Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1986 Changing King Banner at the Head of the City

"Mr. Hernando, Mr. Gonzalez, Mr. Ambassador, I hope that after you go back, you can carefully consider the cooperation conditions I proposed and reply to me as soon as possible. I look forward to good news.

Next, our company will arrange someone to follow up on this matter and contact you. If you have any questions, please contact us. I hope we can reach a successful cooperation and jointly explore the Golden City.”

On the first floor of the Rockefeller Center building, Ye Tian shook hands with several Hondurans one by one, and bid farewell to them.

"Okay, Mr. Steven, I will return to Honduras tomorrow, hand over this agreement to Mr. President, and tell Mr. President the terms of cooperation you proposed. I believe there will be an answer soon!"

Hernando nodded with a smile and said, still full of anticipation.

Afterwards, these Hondurans walked out of the Rockefeller Center building and walked into the heavy snow outside.

After these guys left, Ye Tian and the others turned around and walked towards the elevator, returning to the company.

Negotiations with the Hondurans went smoothly.

After several hours of negotiations, Intrepid Exploration Company, the Honduras government, and Columbia University's School of History successfully reached a tripartite cooperation agreement.

Of course, this is only a preliminary agreement, and there are still many details that need to be supplemented and discussed. Moreover, this agreement does not have legal effect and remains on paper.

However, it is already very good to achieve such a result in the first meeting, and we cannot ask for more.

There are two main reasons why the negotiations went so smoothly.

One is because Ye Tian successively discovered two treasures of the Knights Templar in Cyprus and London, and the shocking effect brought about by him, as well as his brilliant achievements in the past, completely moved the Hondurans.

The more important reason, and the root cause, is the domestic political and economic situation in Honduras.

This Central American country is really too poor, and it is one of the poorest countries in the world. With a huge legendary treasure like the Golden City in front of them, they are willing to let it go!

Moreover, this country is too chaotic. It has only been established for more than a hundred years, but there have been 139 coups, almost once a year, and most of them are military coups.

The head of the city changes the king's flag!

The current Honduras government may be overthrown that day, lose power and step down, or even be thrown into prison to rot, or forced to go into exile overseas!

While the power is still in their own hands, those in power in Honduras are even less likely to let the Golden City go. For them, if they don't make a good profit at this time, how can they be worthy of themselves?

When negotiating with these Hondurans, Ye Tian kept feeling and secretly regretting!

After all, I was too soft-hearted, and only wanted half of the treasure in the Golden City, not more.

In fact, even if they asked for more treasures and put forward harsher cooperation conditions, these Hondurans would probably nod in agreement.

At the same time, he secretly raised his vigilance.

You must be very careful when working with these disreputable and already poor and crazy Hondurans, so as not to be ripped off by these guys!

After returning to the company,

Ye Tian discussed with several professors from Columbia University's School of History for a while to discuss the joint exploration of the Golden City.

Soon, it was lunch time.

He invited these experts and scholars to have lunch together in a restaurant inside the building. During the dinner, the theme of their discussion was still the Golden City.

After lunch, the professors left and returned to Columbia University.

Ye Tian returned to his company, took a short rest, then continued to deal with various affairs, and made work arrangements for the next period of time.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Tian was busy in the office when Jason knocked on the door suddenly and walked in.

"Steven, the guys from Sotheby's auction house are here. I'll take them to the conference room. According to the security personnel, those guys from Christie's and Bonhams have also arrived in the lobby downstairs!"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"After the guys from Christie's and Bonhams came up, they also arranged them in the conference room. After all the people from the major auction houses are here, I will go over to deal with them and try to get it done once!"

"Understood, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, and left the office to get busy.

About ten minutes later, Ye Tianfang left his office and came to the meeting room.

As soon as he walked into the meeting room, he saw many familiar faces.

The people in this conference room are all old friends from several top auction houses such as Sotheby's and Christie's, and everyone has dealt with Ye Tian before.

The reason why they came to the brave and fearless exploration company was to settle the previous New York autumn auction season and the subsequent auction business, and send money to Ye Tian.

But the main purpose of these guys is to collect top-level antique artworks from Ye Tian to prepare for the upcoming spring auction in New York.

These guys are very well informed. They know that Ye Tian and Betty will leave New York in a few days and fly back to Beijing for the Spring Festival. They don't know when they will come back.

Soon after the Spring Festival, Ye Tian will fly to Europe again, and continue to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar with the relevant personnel of the Vatican. It is hard to say how long he will stay in Europe.

Furthermore, the large amount of gold, silver, treasures and antiques that Ye Tian brought back from Europe before are still stored in the various vaults in New York City, and they haven't had time to deal with them yet!

Among those gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics, there are bound to be priceless top goods.

Especially the items from the treasure of the Knights Templar in Larnaca, Cyprus, are the fat in the eyes of all auction houses. Which auction house is willing to miss it?

Therefore, now is the best time to solicit top-level antique artworks from Ye Tian, ​​and the major auction houses in New York naturally flock to them.

For these old friends who came to give money, Ye Tian naturally raised his hands to welcome them. The large amount of gold, silver, treasures and antiques he had accumulated in his hands also needed to be auctioned off by these guys.

This is a win-win situation, where everyone gets what they need and what they get.

After entering the meeting room, Ye Tian greeted and shook hands with these old friends one by one, and then sat down at the meeting table.

Next, he introduced the results of his European trip to these guys, and showed the treasures he brought back to New York from Europe through related videos and pictures.

Not surprisingly, the company conference room immediately boiled.

Looking at those valuable antique works of art and dazzling gold and silver treasures, these professionals from major auction houses were immediately stimulated with red eyes, almost crazy.

Next, the meeting room became a scene of spoils.

Ye Tian put all the information about the antique artworks and gold, silver and treasures that will be auctioned in the next few months on the table, and let the several auction houses choose, coordinate and distribute them by themselves.

His behavior was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, and the scene exploded in an instant.

During the process of dividing up the spoils, these guys were all blushing and refusing to give in to each other. They even almost fought and staged a full-scale martial arts!

However, they eventually reached a verbal agreement.

Through this verbal agreement, each auction house has its own income, and they have all been allocated several very good antique works of art or gold and silver treasures, achieving the main purpose of this trip.

Two or three months later, the antique works of art and gold and silver treasures they collected will appear one by one in the New York Spring Auction Season, stirring up storms and shaking the entire New York and even the national auction market.

At that time, another huge amount of money will flow into the bank account of the Brave Warrior Fearless Exploration Company like a tide, making Ye Tian even richer.

While these guys were distributing the treasures that Ye Tian took out in the conference room, the financial staff they brought were also settling the balance of the previous auction business.

Afterwards, an astonishing amount of money flowed out of the bank accounts of the major auction houses in New York, and all flowed into the bank account of the fearless exploration company.

Such a large-scale capital flow shocked all the major banks in New York, and even alarmed the Federal Reserve.

However, when the major banks and the Federal Reserve determined the owners of these bank accounts, they were relieved and envious!

Since the payee is the Fearless Exploration Company, there is no problem.

Although this treasure hunting company is small in scale, it is a gold-sucking monster with an amazing appetite. It has devoured an unknown amount of money, and every sum of money is legal income.

It wasn't until about five o'clock that these guys from all the major auction houses in New York left Rockefeller Center, and everyone was satisfied when they left.

At this time in New York, night has fallen, and darkness is rapidly engulfing the entire city.

After a day of heavy snow, it finally stopped, but the weather became colder.

Although already off work, Ye Tian and the others did not leave the Rockefeller Center, but brought all the company's employees to a luxurious restaurant on the top floor of the building.

Downstairs of the Rockefeller Building, many vehicles came from different places and stopped at the entrance of the building.

Those who got out of these cars were either Ye Tian's security personnel and their family members, or the family members of the company's employees.

In addition, there are many security personnel from Raytheon Security Company, all of whom followed Ye Tian to explore treasures in Europe!

Without exception, everyone was dressed and excited, and everyone was looking forward to it.

There was only one reason why they rushed to the Rockefeller Center at this time, and that was the grand celebration dinner that was about to kick off in the luxurious restaurant on the top floor of the building!

There is no doubt that this will be a night full of laughter and laughter, and it will definitely be a rewarding night. Everyone who participated in this celebration dinner will get a huge surprise!

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