Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1983 A Courtyard Full of Family Affection

Walking into the vertical flower gate, there is a square courtyard.

The area of ​​the courtyard is about 120 to 30 square meters. The floor is paved with blue bricks, and in the middle is a north-south cross-shaped corridor, which divides the courtyard into four parts.

In the center of the cross-shaped corridor, there is a circular marble platform about 30 centimeters high, on which there is a huge blue and white fish tank with a diameter of nearly one meter decorated with seaweed patterns, which is very eye-catching.

In the northeast corner of the yard, a tall crabapple tree is planted. Because it is winter, the leaves on the crabapple tree have all fallen, and it looks somewhat bleak when viewed under the night.

Under the crabapple tree, there is a marble table and several stone benches, and the stone table and stone benches are carved with exquisite patterns and designs.

Like the blue-and-white fish tank outside the Chuihua Gate, these stone tables, stone benches, and the blue-and-white fish tank are all antiques, treasures collected by Ye Tian from all over the place.

In particular, the blue-and-white fish tank with seaweed pattern is a high-quality official kiln porcelain from the late Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. It is expensive, and at least it is worth several million yuan.

In the northwest corner of the yard, a rare lilac tree is planted, about three meters high. Together with the crabapple in the northeast corner, it adds a touch of elegance to the courtyard.

It is a pity that it is winter and the weather is cold. The branches and leaves on this lilac tree have all withered, hiding its most beautiful side.

When spring comes, this lilac will be revived again, new buds will emerge, and purple flowers will bloom, sending bursts of fragrance to the courtyard and the gate of this mansion.

Under this lilac tree, there are two rows of solid wood flower stands with unique shapes, about one meter high, and a dozen pots of beautiful bonsai are arranged in a patchwork pattern, some are verdant and some are blooming delicately.

On the left hand side of Ye Tian and the others, that is, in the southwest corner of the courtyard, there is a wisteria planted, which is attached to a solid wood flower stand to create a gazebo.

In addition, under the wisteria trellis, there is a moon gate, which leads to another courtyard next to it. There are several Soviet-style colored paintings painted on the moon gate, which are very unique.

The southeast corner of the courtyard is a little more monotonous, with only a moon gate painted with Soviet-style colored paintings. Beyond the gate is a corridor with winding paths, which leads to other places and blocks the view.

After admiring the scenery in the courtyard, Ye Tian and the others looked at the main building that entered the courtyard.

On the front of the courtyard, that is, on the north side, there are five north rooms, and there are three east and west wing rooms on both sides, and all rooms have front porches.

Connecting each room is a verandah that runs through the entire yard. The verandah has upside-down lintels and benches. The doors, windows and the top of the veranda are all carved and exquisite.

At this time, the doors of the rooms in the yard were closed, and the situation in the rooms could not be seen.

But it is entirely conceivable that those rooms must be beautiful and jaw-dropping.

As before, the little guy Dongzi was still in charge of the commentary.

"Brother, this is the second courtyard. Our family lives here. There are five north rooms, three east and west wing rooms, and a total of eleven rooms. The north room is naturally used by my parents. The dining room, living room and study room are all In the north room.

The three east rooms belong to Chenxi, and I am the most unlucky. I can only live in the three west rooms. The moon gate next to the west room is connected to the courtyard next to it, which can also be called the west courtyard, and the area is larger.

There are also five north rooms and three east and west rooms in the courtyard over there. Sister Linlin's family lives in that courtyard; the moon gate on our right leads to the garden, which has a beautiful view.

This garden is integrated with another courtyard, the new house of you and your sister-in-law is over there,

The courtyard is yours to use. Not only does it have the most beautiful scenery, but it is also the largest courtyard in the whole house.

In addition to the garden on the east side, there is also a small garden in the northwest corner of the house, which is also the original garden of the house. Although the area is not large, the scenery is beautiful, with rockeries, pools, and various flowers and trees.

Going around along the Chaoshou corridor on both sides of the north room is the inner courtyard, where grandparents live, the area is slightly larger than the front yard, and the others are similar. There are also five north rooms and three east and west rooms.

There is an entrance courtyard at the back, the uncle and aunt live in the last entrance courtyard, the area is as big as the inner courtyard, and the number of rooms is the same, and it is integrated with the small garden in the northwest corner, the scenery is very beautiful.”

At the same time as Dongzi introduced, Ye Tian had already carefully appreciated the whole courtyard, and he couldn't be more satisfied with the situation here.

After Dongzi finished his introduction, he immediately went on to say:

"Let's go to the inner courtyard. Don't make grandparents wait too long. Second uncle and the others live in the west courtyard, as well as the newly built garden on the east side, and other places in the house. I'll go and enjoy them after dinner."

After speaking, he walked down the steps in the hanging flower door, walked along the corridor in the yard, and walked straight to the north room.

Linlin, Dongzi and the others, as well as the obsessed David and Jason, immediately followed and followed.

It wasn't long before we walked, and when we got to the blue and white fish tank in the middle of the yard, two people came out from the chashou corridor on the east side of the north house, they were my mother and my sister-in-law.

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately strode up to meet them, and opened his arms to hug his mother.

Looking at my mother again, a bright smile has bloomed on her face, her eyes are full of love, and she is also somewhat proud.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already walked up to him, and directly gave his mother a warm hug.

"Mom, I'm back, how are you?"

"You stinky child, you still know how to come back, I thought you forgot your mother after marrying a daughter-in-law!"

While laughing and cursing, my mother patted Ye Tian's back lightly, she was already smiling so hard that she couldn't see her eyes.

"How can I? It's true that I married a daughter-in-law, but it is absolutely impossible to forget my mother!"

"I hope so, let's not talk about this for now. Have you been too troublesome during this time? The family members were all stunned and worried all day long. Look back and see how I deal with you!"

"Don't worry, no one can hurt your son. It won't happen before, and it won't happen in the future. Everything is under my control."

Ye Tian said with a light smile, calming his mother's emotions, and then let go of his arms.

Next, my mother stepped forward and greeted David and Jason one by one. Everyone already knew each other, which saved a lot of politeness.

Afterwards, everyone walked to the veranda, bypassed the north room in the front yard, and walked towards the inner yard.

When he came to the entrance of the inner courtyard, Ye Tian saw his little uncle and his second uncle and aunt at a glance.

A few of them were standing in the middle of the yard, looking at Ye Tian who walked into the yard with smiles on their faces.

At the same time, Ye Tian had a panoramic view of the situation in the inner courtyard.

The layout of this courtyard is basically the same as that of the front yard, and the number of rooms is also the same. There are five north rooms and three east and west rooms. At this time, each room is brightly lit, illuminating the entire courtyard brightly.

However, there are many differences in the local details of the two courtyards, each with its own advantages and characteristics.

The most notable difference is the two trees planted in the northwest and northeast corners of the courtyard respectively.

In the northwest corner of this courtyard, a rare magnolia tree is planted, which represents repaying gratitude and implying the filial piety of children. It is also of great ornamental value and is a good anti-pollution greening tree species.

In the northeast corner of the courtyard, a pomegranate tree is planted, implying many children and blessings and family reunion.

Like the front yard, there is also a marble platform in the center of the corridor in this courtyard, and there is also a blue and white fish tank on it. The whole body is depicted with blue and white dragon patterns, which is huge and extremely magnificent.

The difference is that outside the blue and white fish tank with dragon patterns, there is a circle of metal guardrails to protect the blue and white fish tank.

The reason for this is simple.

Because this is a large Ming Xuande blue-and-white dragon vat, one of the pinnacle works of Ming Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain, worth tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of yuan, it is natural to protect it.

In addition, there are many unique and beautiful bonsai in this courtyard, including a small flowerbed, a clump of lush green bamboo, and a set of simple and elegant stone tables and benches.

Then there is a wisteria in the southwest corner, which comes from the most famous ancient vine in Beijing, the wisteria in front of Ji Xiaolan's former residence that is more than 300 years old.

Of course, this wisteria is propagated from cuttings, not the famous ancient vine.

When spring comes and everything recovers, this wisteria will sprout new buds, creating a beautiful scene of "purple clouds hanging down the ground and fragrant fragrance", adding a bit of cultural atmosphere to the gate of this mansion.

Ye Tian was very satisfied and intoxicated with the scenery in this courtyard.

But what made him even more intoxicated was the ubiquitous family affection that permeated every corner of the gate of this mansion.

While speaking, Ye Tian had come to the second uncle and little uncle, and greeted these elders one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the second uncle pointed to the north room, smiled and said:

"Xiaotian, go to the north room. Your father and grandparents are in the north room, waiting for you, especially your grandma, who has been talking about it all day."

"Okay, Second Uncle, I'm going to see my grandparents right now, you two talk first"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then walked towards the north room with unusually brisk steps.

When he walked away, the second uncle and the little uncle greeted David and the others, and went to say hello to those guys.

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