay?"

Ye Tian turned his head and asked, seeking the opinions of many experts and scholars present.

This is just a superficial effort to show respect. He knows better than anyone whether the lighting in the exhibition hall is suitable.

"No problem, Ye Tian, ​​the light is just right now"

Shan Lao nodded and said, and the other old men also nodded.

"Okay, then I'll open the safe and take out Gu Kaizhi's Tang Dynasty copy of "Admonitions for Women's History""

With that said, Ye Tian put the portable safe on a table next to the showcase, and then began to enter fingerprints and passwords, ready to open the portable safe.

Following his movements, everyone at the scene held their breath in unison, not even daring to breathe out, and they all stared at his every move and the portable safe.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had finished entering the password and fingerprints, opened the safe, and took out a simple and elegant rosewood box from inside, carefully placing it on the table.

However, he didn't open the red sandalwood box immediately, but took out two pairs of white gloves, handed one to grandpa, and put on the other by himself.

After putting on the gloves, he gently opened the golden buckle of the rosewood box and opened the box.

The next moment, the earliest surviving Chinese silk painting, a national treasure with a long history of more than 1,000 years and lost overseas for more than 100 years, the Tang Dynasty copy of Gu Kaizhi's "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" finally appeared in front of everyone.

More importantly, the place where everyone sees this national treasure is no longer the British Museum in London, England, but the Forbidden City in Beijing, on the land of their own country.

The scene was completely silent, except for the endless, heavy and rapid breathing, there was no more sound.

Although everyone has seen this priceless treasure in the British Museum, or in various materials and videos, those experiences in the past are absolutely incomparable with this one.

Without exception, everyone at the scene was very excited at this time, everyone's eyes were lit up like searchlights, and some experts and scholars even burst into tears with excitement.

Ye Tian scanned the audience again, and then said loudly:

"More than a hundred years ago, after the British Museum acquired this painting, due to lack of knowledge or ignorance of Chinese painting, it cut this famous painting into three sections and mounted it according to the method of Japanese painting.

To put it bluntly, it was a reckless act, one of the most stupid actions I have ever seen. This kind of behavior of the British guy brought huge damage to this famous painting through the ages, and formed a historical fault.

After getting this "Nv Shi Admonishment" by trade in the UK, Shan Lao and I removed the nondescript Japanese-style mounting, carefully rolled it up in the way of traditional Chinese painting, and brought it back.

Because of this, the appearance of the "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" you see now is different from what you saw in the British Museum, but don't be surprised, after a while, I will mount this famous painting again through the ages."

Following these words, everyone at the scene came to their senses, and nodded their heads one after another, having no objection to Ye Tian's operation.

And everyone here is very distressed, and they all secretly cursed in their hearts that the Englishman has no eyesight to see gold inlaid with jade, which has brought huge damage to this famous painting through the ages.

"Grandpa, I'm going to take out this priceless treasure and put it in the display cabinet. Come and slowly unfold this famous painting through the ages"

As he said that, Ye Tian carefully took the "Picture of Female History's Proverbs" out of the red sandalwood box, and carefully put it into the bulletproof glass showcase that was three to four meters long.

After waking up, Grandpa slowly stretched his hands into the bulletproof glass display case, his movements were extremely careful, even trembling slightly.

Next, Ye Tian untied the ribbon that tied the "Picture of Admonishment to Women's History" and fixed the right end of the famous painting through the ages for the next action.

After finishing these, he said softly:

"Grandpa, you can unfold this famous painting through the ages. The movement of holding the scroll must be light and slow, and try to maintain a uniform speed to avoid the phenomenon of slag falling."

"Understood, Xiaotian, you boy are harming me, you have given me such a heavy burden, do I dare not be careful?"

Grandpa said softly with a wry smile, but his excited eyes were shining brightly, full of pride and pride.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed softly.

Amidst the laughter, Grandpa has slowly unfolded this famous painting through the ages, and walked slowly along the bulletproof glass showcase to the other end. Ye Tian followed closely, ready to help at any time.

Following the old man's movements, this unparalleled and eternally famous painting slowly opened, and the first part, "Feng Jieyu Blocking the Bear", gradually appeared in front of everyone.

After a lapse of more than a hundred years, this priceless and famous painting through the ages was finally able to unfold again on the land of China, once again blooming the bright light of civilization in this land!

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