The night fell and the lights came on.

After nightfall in Beijing, although the weather has become colder, the streets are still very lively with neon lights flashing.

Dongsi Street, located in the center of the city, is even more lively, crowded with people and full of laughter.

People on this street are either admiring the beautiful night view on both sides of the street, or going in and out of brightly lit shopping malls and shops, or getting together with friends and going to a famous restaurant to enjoy a meal.

Suddenly, a convoy came from the direction of Dongdan, which attracted the attention of many pedestrians on the street.

Through WeChat Moments, as well as online news and other social media, people have already known this team that has caused a huge sensation in Beijing and even the whole country.

As soon as I saw this convoy, there was a lot of discussion on Dongsi Street.

"It's Ye Tian's buddy's motorcade. The whole of Beijing is watching him today. Everyone is paying attention to his every move. He's really crazy, and he's admirable!"

"Who says it's not! My buddies have never obeyed anyone in this life, but for Ye Tian, ​​I have to give a thumbs up and say a word of submission! This is the Beijing man!"

While people were discussing, they also gave warm applause to the team and Ye Tian.

"clap clap"

Where the convoy passed by, there were thunderous applause and countless thumbs up.

And Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, was looking at the familiar scenery outside the car window, his eyes were full of anticipation, and he was also extremely excited.

At this time, he wished he could have two wings, fly directly across this short distance, fly to his home, reunite with his family, and enjoy the intoxicating family affection.

While talking, the convoy has passed the intersection of Dengshikou Street, Lishi Hutong is not far ahead.

Before the convoy reached the intersection of Lishi Hutong, Ye Tian saw a few familiar figures from a long distance away. They were the three little guys, Linlin and Dongzi, standing at the entrance of the alley and looking over here.

The bright street lights and the lights of passing vehicles on the street illuminated their faces clearly. Everyone was smiling and excited!

Seeing these three little guys, Ye Tian immediately burst into a bright smile.

At the same time, Linlin and the others also saw this fast approaching convoy, and the three jumped three feet high, cheering and jumping up.

"Cole, please inform me, park the convoy at the entrance of the alley, and I will walk home"

Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

"Understood, Steven"

Cole responded, notifying every vehicle in the convoy immediately.

In the blink of an eye, the convoy had reached the intersection of Lishi Hutong and stopped close to the side of the road.

Immediately afterwards, Cole and the others got out of the car first, and quickly dispersed around the convoy, staring at the situation on the street.

Whether it is safe here, Ye Tian knows better than anyone else, but the necessary performance is still indispensable.

After confirming safety, the rear door of the bulletproof SUV he was riding in was opened.

Ye Tian got out of the car, landed on the street, and walked towards his younger brothers and sisters with open arms.

"Brother! You are back, we are almost freezing to death!"

"That's right, brother, we are almost frozen into popsicles, you must make it up to us"

Linlin, Dongzi, and Chenxi, the three little guys ran towards Ye Tian while yelling, everyone was very excited.

When he came close, Ye Tian's two arms immediately fell, and he was tightly hugged by two girls, Linlin and Chenxi, from left to right, and he never let go.

As for Dongzi, he could only stand aside, staring at Ye Tian,

Eyes full of admiration.

Next, Ye Tian asked about the situation of these three little guys, and then said to them:

"Let's go, let's go home, don't keep grandparents waiting"

After finishing speaking, he took the three little guys and walked into the alley, followed by David and Jason.

Before entering the alley, Ye Tian deliberately turned his head to look at the two black SUVs parked next to the entrance of the alley, and nodded slightly to the people in the two cars to say hello, before entering Lishi alley.

They were two ordinary-looking SUVs with civilian license plates, and nothing special could be seen.

However, the people sitting in those two cars were not ordinary people, and they had a lot of background.

Seeing Ye Tian nod his head to greet them, there was a discussion in the two cars immediately.

"I'll go! Didn't Ye Tian just return to Lishi Hutong? Why did he spot us at a glance? And he's so polite, obviously knows our identities, this is too exaggerated!"

"What's so strange about this, Lishi Hutong is full of this guy's eyeliner, and anyone who enters this alley can't hide from the eyes of his subordinates.

Not only in Lishi Hutong, but also in the adjacent Dengcao Hutong and Qianchaomian Hutong, this guy also deployed a lot of eyeliners and security personnel just to protect his family.

This situation has been going on for nearly a year, how could our actions be hidden from Ye Tian, ​​I guess Ye Tian received the news as soon as we arrived here."

While these guys were discussing, Ye Tian and the others had already walked into Lishi Alley and disappeared from Dongsi Street.

The lights in the alley are very bright, and it is almost the same as the Dongsi Street outside, and the alley has not changed much. Walking in this alley that is all too familiar, Ye Tian's footsteps are much lighter.

Not far along the alley, when passing by the door of a coffee shop, the two guys standing at the door of the coffee shop gave Ye Tian a slight nod.

Ye Tian also nodded to these two tall buddies, it was like saying hello, just like greeting ordinary neighbors in the neighborhood.

But in fact, these two are security personnel employed by Ye Tian, ​​and they live in Lishi Hutong. They are two of the many security personnel responsible for protecting Ye Tian's family.

There are still many security personnel pretending to be ordinary people in the alley, and they are distributed in different positions. Ye Tian and the others encountered several groups one after another.

Then he walked forward for a certain distance, and Ye Tian saw two old friends whom he was very familiar with, Dawei and Li Yun, who greeted him together.

Walking closer, Ye Tian immediately joked with these two childhood and classmates.

"Dawei, Li Yun, did you hear that your buddies are coming back and ran out to pick them up? Why didn't you take my fat son with you? This is your fault."

However, these two guys ignored him and did not give any response, but looked Ye Tian up and down like a monster.

After pretending to look curiously, Dawei turned to his wife and said:

"This guy didn't wear his underwear outside, why is he so awesome? It looks like a Superman, I almost thought I had a Superman iron magnet!"

Li Yun shook her head lightly, then said with disdain:

"You're a foreigner, aren't you? How could Superman wear his underwear outside casually? Only at the critical moment of saving the world would he wear that flamboyant outfit. Of course you can't see it now."


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and Linlin and Dongzi were laughing like crazy, and the neighbors who came out to watch the fun were also laughing, and they couldn't help but laugh.

Ye Tian also laughed, and punched Dawei on the shoulder.

"It's your fault. Whether you are Superman or not is another matter, but you will definitely not wear your underwear outside. I really can't afford to lose that man!"

After talking and joking, Ye Tian gave Dawei a hug, and then he was about to hug Li Yun, but Dawei stopped him and warned him not to take advantage.

Li Yun was also very cooperative, and took two steps back pretending to be pitiful.

With the performance of these two live treasures, the scene once again burst into laughter.

After some joking, everyone started to chat seriously.

"Xiao Tian, ​​those things you did in London are so beautiful and very uplifting. When the news spreads to Beijing, our buddies count one by one, and we are all honored!

I heard that you brought back a large number of national treasure-level antique artworks from London this time. When will you let us have a look? Let us also feel the charm of those national treasures! "

Dawei said excitedly, eyes full of anticipation.

Li Yun, who was standing next to him, and several other neighbors also looked at Ye Tian expectantly.

"That's right, I did bring back a large number of top Chinese antique artworks and ancient rare books from London, all of which have been lost overseas for a long time, and many of them are national treasures.

However, as soon as those top-level antique artworks were transported back to Beijing, they were stored in the vaults of the Forbidden City and other places, and they will not be displayed publicly for the time being, and no one can see them.

When the Chinese New Year is over, we have finished decorating the corresponding exhibition halls, and those antique artworks that have returned to China will be exhibited publicly. Then you can go and appreciate those treasures! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, and explained a few words to Dawei and his wife and several other neighbors.

"No problem, then we'll just wait, anyway, the Chinese New Year is only a few days away"

David nodded in response, and the rest did the same.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yun continued to ask:

"Xiao Tian, ​​have you set a date for your Chinese wedding with Betty? Where will the wedding be held, in your big mansion, or in a five-star hotel?"

"I really don't know about this. My mother and the others are making arrangements for the Chinese-style wedding between Betty and me. They decide, and we will carry it out. Just wait for the notice!"

"Hey! You really have a big heart! Tell me about the submissiveness. As for your wedding with Betty, how much can we not be ashamed of? As long as we don't let us sell the house!"

"Followers? Let's forget it. When the time comes, you can just come with your shoulders and your mouths on your shoulders. You don't need to be followers at all, let alone sell the house, and there are gifts to take!"

"Really? If it's true, then I can rest assured that not only me and David, but our group of Fa Xiao and classmates are worrying about this these days, and I'm afraid that it will be embarrassing!"

"Of course it's true. As long as you can come, Betty and I will be very happy. We can't really let you sell the house to follow suit. Even if you don't think about the two of you, you have to think about my fat son!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, giving Dawei and Li Yun a reassurance, so as to save these two guys from thinking wildly.

Afterwards, Ye Tian chatted with the two of them a few more times, then took his leave and walked away with Linlin and Dongzi.

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