Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1985 Joint Exploration of the Golden City

It was another early morning, the sky in New York was cloudy and snowy, and the whole city was completely covered by thick snow. Looking around, it was a vast expanse of whiteness.

It was already the second day after returning to New York, after a little adjustment for the jet lag, Ye Tian immediately started working.

After breakfast in the morning and a short rest, Ye Tian and Betty left home, and under the escort of Mathis and the others, they drove to the company located in the Rockefeller Center building.

When the sturdy and huge Paramount Predator drove onto the streets of New York again and drove towards midtown Manhattan, it immediately attracted countless attentions and caused waves of commotion on the streets.

"That bastard Steven is back. Not long ago, he discovered the legendary treasure of the Knights Templar in England, and he ransacked the British guys and made a fortune. What a lucky bastard!"

"Isn't it! In the treasure of the Knights Templar in London, there are not only six Christian holy relics that have disappeared for at least seven hundred years, but also countless gold and silver treasures and antique relics.

According to reports, all the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the treasure have all fallen into the hands of this guy, Steven. What a huge fortune that is, it will definitely make people crazy! "

Amidst the people's discussions, Ye Tian and his convoy drove through the streets and quickly went away in the heavy snow.

It didn't take long for the convoy to arrive in front of the Rockefeller Center Plaza and stopped on the side of Fifth Avenue.

After the convoy came to a complete stop, Ye Tian took Betty out of the car, and under the protection of Mattis and the others, they walked towards the Rockefeller Center building not far away through the wind and snow.

At this time, it was the rush hour for work, and many people, like them, were walking on the square with umbrellas and braving the wind and snow.

With the appearance of Ye Tian and the others, many people in the square looked towards this side, and everyone's eyes were full of envy.

Some guys who were closer to them greeted them directly.

"Good morning, Steven, the Templar treasure you found in London is amazing, if only I could find one too, unfortunately, I can only imagine it in my dreams"

"Steven, good morning. Is that Irish Stone of Destiny real? It would be great if you brought it to New York. It will definitely become a national treasure of the United States. There are many Irish people in the United States."

For these guys who say hello, Ye Tian usually responds with a smile and nods, or a few polite words.

Soon, a group of them arrived in front of the Rockefeller Center building.

But Ye Tian didn't enter the building immediately, but stopped, and turned his head to look at the skating rink in Rockefeller Center Plaza, which was still hung with Christmas lights.

Like the rest of New York City, the most famous ice skating rink in New York was completely covered in snow, leaving a vast expanse of white.

The guys who had been protesting and demonstrating here before had disappeared, and the skating rink was rare and quiet.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately asked curiously:

"Where did those protesters go? Why didn't they see any of them? Could it be that they all withdrew because they knew that the protest was a waste of effort and had no effect? ​​That's really good news!"


There was a burst of laughter,

Betty and Mathis all laughed.

Immediately afterwards, Mattis continued to say:

"Those guys didn't evacuate. They just didn't come here because it was too cold today and it was still early. When the heavy snow stops, those guys who are full and supporting themselves will definitely appear again, and the number may be even more."

"That's how it is. Let them do what they want. If you like to protest, you can continue to protest. I don't think they will make any waves. Just be careful when entering and exiting the building. Let's go in."

After speaking, Ye Tian led Betty into the building, and Mathis and the others followed.

Soon, a group of them entered the company.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause and deafening cheers from the brave and fearless exploration company, resounding through the entire floor.

Fortunately, this floor has been taken down by Ye Tian, ​​and it is all used by the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company. These applause and cheers did not disturb others.

After cheering and celebrating, everyone returned to their respective positions and started a day's work.

Ye Tian walked into his office and began to deal with many affairs accumulated in the past period of time, and learned about the company's operation during this period of time.

Since Betty had returned to New York a long time ago and was based in New York, the operation of the company was very good without any problems.

Before I knew it, it was around ten o'clock in the morning.

In the office, Ye Tian was listening to several company employees reporting on the recent auctions when Jason knocked on the door and walked into the office.

"Steven, David and his assistant lawyer have come, and the professors from Columbia University's School of History, following David and the others, also rushed to the company"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately put down the document in his hand, smiled and said to Jason:

"Jason, take David and the professors from Columbia University to the meeting room. When the people from the Honduran embassy arrive, take them to the meeting room too. I'll go there after I've dealt with the matter at hand."

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, and then left the office to get busy.

About ten minutes later, several employees got up one after another, left the office, and went to work in the outer office area.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian also got up and left the office, walking towards the company meeting room.

As soon as he walked into the conference room, he saw several familiar faces.

Needless to say, David and Jason, several professors from Columbia University's School of History, Professor Kane, Professor Douglas, and Professor Delgado, he is also very familiar with.

In addition, there are several people from the Honduran embassy in New York in the conference room, namely the ambassador, the cultural counselor, and the legal adviser, and two others.

Among them, the Honduran ambassador, the cultural counselor, and the legal adviser had met each other a few months ago and knew each other, while the other two were unfamiliar faces and had never met.

After entering the meeting room, everyone naturally exchanged polite greetings. Ye Tian greeted these guys one by one and shook hands.

When it was the turn of the Honduran ambassador to New York, the ambassador immediately introduced the two strangers to Ye Tian.

"Mr. Steven, these two gentlemen are from Honduras. One is the special envoy of the President, Mr. Hernando, and the other is the Deputy Minister of Culture of Honduras, Mr. Gonzalez. They are all for the Golden City. Come"

Following the ambassador's introduction, Ye Tian also put on a bright smile and greeted the other party.

"Good morning, Mr. Hernando, Mr. Gonzalez, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, welcome to New York, welcome to my exploration company"

As he said that, he shook hands with the two high-ranking Honduran officials, and his performance was very polite and refreshing.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I'm Hernando, from Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. I'm also very happy to meet you. I also want to congratulate you for discovering the treasure of the Knights Templar in London."

The special envoy of the President of Honduras shook hands with Ye Tian and was also very polite.

After getting to know each other and chatting for a while, everyone sat down on both sides of the long conference table in the conference room, and quickly got to the point.

"Mr. Steven, the joint exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar by your company and the Vatican is very impressive. It has also achieved a series of major results and caused a huge sensation.

After some serious consideration and discussion, the Honduras government hopes to cooperate with you, the Intrepid Exploration Company, to jointly explore the golden city of the Mayan Empire that has been circulating in Central and South America for a long time and uncover this secret.

We can discuss the specific cooperation conditions again, or you can refer to the operation that you cooperated with Costa Rica to explore the treasures of Lima, but some details need to be changed, such as the proportion of treasures! "

Hernando looked at Ye Tian and said, his eyes were full of anticipation, even greedy.

The same goes for the other Hondurans, as well as the professors from Columbia University's School of History. They all looked at Ye Tian expectantly, waiting for his answer.

As for David and Jason, they were all very excited, and their eyes were shining brightly.

This is the legendary Golden City! It is more famous than the treasure of the Knights Templar, and it is estimated that there are more gold and silver treasures and antique relics in it. If this treasure can be found, it will definitely shake the whole world.

Looking at the Hondurans on the opposite side, Ye Tian laughed softly and complained secretly.

No need to think about it, the Hondurans must have had a bad nose in the ancient city of Copan, and paid a huge price, but they couldn't find the Golden City, so they came to New York in desperation and asked themselves to cooperate.

That being the case, then don't blame the dude for being black!

After pretending to think for a while, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Mr. Hernando, that is the famous Golden City, one of the most famous treasures in the legend. As a professional treasure hunter, I certainly hope to find the Golden City. There is no problem in cooperating with you.

However, our joint operation with the Vatican to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar is not over yet. Even if I cooperate with your Honduras government to explore the Golden City, it will have to wait until after April.

This is still a situation where everything is going well. If the operation to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar does not go smoothly and a lot of time is lost, coupled with the rainy season in Central and South America, the exploration of the Golden City may have to be postponed until next year!

Since you mentioned the proportion of the treasure, I need to explain that if I choose to cooperate with the Honduras government and successfully find the Golden City, half of the treasure must belong to me.

According to my speculation, the Golden City is very likely to be in your territory of Honduras. Under such circumstances, I think it is obviously impossible to monopolize the Golden City, but I must get half of it. This is the bottom line.

Regarding this point, you can ask the Costa Rican government to find out, if we cooperate, we can basically apply the joint exploration agreement I signed with the Costa Rican government..."

Hearing this, the Hondurans on the opposite side couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily, complaining secretly.

Sure enough, it was exactly as in the legend, the bastard Steven was so greedy that he wanted to swallow half of the treasure of the Golden City, you bastard is not afraid of choking to death!

The performance of these senior Honduran officials was all seen by Ye Tian.

As if he hadn't seen it, he continued to smile and said:

"After discovering the head of the hexagram gold scepter of the Mayan Empire, I discussed and researched with these professors from the School of History of Columbia University to interpret the Mayan characters on the head of the golden scepter.

To thank the professors for their help, I promised them that if I cooperated with the Honduras government to explore the treasures of the Golden City, Columbia University, as a third party, would also participate in the exploration..."

With that said, Ye Tian raised his right hand and gestured at Kane and Professor Douglas.

The professors nodded excitedly, and then looked at the Hondurans, everyone was full of expectations!

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