Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1982 Super Mansion Gate

A few minutes later, Ye Tian and the others arrived in front of their house.

However, this is no longer the old house where Ye Tian grew up, but a luxurious mansion with five courtyards and a private garden, which is the best in Beijing.

Counting all the courtyards in the capital, except for a few famous palaces, such as Prince Gong's Mansion, there is no other courtyard that can compare with this mansion gate.

This is the most famous and best-preserved mansion gate in Lishi Hutong, No. 129 Lishi Hutong, which used to be the residence of the prefect of Wuchang in the late Qing Dynasty, and later lived in many celebrities.

When returning to Beijing for the Spring Festival last year, Ye Tian spent 1.24 billion RMB to buy down the gate of this 1,200-square-meter mansion!

Another courtyard house adjacent to it with an area of ​​more than 600 square meters was also bought by him and taken into his pocket.

Next, the two courtyards were opened up and connected into one. The area of ​​the courtyard at No. 129 Lishi Hutong also increased from more than 1,200 square meters to more than 1,800 square meters.

Not long after Ye Tian and the others left Beijing, the ancient construction team from the Forbidden City entered the courtyard and began to carry out renovations, repairs, and modernization to create the most comfortable living environment.

The change of hands and renovation of the gate of this super mansion caused quite a stir in the city of Beijing, and made countless people envious to the extreme, many of whom were so envious that their eyes were red.

However, when those guys learned that the gate of this mansion belonged to Ye Tian, ​​they immediately gave up all their wishful thinking, and they didn't even dare to think about it!

After the modernization of this mansion was completed and it was vacant for half a year, Grandpa and the others moved into this super mansion, began to live here, and enjoyed the family happiness.

At this time, Ye Tian was standing in front of this super mansion, admiring this magnificent mansion.

In front of him is a grand and bright gate, built on five-level double-hanging marble steps, with carved beams and painted buildings on the top of the gate, antique, and four carved brass door hairpins on the vermilion door panel, which are very eye-catching.

The eight-character walls on both sides of the gate of the courtyard and the courtyard walls along the street are carved with exquisite brick carving patterns, which look pleasing to the eye.

Moreover, these brick carving patterns have their own meanings, such as wealth and honor in Yutang, peace in four seasons and so on.

The brick carvings in courtyard No. 129 of Lishi Hutong are also a unique and famous scenery in all the courtyards in the capital, Ye Tian naturally couldn't bear to destroy them.

In addition, on both sides of the gate of the courtyard stands a stone lion about 1.5 meters high, with a hydrangea on its feet and a lifelike image.

On the outside of the two stone lions, there is a large bonsai. Although it is winter, these two large bonsai are verdant and full of vitality, giving people a strong sense of spring.

Although I haven't entered the gate of this mansion yet, I don't know how the interior will be after the renovation, but the appearance of this super mansion gate has already made Ye Tian very satisfied.

It can be seen from this that the situation inside the gate of this mansion must be very good.

While standing at the door admiring the bright and bright gate in front of him, Ye Tian also used the corner of his eyes to scan the other two courtyard houses on the left and right.

During the period, he also turned around, looked at the courtyard house opposite the alley, and thoroughly examined the courtyard house.

In addition, he also looked through every surveillance probe installed near the gate of this super mansion and the hidden pinhole cameras one by one, without missing any of them.

After finishing all this, he said to David who followed him:

"Guys, please come in, this is my home in Beijing, my family has prepared dinner, you can taste it later"

Following his words,

David and Jason, who were in a sluggish state, just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, these guys expressed emotion, their words and expressions were quite exaggerated.

"Wow! Steven, this is simply a palace, so beautiful and charming, just like the Forbidden City we visited this morning!"

"I can't believe it. In just one year, this courtyard house has undergone earth-shaking changes. I don't even dare to recognize it."

In the midst of these exclamations, Ye Tian and the others stepped up the steps, and then walked into the gate of this super mansion.

As soon as you enter the gate, you will face a tall screen wall.

There are exquisite patterns carved on the screen wall, which are slightly different from the brick carvings outside the door. It is a picture of nine layers of spring, giving people a feeling of vitality.

In front of and on both sides of this shadow wall, there is a simple and elegant solid wood flower stand, on which there are several pots of bonsai, with different shapes, all of which are very beautiful!

In particular, the two pots of plum blossoms placed on both sides of the screen wall are blooming delicately at this time. They are not afraid of the cold winter at all, and they send people a burst of refreshing floral fragrance, decorating their lives.

When they came to the front of this shadow wall, Ye Tian and the others all stopped and began to appreciate it.

After a while, the few of them turned around and walked towards the Hanging Flower Gate, admiring the palace-like super mansion gate while strolling forward.

Dongzi, who followed beside him, took on the duty of explaining and introducing the house to Ye Tian.

"Brother, when you pass from Yingbi, you are the first to enter the courtyard. The south side of the alley is the inverted house. There are five rooms in total. The nannies and drivers who take care of grandparents live here.

There is no main room and east and west wing rooms in this entrance courtyard. Opposite the inverted building is the vertical flower gate. Entering through the vertical flower gate is the second entrance courtyard, which is the front yard. Our family lives in the front yard,..."

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already arrived at the Chuihua Gate.

This is a vertical flower gate with one hall and one scroll, which is also built on five marble steps. Compared with the Guangliang gate outside, although it is not so grand, it is more refined and gorgeous.

In front of this hanging flower gate, there is also a pair of stone beasts, but they are not stone lions, but a pair of unicorns, relatively small in size, not fierce, but naive!

More importantly, this is a pair of unicorns from the early Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and they are also a pair of valuable antique relics. They were once placed in the mansion of a prince in the early years.

After the prince's family fell, the pair of stone unicorns were exiled to the common people, and they were exiled to the United States more than a hundred years ago. They were discovered by Ye Tian in Philadelphia, and they were taken into his pocket.

When the gate of the mansion was rebuilt and arranged, he sent someone to transport the pair of stone unicorns back to China and put them in front of the hanging flower gate.

On the viewing walls on both sides of the vertical flower gate, that is, on the Chaoshou verandah, there are several assorted windows with unique shapes, some are crescent-shaped, some are hexagonal, some are like fans, and the window frames are brick carvings. exquisite.

Through these assorted windows, the person who first enters the yard standing outside the hanging flower gate can see the scene of the second entering the yard, and the person who enters the second yard can naturally also see the situation of the first entering the yard.

Without exception, between the two layers of toughened glass inside and outside these assorted windows, there is a small pot of bonsai dotted with this courtyard and this wall.

In addition, at the west end of the courtyard, there is also a blue and white goldfish tank, but the dozens of brightly colored goldfish in the tank have already been collected into the fish tank in the inverted room.

After all, it is winter now, and it is very cold at night. Obviously, goldfish cannot be kept outside, otherwise they will freeze to death.

Like the pair of stone unicorns in the early Kangxi period, this blue-and-white goldfish tank is also an antique cultural relic, a blue-and-white fish tank fired in the early Daoguang period, imitating the Ming Wanli blue-and-white tank, and it is also worth a few silver!

In addition to these, on the walls on both sides of the vertical flower door, as well as on the doors, windows and walls of the five inverted rooms, there are carved beams and paintings everywhere, and various exquisite patterns and patterns are carved.

Even the steps in front of the hanging flower gate are carved with the patterns of the four gentlemen of "plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum". The patterns of each step are different, with their own characteristics and different meanings.

Same as before, Ye Tian and the others stopped again, admiring everything in front of them.

Especially David and Jason, they were all lying on the assorted windows, looking at the exquisite brick window frames and the small and exquisite bonsai inside, their eyes were straight!

"Steven, there is a residence here, it is simply a magnificent palace, even the Forbidden City we have visited today, it seems that it is not as beautiful as here, everything here is a work of art"

Jason immediately exclaimed, his eyes were full of envy, and his expression was quite exaggerated.

David and the others behaved in the same way, they were all completely shocked and fascinated by everything in front of them.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then smiled triumphantly and said:

"This is just the beginning, guys, when you enter this gorgeous hanging flower gate, you can really see and understand what a real palace is.

Compared with the Forbidden City we visited in the morning, this mansion is not as magnificent as the Forbidden City, and there is no house in China that can surpass the Forbidden City in this respect.

But in terms of refinement, this mansion gate can still be compared, and in terms of livability and comfort, it is definitely far superior to the Forbidden City.”

Saying that, Ye Tian stepped up the steps, and then walked through the vertical flower door into the second courtyard of this big house.

What was presented before his eyes at this moment was another beautiful scene.

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