Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1984 Landmark Cultural and Museum Building

After dinner, David and Jason left and took a car to the Wangfu Hotel not far away.

Cole and several armed security personnel stayed behind and followed his uncle to the guest room in the backyard, which is the back room, where they will live tonight.

Ye Tian and his family were sitting in the living room of the north room in the inner courtyard, laughing and chatting, the theme was a series of events that happened in the past period.

The speaker is naturally Ye Tian, ​​grandparents, parents, and other family members are all his most loyal listeners.

Unlike telling these stories to other people, when telling his family members, Ye Tian tried his best to downplay the thrilling scenes in a straightforward manner, so as not to worry the family members.

Even so, listening to his narration, all the family members still felt nervous, and exclamations kept coming from the living room.

When Ye Tian introduced that he discovered the treasure and collected those valuable gold and silver treasures and antique relics, there would be bursts of cheers from the living room.

Especially when he introduced that he had exchanged a large number of national treasure-level antique artworks from famous British cultural and museum institutions such as the British Museum and the British Library, the cheers reached their peak in an instant and resounded throughout the house!

Between laughter and laughter, more than half an hour passed quickly.

Everyone's topic has changed, talking about Ye Tian and Betty's upcoming Chinese wedding in Beijing.

"Grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, have you decided on the date for the Chinese wedding? And the venue for the wedding, at home or in a hotel? You decide, and Betty and I will do it."

Ye Tian asked with a smile, looking at the family members present.

Hearing this, Dad immediately looked at Mom and motioned for her to answer.

"The date has been set, let's set it on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. It's still on holiday. Everyone has time to come to the wedding. There is no need to ask for leave. We will send invitations when you and Betty come back from New York.

There are two places in total. The place where the wedding ceremony will be held is the gate of this mansion. The people who come to the ceremony are all our relatives, friends, neighbors, and some of your children.

You can just book the banquet from a nearby restaurant or hotel, and you won’t have to worry about it. As for your friends in the field of antique art collection and other friends, just receive them in the hotel.”

My mother talked about the general arrangement of the wedding, her excited eyes lit up.

Can't you feel excited, this is my son's wedding, a lifelong event!

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, saying:

"No problem, Mom, this arrangement is very good, you can do whatever you think is good, Betty and I are two marionettes, as you command!"


There was laughter in the living room, and everyone laughed.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian went on to say:

"There is one thing I want to say. I was in London before. Given that I brought back so many national treasure-level antiques at one time, Mr. Shan of the Forbidden City said that if I wanted to, my wedding with Betty could even be held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. .

After returning to Beijing, Mr. Shan mentioned this matter again, saying that if I am interested, they can apply to the relevant departments,

I believe it is not difficult to obtain approval. What do you think about this matter? That is the Hall of Supreme Harmony! "

Before his words fell, the living room was completely boiling, and exclamations sounded one after another.

"Really, am I right? It's too exaggerated to hold a wedding in the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. Shan Lao and the others are really willing to part with it, but it's really worth it!"

"If Xiaotian and Betty's Chinese-style wedding can really be held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, although it is not unprecedented, it is very likely that there will be no one in the future. It will definitely cause a huge sensation."

Amidst the exclamation, Linlin, Chenxi, and Dongzi, the three little guys jumped up like an electric shock, dancing and shouting.

Mom was so excited that she couldn't sit still.

However, Grandpa and Dad fell silent and looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, Grandpa shook his head slightly and said:

"Forget it, Xiaotian, this Chinese wedding will be held at our home, there is no need to show off the limelight, you kid is high-profile enough abroad, it's better to keep a low profile when you return to China."

Ye Tian naturally had no objection to his grandfather's words.

"Come on! I'll listen to you, Grandpa. In fact, I think so too. There's no need to show off the limelight. Besides, it's so cold now that it's going to be a pain to hold a wedding in the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City!"


There was a sound of sighs in the living room, the mother and the others were somewhat disappointed, but they were relieved soon.

Next, Ye Tian continued to laugh and chat with his family members, enjoying the warm affection.

At this time, the night was getting darker and darker, and a waning moon hung in the sky, spreading the cold moonlight all over the capital!

The weather outside has become colder, but the gate of this mansion located in Lishi Hutong is full of family affection, warm as spring!


There was nothing to say all night, and it was the next morning in a blink of an eye.

After breakfast, Ye Tian left the big house with his parents and went straight to his grandma's house in Haidian District.

Although I came back in a hurry this time, and I will leave Beijing soon, but I must go to my grandma's house, otherwise I will just wait and see!

What followed was naturally another series of warm and touching scenes.

It wasn't until noon, after lunch, that Ye Tian left his grandma's house and drove to the Forbidden City by car.

In the Forbidden City, a large group of top experts in antique art appraisal, well-known experts and scholars who study Dunhuang studies, and several high-level officials from the Ministry of Culture and related departments are waiting for him eagerly.

After rushing to the Forbidden City and meeting with everyone, Ye Tian led these people to the vault where more than 18,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures, as well as other top-level calligraphy and painting works of art and ancient rare books were stored.

On the way, Ye Tian whispered his decision to Elder Shan, saying that he did not intend to use the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City to hold his Chinese wedding with Betty, and it would be better to keep a low profile.

However, he also thanked Mr. Shan for his kindness, and told this familiar old man that the Chinese wedding between himself and Betty would be held on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year at the gate of his mansion.

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Shan Lao looked him up and down carefully as if he didn't know him, and was very surprised.

This kid in front of him is notoriously high-profile and flamboyant! Why did it pass overnight, as if it was a different person, who actually chose to act low-key and let go of this opportunity to show off.

Although he was surprised, Mr. Shan didn't say much. Of course, what he said was useless.

While speaking, a senior official from the Ministry of Culture who he knew suddenly came to Ye Tian's side and whispered to him:

"Ye Tian, ​​we welcome and support your establishment of a private museum in Beijing. This is a good thing with all benefits and no harm. It can enrich the cultural atmosphere of Beijing!

Where did you decide to build this private museum? Have you considered this, is there a favorite location? Are you planning to use an existing building and renovate, or are you planning to build a new building entirely? "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this old friend, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Thank you for your concern. You are right. The fact that I have built a private museum in Beijing is indeed beneficial and harmless. It will not only enrich Beijing's cultural atmosphere, but also make Beijing more diverse. .

Regarding the location of this private museum, we have not yet decided, but I hope it is best to be along Chang'an Avenue within the second ring road, which can echo and complement each other with the National Museum and the Forbidden City.

I have not decided whether to use the existing building to renovate or build a new modern museum building. It depends on the specific situation, but I hope to add a new landmark building to Beijing!

I can pay for the land to build a private museum. As long as the location is ideal, the price is not a problem. In this way, I can also consume a little cash in my hand and avoid being ransacked by vultures from the IRS."

"Hey! You have a lot of ambition! If you can add a brand new landmark cultural and museum building to Beijing, that would be great. We are happy to see it, and we support it!"

The high-ranking official from the Ministry of Culture nodded excitedly, and the old man's eyes lit up with excitement.

While speaking, the group of them had already arrived at the door of the vault.

Next, everyone walked into the preparation room, all put on protective clothing and gloves.

After everything was ready, Ye Tian just opened the vault with constant temperature and humidity, took everyone inside, and started admiring the Dunhuang scriptures, rare ancient books, and top calligraphy and painting artworks that had just returned to China!

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